MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 36

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Song Jinxi watched Jiang Shuyi go to the grade director's office, and immediately followed.

As soon as Song Jinxi arrived at the door of the guidance room, she heard Feng Junhua knock on the table with his knuckles at Jiang Shuyi.

"I ask this question because there are some rumors in the grade. Although I don't want to doubt the students, but it involves principles of Taoism. I hope you can answer honestly, Jiang Shuyi."

Hearing these words, Song Jinxi immediately wanted to rush into the office to help Jiang Shuyi clarify, but before he went in, he heard a quiet voice saying:

"I didn't cheat."

Jiang Shuyi's expression didn't change at all.

She showed no obvious annoyance or shouted, but her voice echoed.

Very deterrent.

Song Jinxi originally thought that Jiang Shuyi would be angry.

She, a non-participant, was actually a little angry when she heard that. Jiang Shuyi, who was the client, should be even more angry, right? Song Jinxi thought.

But the fact is, Jiang Shuyi was as calm as if nothing happened.

So while Song Jinxi was relieved that Jiang Shuyi didn't cause trouble, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Feng Junhua stared at Jiang Shuyi sternly with his own eyes.

"Really not?"

Feng Junhua is a burly Alpha, because he is the grade teacher, so he always needs to criticize the students with a straight face.

In school, he was a teacher who frightened students and tensed up his nerves, and was a symbol of fear for students.

So every time he just stared at the students, the students would be afraid of him and couldn't help but confide something.

He wanted to see guilt, retreat and timidity from Jiang Shuyi's face to prove that his thoughts were correct.

But Jiang Shuyi looked straight at Feng Junhua's eyes, and said word by word:

"Director Feng, although I don't know who made this rumor."

"But the next time I take the test, I can still get such a score, and the next time, and the next time, it will still be the same."

"The reason why I didn't cheat is that there are countless ways I can prove that I didn't cheat."

"But those who say I cheated, there is no evidence that I cheated."

"I can call the police right now to investigate who is spreading the rumors."

Jiang Shuyi's tone was upright.

"Because I didn't cheat, that's the truth."

Feng Junhua was silent.

It's been a long time.

"Really." He said.

"It would be best if you didn't make a mistake." Feng Junhua's tone also began to relax.

Because everything is said for this sake, as long as the next exam will see the result.

Jiang Shuyi's tone was so affirmative that he was also shaken.

Moreover, for the sake of the school, he didn't want to call the police over and make things worse.

So after a long silence, Feng Junhua coughed.

"Then you go to eat..."


Jiang Shuyi walked out of the office without any ups and downs on his face, the situation was calm.

Song Jinxi saw her coming out, and immediately walked to her side, "Jiang Shuyi, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Jiang Shuyi wondered why Song Jinxi was here.

Song Jinxi took out her mobile phone, "I'll call Aunt Tang and ask Auntie to come and help you—"

But Jiang Shuyi immediately put his hand on Song Jinxi's and jumped out of the dialing interface.

"Don't disturb her work."

Now Tang Wenzhen's research project has entered the final stage and is very busy.

Jiang Shuyi didn't want to disturb her.

"But won't you be angry if someone discredits you?"

Song Jinxi felt very angry.

"I'm not going to get mad about this kind of thing."

Jiang Shuyi put a few coins into the vending machine, took out a can of lemon tea and handed it to Song Jinxi.

"It would be tiring to respond to rumors one by one..."

"As long as I keep my grades, this kind of rumor will be self-defeating one day."

Jiang Shuyi patted Song Jinxi's shoulder.

Song Jinxi took the lemon tea and felt like an adult for a moment.


Jiang Shuyi and Song Jinxi walked to the cafeteria.

After Jiang Shuyi hurriedly ordered his meal, he walked around the cafeteria, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi walked around and came back, standing blankly in the middle of the cafeteria.

"What's wrong?" Song Jinxi also finished cooking and walked behind her.

"Wen Yao seems to have finished his meal." Jiang Shuyi lowered his eyes.

Her expression was obviously much more pitiful than when she came out of the office just now. Song Jinxi thought.

Whether Jiang Shuyi is naive or mature, Song Jinxi has no way to say clearly.

Jiang Shuyi is occasionally mature.

It's just that her maturity, in front of the name Wen Yao, seems to turn into bubbles and collapse...

As long as something related to Wen Yao is in Jiang Shuyi's field of vision, this Alpha will be like a hurricane, unable to hear or see anything around him.


The rumors were unraveled in the evening self-study.

No one thought that the person who came to dispel the rumors was Deng Ningxuan.

During evening self-study.

Deng Ningxuan stood on the podium, holding a written manuscript and read:

"I'm standing here now to apologize for spreading the false rumor that Jiang Shuyi cheated in the exam this morning..."

"Jiang Shuyi cheated in the exam, I spread false rumors."

"This is just my own unfounded speculation, and I admit that I made mistakes out of jealousy."

"..." Deng Ningxuan looked at Jiang Shuyi after reading the whole article, "In order to reflect on my personal wrong behavior, I sincerely apologize to you."

"Jiang Shuyi, I'm sorry."

He bowed somewhat sincerely.

Although I don't know why the person who spread the rumor would stand up and apologize after spreading it for a long time.

But the people in the class obviously had complex expressions, their eyes were either questioning, contemptuous, or betrayed.

This made Deng Ningxuan who was standing on the podium blush in embarrassment.

Jiang Shuyi accepted the apology.

After hearing this apology, Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang reacted very strongly.

