MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 33

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The exam is over.

Jiang Shuyi felt refreshed.

The results have not yet come down, but the two-day sports meeting has already begun.

The sports meeting of Chengbei High School is ranked according to the points obtained by each class in the competition.

The classmates in Jiang Shuyi's class didn't perform well all morning. After a few games, they fell behind the other classes. Although the students who played later made up for it, when Jiang Shuyi played, their class was still the first in grade. four.

Jiang Shuyi combed his hair into a ponytail today and hung it behind his head.

The long ponytail looked sassy and swayed behind her head.

The referee gave Jiang Shuyi a numbered vest, and Jiang Shuyi simply put the white numbered vest on his body.

Although this size vest looks a bit bloated and ugly to other people, it doesn't look like this on this slender Alpha.

"Jiang Shuyi, as long as you get the top three, our class will still have a chance to improve. Come on."

The sports committee member in the class patted her on the shoulder earnestly, as if pinning all his hopes on her.

After a while, everyone outside the venue walked out.

"Everyone on your marks...ready—" The referee raised the flare gun.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Jiang Shuyi rushed out.

Jiang Shuyi's physical ability is still very good.

Among all abilities, her explosive power is more prominent, so she has an absolute advantage in sprinting.

In short, for the sprint, at least a top three finish is a given for her.

Under the sun, Jiang Shuyi's hair was lifted by the wind melodiously, forming a beautiful scenery.

She was far ahead of the students who ran together at the beginning.

A ride away.

Everywhere Jiang Shuyi passed by, there was a clean and refreshing scent of lemon balm.

"Come on! Senior sister—!"

Jiang Shuyi, the school bully, has a good reputation, but he seems to be very popular among the lower grade students.

Anyway, Jiang Shuyi's face is very deceiving, it looks bright and elegant, which will naturally attract the likes of some good-for-nothing people.

As soon as her competition started, students gathered around the playground to cheer her on.

Wen Yao, who was on the other side of the rostrum, listened to the sound of cheering, and looked indifferently at the playground.

The Alpha with a confident smile crossed the finish line with a very light posture.

Jiang Shuyi supported his knees to calm his breathing, after a while, she raised her head and wiped the sweat on her neck with the back of her hand.

"Mr. Yi! We are now in third place!" The sports committee standing outside the court cheered more happily than anyone else.

At this time, a school girl walked up to Jiang Shuyi, she was wearing a name tag, she should be a member of the student union.

She wears two braids that are very literary and girlish, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

At first glance, it looks like the secretary of the student union.

Jiang Shuyi stared at her glasses in a daze.

She doesn't like glasses.

It's just that she remembered that Professor Wen would occasionally wear gold-rimmed glasses.

That pair of glasses is very similar to the glasses worn by this girl now, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The little professor of high school students does not wear glasses. Jiang Shuyi looked at the similar pair of glasses and sighed.


She hoped that Wen Yao would be in good health.

I also hope that Wen Yao's eyesight will always be good.

That's right, now that I think about it, Professor Wen looks really good-looking in glasses...

Thinking about it, Jiang Shuyi sighed in his heart.

The school girl felt a little embarrassed by Jiang Shuyi's focused and obsessive eyes.

She couldn't help turning her ears red, and said seriously: "Sister Jiang, are you listening to me?"

"What did you say?" Jiang Shuyi came back to his senses.

"The next match will be in fifteen minutes." The school girl repeated patiently.

"...Oh, I see." Jiang Shuyi nodded.


"Squad leader of Class 1, Senior 3, here is the scoreboard for your class competition—"

The teacher next to the rostrum shouted loudly.

"Where's the monitor of Class One, Senior Three?" The teacher called again after not seeing anyone for a long time.

Watching Jiang Shuyi walk away, Wen Yao's gaze also moved away from the girl who was very literary and girlish in the distance.

"Here." Wen Yao raised his hand quietly, and walked over calmly.


Jiang Shuyi easily won the first place in the next competition as if it was a matter of course.

After the final match, Jiang Shuyi returned to the class.

Everyone in the class was talking about how happy it was for her to get the first place and step on the second class.

Yes, her class has a constant hostile target, the 'Second Class'.

The collective consciousness of their class is also fully developed for the 'second class'.

Whether it is every exam or competition, as long as there are group activities, the second class is the target of their class.

But Jiang Shuyi didn't care about these.

"Where's Wen Yao?" Jiang Shuyi looked around the class and asked abruptly.

She thought Wen Yao would be here too, but she didn't see Wen Yao after walking around.

"As for the monitor, it seems like you just returned to class?" Zhou Jingtang recalled.

He looked at his watch, and then asked: "By the way, Mr. Yi, do you want to have lunch with me? It's already noon."

Jiang Shuyi waved his hand.

"Go find someone else to eat." She walked towards the teaching building opposite the cafeteria,

Zhou Jingtang looked at Jiang Shuyi's back in a hurry and wondered what happened to her.

"Where is she going?"

"Let's go back to class." Song Jinxi looked up at Jiang Shuyi, feeling as if he already knew who she was going to find.

Zhou Jingtang glanced at her, "Are you having lunch?"

"Don't eat."


Jiang Shuyi walked back to the teaching building.

Because today is the sports meeting, the teaching building is of course empty.

The class is full of sports meeting props and banners, in a mess.

No one in the class was...

