MTL - Marvel: Unlimited Possession-Chapter 611 grotesque man

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"Good morning, everyone in New York City, it's been two months since that nightmarish 'Day of Oblivion'..."

New York, NBC TV, reporting that the news anchor changed his previous panic and reported on the camera.

In the TV screen, the scene of construction in various parts of New York City is broadcast. The camera is particularly fixed on the ground in the center of New York that seems to be ravaged by magma and ice. Even if it has been several months, the temperature in this area It has seemed a little unusual.

Although the panic caused by the "Day of Annihilation" has gradually faded away, the damage caused by this disaster still spreads throughout New York. The number of people filing for unemployment benefits in New York City is more than the highest since World War II.

"Companies such as Stark Industries, Osborne Enterprises, and Williams Inventions have assured the New York City government that they will not make layoff decisions for their employees, and Stark Industries CEO Ms. Per Potts has donated a large amount of supplies to the federal government to help citizens who have lost their homes due to 'Day of Oblivion' to help them get through..."

In conjunction with the news anchor's report, the TV screen appeared the picture of Pepper Pepper, as well as the action of the Stark Industrial Assistance Team.

"...At the same time, the social hidden dangers caused by grotesque people have become more and more intense. These innocent people who have been mutated because of the 'Day of Oblivion' are extremely angry because of the inaction of the New York City government, and they demand that the government According to the latest intelligence released by the New York City Police Department, the number of violent incidents related to the grotesque has risen sharply in New York City, and one in ten crimes is related to the grotesque. related……"

Two months ago, the grotesque force that [Bill Sever] finally erupted and swept the entire United States, its influence began to spread gradually.

Due to the influence of grotesque light waves, the bodies of a large number of American people have mutated.

It makes their appearance different from normal humans.

The mutations produced by this grotesque light wave power are large and small.

A slight change may only be a change of one finger, but a serious one may change from one head to two heads or even more exaggerated.

Moreover, along with the mutation of the body, these grotesque people also mastered some special abilities.

Some grotesque people noticed their changes and chose to hide, but more grotesque people chose a different path from the past because of the abilities they had mastered.

Some people choose to use these powers to fight criminals and become superheroes, while others rely on physical mutations to become criminals.

Unlike a few superheroes, the grotesque people influenced by the grotesque light waves have become a huge group.

The emergence of so many weird people who are different from normal people in society has undoubtedly become a serious social problem.

Discrimination cases against grotesques are frequent, and casualties caused by grotesques are not uncommon.

The federal government is having a headache because of this group of weird people that suddenly appeared.

The entire American society's views on the grotesque group also show a bipolar phenomenon.

Some people sympathize with these grotesques and think that they are victims of the 'Day of Oblivion' disaster and should be tolerated, but some people think that grotesques are a group of monsters, and the government should regulate them to prevent them from harming ordinary people. people.

Because the weird people are all over the United States, the federal states have urgently introduced a lot of bills on the weird people.

Conservative states directly declare that grotesques need to be regulated, and even consider the changes in grotesques to be a disease that needs to be cured.

And some open states express that as long as eccentric people do not touch the laws of the state, they can enjoy the same rights as ordinary people.

It can be said that the existence of grotesque people has become another racial issue besides the black and white conflict in the United States.

Moreover, contrast and black and white conflict, the opposition between the grotesque and the ordinary people is even more acute.

After all, no matter how serious the conflict between black and white is, it is only a matter of skin color, and the contradiction between ordinary people and eccentric people is not only mixed with issues such as appearance and strength, but also because of the 'day of annihilation' among the people who died because of strange creatures.

Although these people did not die of grotesque people, it is clear that many people counted it on them.

Originally, the contradiction between the eccentric and the normal person, although serious, is far from the time of the outbreak.

In particular, less than two months have passed since the pain caused by the "Day of Annihilation".

New York City is in the midst of a dead end.

But just a few days ago, protests and riots caused by the tragic death of a grotesque man in the suburbs of New York City spread to hundreds of cities across the United States. One of the slogans of the grotesque people quickly triggered a massive "grotesque life is also a life" march movement across the United States.

These grotesques, who have been discriminated against because of their identity as grotesques, took to the streets and held high the "grotesque life is also life" to protest.

At the same time, because of this incident, the whole of America knows that there are so many weird people in the whole country.

Even, not only in the United States, but also in Mexico next door, there were also small-scale demonstrations.

[Bill Seifer] The influence of grotesque light waves, not only in the United States, but also in a small part of Mexico.

Along with the intensified demonstrations of "Weird's Lives Matter", violent demonstrations caused by grotesque people also occurred from time to time.

"Kate, what's the latest on the parade?"

On NBC TV, the news anchor had a stiff face, and the topic was thrown to the location reporters who were "weird life is life".

"...Clearly, the situation of the conflict has become more serious."

Finally got rid of the dangerous 'Day of Oblivion', but ushered in the "Weird's Lives" parade. The location reporter Kate had a stiff expression, and behind him was a parade of grotesque people, who looked different. , Some have three hands, some have more than two meters of hands and feet, and some have hair squirming like Du Meisha, the whole scene of a group of demons dancing wildly.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the camera in front of her, Kate turned her stiff body, and immediately stopped the parade of grotesques behind her, and found a slightly normal-looking grotesque with three eyes.

"Sorry, why are you participating in this parade?"