The former tugged at Jiang Shuyi's sleeve and said that he wanted Deng Ningxuan to take the apology to the radio station and read it aloud.

The latter told Jiang Shuyi that he had already posted the short essay on the school bulletin board, and now he was helping the passing students to read it one by one.

During the quarrel, Wen Yao, who was collecting homework, took away the paper in front of Jiang Shuyi, and seemed to have no feelings for Deng Ningxuan's little composition just now.

Sure enough, he was a top student who kept his ears shut and only read sage books.

Jiang Shuyi tugged Wen Yao's sleeve, "Can we go back together after school?"

"...Yeah." Wen Yao nodded calmly.


Lunch break at noon.

Deng Ningxuan and Wen Yao walked to the mathematics office together.

Wen Yao glanced at Deng Ningxuan beside him, and found that he seemed to be in a very good mood.

Wen Yao walked forward expressionlessly.

"Deng Ningxuan."

"The activity record sheet of the sports meeting should be placed with you, have you written it?"

Wen Yao calmly hugged the math homework, turned his back to Deng Ningxuan and asked.

Deng Ningxuan came down with a pile of math homework, "Yes, I wrote it."

He looked at Wen Yao with a smile in his voice.

"Then please wait to hand in the form to the administrative office, because the deadline is tomorrow, I hope you don't make any mistakes."

Deng Ningxuan nodded.


Wen Yao tidied up the notebook again, turned his back to Deng Ningxuan and said quietly:

"Also, please apologize to Jiang Shuyi."


Hearing Wen Yao's words, Deng Ningxuan felt his fingertips holding his math homework turn cold all of a sudden.

The expression on his face was frozen, and his eyes couldn't help but cautiously looked around the empty office.

After confirming that no one else was there, he immediately adjusted his expression and smiled friendly as always,

"What are you talking about, Wen Yao...?"

"Deng Ningxuan."

Wen Yao threw the ground loudly, but for a moment, Deng Ningxuan felt his scalp go numb.

"You should know exactly what I'm talking about."

Wen Yao's words were merciless, with a trace of coldness, "You are the one who spread the rumor about Jiang Shuyi, right?"

Deng Ningxuan paused, put the book back on the table, and gave a dry laugh.

He found that the corners of his mouth were a little stiff, and the skin of his mouth stood on his teeth, "Wen Yao, you shouldn't be such a person who doesn't know right from wrong, right?"

"I may have said something about her, but I'm just a part of what others say."

"How can you be sure that I am the one who told the rumors?"

"It's not the beginning of the rumors. You blame me like this... Isn't it a bit bad?"

"Aren't you going to talk about the evidence?"

Deng Ningxuan helped his glasses, but felt that his palms were sweaty, and he couldn't straighten his glasses no matter what.

Wen Yao glanced at it, and slowly began to read, "Li Qingyan, Xie Mengting, Zhu Chengxin..."

Listening to Wen Yao reciting the names of his classmates, Deng Ningxuan felt that the sweat dripping down his back was enough to drown him.

"Do you still want to listen?" Wen Yao continued without frowning.

She looked at Deng Ningxuan calmly, "I have many ways to prove that you are the source."

"Of course, it's not impossible for Jiang Shuyi to let other people intervene in this matter, such as the police or lawyers."

"It's just that this is a fact that even I can investigate. I think the police should know better."

Wen Yao said quietly, without any ups and downs on his face.

Hearing the police and lawyers, Deng Ningxuan's expression became more and more ugly, but he still tried his best to maintain a smile.

"...Are you joking, Wen Yao?"

"There's no need to make such a big fuss, right?"

"Are we close enough to joke around?"

Wen Yao looked at his broken smile calmly, and asked back without haste.

Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao's cold, emotionless eyes and was speechless for a moment.

For a moment, he recalled the scene of Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao standing together.

He finally couldn't help but said in a low voice:

"Then you and Jiang Shuyi have reached that point?"

"you like her?"

"..." Wen Yao was silent for a while, "I didn't."

"Then why are you defending her so much?"

"Jiang Shuyi, he is obviously just a poor student who is just waiting to die..."

Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao disappointedly, "I know Jiang Shuyi better than you, I was in the same class as her last year."

"She fights and skips class every day, doing nothing all day, causing trouble."

Deng Ningxuan chuckled, "Such a person can raise so many points in less than a month?"

"I do not believe."

"Unless it's cheating, I can't imagine any other way!"

"This kind of person, what is better than me?! Why do you help her? What qualifications does she have to stand with you!?"

Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao choked up while talking, and asked what he had always wanted to ask.

Wen Yao looked at his heaving chest, his tone didn't change much,

"Deng Ningxuan, I told you last time, don't worry about my business, I have nothing to do with you, and I don't need you to point out my relationship with other people."

Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao, and felt that Wen Yao's words were stabbing his chest word by word.

With a low voice, he looked at Wen Yao coldly as if taking revenge, "Wen Yao."

"Jiang Shuyi chased Yan Jingshu before, but what is her relationship with you?"

"I don't think Jiang Shuyi likes you very much." He pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Now that Yan Jingshu is back, will she still be with you?"

Deng Ningxuan smiled with a gloomy face.

Wen Yao remained expressionless, as calm as ever.

She paused for a while, raised her head calmly, and walked towards the door, seemingly not paying any attention to these words.

"Deng Ningxuan."

"If I don't hear you clarify Jiang Shuyi within today, I will call the police."


Deng Ningxuan took a breath dryly, the expression on his face suddenly became weak, his eyes gradually darkened, "I see..."

"I will apologize to Jiang Shuyi."