Jiang Shuyi didn't see Wen Yao and suddenly felt a little lost.

Jiang Shuyi walked to Wen Yao's table and sat down.

"Why are you so busy being the squad leader..." Jiang Shuyi felt aggrieved for Wen Yao first.

She really felt that Wen Yao was really pitiful.

Why bother to be the squad leader, this person is obviously not in character to do such a thing.

Jiang Shuyi fiddled with the books on Wen Yao's desk, and found a meal card on Wen Yao's desk.

The cafeteria has just opened now, if Wen Yao wants to eat, he should come back later to get his meal card.

Jiang Shuyi was in a better mood, she could wait for Wen Yao to come back to have dinner together.

Jiang Shuyi rested his chin on Wen Yao's book and looked at the door.

After watching for a while, she found that her eyes wanted to close...

In fact, she has been studying and taking exams recently. After the exams, she will go to the sports meeting again, so she is already very tired.

Now that the things that should be done are done, she can't help but feel a little sleepy as soon as she relaxes...


In his sleep, Jiang Shuyi heard the sound of flipping a book.


Jiang Shuyi felt that he had slept for a while, and his head became more drowsy.

The whole body is as heavy as if it is in chains.

Although he had some sporadic consciousness, Jiang Shuyi still felt that he couldn't open his eyes.

She frowned.

But in the next second, she felt her brows become icy cold.

...Is there someone who is helping me to comfort my eyebrows. Jiang Shuyi thought very reassuringly.

That hand carried a faint, pleasant aroma of roses.

Bitter and fragrant rose.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help stretching out his hands, and grabbed those cold hands.

That hand wanted to be pulled back, but Jiang Shuyi didn't let go of that hand.

So the owner of that hand didn't move either.


Jiang Shuyi opened his eyes in a daze.

Wen Yao's slender backlit figure came into her eyes.

Jiang Shuyi took a light breath.

Wen Yao sat on the seat next to Jiang Shuyi, holding a book in his hand, and Jiang Shuyi grabbed the other hand.

Because of the position by the window, Wen Yao's body blocked the sunlight shining on Jiang Shuyi's face, and also because the sunlight was coated with a layer of soft golden light, her eyelashes caught the sun's eyelashes. Under the light, it turned into a faint golden color.

Wen Yao's hair and her outline, in this layer of light

Jiang Shuyi looked at her intently and blinked.

Wen Yao looked at his hand held by Jiang Shuyi, then looked at Jiang Shuyi who had been silent for a long time, and calmly closed the book,

"Hold on to my hand, won't you say something?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, but still did not let go, "Thank you."

"You help me soothe my eyebrows..." she then added.

Wen Yao looked at her, and slowly pulled his hand out of Jiang Shuyi's, "It's okay, I just saw it by chance."

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's withdrawn hand, and lowered his gaze pitifully.

The soreness from sleeping on the table came over, Jiang Shuyi supported his body with his hands, "...Wen Yao."

Wen Yao responded, "Yes."

Jiang Shuyi's voice was a little sleepy, "What time is it?"

"Twelve noon." Wen Yao looked at the wall clock in the classroom and replied calmly.

"Why am I still a little sleepy?" Jiang Shuyi yawned.

"You can continue to sleep." Wen Yao's tone remained unchanged.

"But, I still want to have dinner with you."

Jiang Shuyi's eyes started to blink again in a daze.

Jiang Shuyi rubbed his eyes with his hands, and planned to sit up.

Although sleep is very important to her, missing the chance to have dinner with Wen Yao will make her feel very uncomfortable.

"You can sleep for another hour, Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi's eyes that were about to close, with a somewhat accommodating tone.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned, she blinked, "Aren't you hungry?"

"I originally planned to finish my book before going to dinner." Wen Yao's tone couldn't tell the truth.

Wen Yao opened the book in his hand, and turned another page without looking at her, "Exactly, I will wake you up in an hour, and then you will go to dinner with me."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her and smiled, "Okay."


half an hour ago.

Wen Yao finished dealing with the affairs in the class, and when he returned to the classroom, he found someone sitting in his seat.

She walked over quietly, and saw Jiang Shuyi fell asleep holding her book on it.

Wen Yao glanced at the Alpha who was sleeping with a silly face, and a big Alpha curled up like a child.

She couldn't help touching her textbook.

Good thing someone didn't drool today...

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's face and was silent for a while.

"Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao called out.


Jiang Shuyi slept on Wen Yao's book, his sleeping face looked very happy, without worries.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's face and paused for a long time.

Today Jiang Shuyi combed his ponytail, but the broken hair around his ears still hasn't been taken care of.

Wen Yao stretched out his hand and gently stroked the broken hair beside Jiang Shuyi's ear, and the sleeping man rubbed against her palm as if he felt very comfortable.

"Jiang Shuyi." Looking at her like this, Wen Yao couldn't help saying Alpha's name in a low voice.

Jiang Shuyi who fell asleep did not answer.

"Jiang Shuyi."

"..." Still no answer.

Wen Yao clenched the book in his hand, and slowly approached Jiang Shuyi's face...

She glanced behind her, and after confirming that there was no one there, she kissed the corner of Jiang Shuyi's mouth.

Jiang Shuyi slept soundly.

after awhile.

As if nothing had happened, Wen Yao sat beside Jiang Shuyi and flipped through the book in his hand.