"'The life of the grotesque is life'!"

Shouting out a slogan to the camera in front of Kate, the three-eyed grotesque pointed to the eyes on his forehead and shouted excitedly: "We are not monsters, nor are we dangerous, we are just Victims of 'Day of Oblivion', we should not be treated as aliens, I used to be just like you."

"We just want to pursue equal rights."

Just when Kate was interviewing, another grotesque person inserted into the picture, she pulled off her top to reveal her three life-giving organs, and shouted: "Because of this appearance, I lost my job and lost my boyfriend. , being cast a strange stare on the street..."

"'The life of the grotesque is life'!"

"We seek equality, we seek peace..."

In the footage of the camera behind Kate, the "Weird Life is Life" parade is like a long dragon, spreading with no end in sight.


"How does it feel?"

In the Avengers Building, Tony installed the rebuilt robotic arm on the broken arm of the Early Winter Soldier. With the activation of the neural connection device in the arm, Bucky frowned slightly.

"Some are not used to it."

Bowing his head and controlling the mechanical arm to make a gripping action, Bucky replied while familiarizing himself with the brand-new mechanical arm.

"I upgraded the arm's systems and loaded it with some weapon systems that weren't there before."

In line with Tony's words, with Bucky's thoughts turning, the robotic arm quickly changed into a mechanical muzzle.

Obviously, after the transformation, the metal arm of the Winter Soldier is not only limited to physical attacks, but also has powerful long-range attack capabilities.

Of course, all this is not a one-sided gain.

Through the study of the Winter Soldier's robotic arm, especially the deformation ability, Tony has a deeper understanding of nanotechnology.

Even, the manufacture of the third-generation nano-suit has already begun.

Come to think of it, it won't be too long before a new generation of nano-suits will come out.

"As for the captain."

Looking away from Bucky's robotic arm, Tony turned his head to look at Captain America, with an apologetic expression on his face.

As [Bill Cypher] left the real dimension, those who were turned into statues also recovered again, including Captain America Steve.

However, although Steve recovered, it seemed that his shield did not.

"Sorry, the structure of the shield is so rigid that even I can't put it back together again."

Hearing Tony's answer, Steve's face clearly showed a hint of disappointment, but he quickly restrained this expression and understood.

"Don't be sorry, Tony, it wasn't your fault in the first place."

"Okay, Captain, I'm just joking a little."

Seeing Steve's expression so serious, Tony gave up his plan to joke again, shrugged his shoulders and took out a brand new vibranium shield.

In fact, Tony joked a little bit about the outcome of the restoration.

But in fact, the repair of the entire shield is really as difficult as it said.

Even, the sturdy nature of the shield forced Tony once to use the magical power of Stephen Strange to directly trace the time of the shield and use time to reverse the repair.

However, in the end, Dr. Hank Pym of the Illuminati proposed his own solution, and T'Challa the Panther offered to help out of his understanding of the characteristics of Vibranium. In the end, with the help of the two, Tony still completed the Made fixes for shields.

"Thank you, Tony."

Reaching out to find the shield in Tony's hand, feeling this long-lost touch, a smile finally appeared on Steve's face.

"You need to thank me for more than repairing the shield."

Facing Captain America's thanks, Tony raised the corners of his mouth and took out two more bracers and handed them to him.

There are shrinkable shields inside these two bracers, and the material used for them is also the same vibration metal as the shields.

With the help of T'Challa, Tony's research on vibration gold finally made a breakthrough, and the two bracers in the hands of Captain America are the products of this progress.

"Then, I won't disturb you two old people to chat with each other."

Handing things over to the Winter Soldier and Captain America, Tony teased them and left the training base where the two were.

However, as Tony came out of the base, the smile on his face immediately subsided.

"Jarvis, what is the result of the investigation?"

Restraining the smile on his face, Tony asked Jarvis.

"Sorry~ Mr., there is no relevant content."

In my ear, Jarvis' voice sounded.

The look in Tony's eyes flickered for a while, but he quickly recovered, and returned to his normal appearance again, and came to another floor of the Avengers Building.

"Mr. Stark."

Take a step, just entered.

Ultron's gentle and rational voice sounded.

As [Bill Cypher] left the reality dimension, Ultron also broke away from the original flesh and blood body. After regaining its rationality, it was obviously not bewitched by the 'parallax monster' in the [Yellow Lantern Ring], and exchanged the lamp ring again to Jack Simon of 'The Chaos Insurgency'.

During the period, the scp foundation once planned to contain [Yellow Lantern Ring], but in the end it gave up because of [Sakaski]. Kaski] did not break out into a bigger conflict with the Foundation again, which is also a great blessing in misfortune for the Avengers.

"How's it going?"

"The parade of conflicts is still going on. According to the current statistics of the states, the number of monstrous people who have been mutated by the power of grotesque light waves has exceeded 500,000, and this number still has a certain black number..."

The blue light in his eyes flickered for a while. Since this time, Ultron has been sorting out the information of the grotesque under Tony's arrangement.

However, as it collected more of the grotesque situation, there was a daze in the processing system that should not be possessed by artificial intelligence.

It recalls everything the "Parallax Demon" once said, and it seems that human beings will never be able to coexist peacefully.

Obviously, these grotesques are the victims of all events.

However, as events unfolded, they became a source of social unrest.