MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 38

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The humming noise of the bus engine.

Standing in front of Li Roujia, the head teacher, Jiang Shuyi put the suitcase into the car with some embarrassment.

Because the meeting time was early today, Jiang Shuyi was late.

Just now Li Roujia greeted her at the car door, saying that if she was ten minutes late, she would have to take a taxi to the hotel by herself.

Jiang Shuyi got into the car, and as soon as he got in the car, he saw Wen Yao sitting in the first row holding a book.

Wen Yao simply put her hair behind her ears today, and her white ears were exposed in the air, looking a bit cold.

She saw Jiang Shuyi get into the car, but did not speak.

Jiang Shuyi's throat moved, she looked at the seat next to Wen Yao, there was a bag on the seat.

She looked at the bag, "Wen Yao, is this your bag?"

"No." Wen Yao said in a calm tone.

"Whose is that?"

Jiang Shuyi's tone became a little dissatisfied, as if he was about to pack the bag away.

Wen Yao glanced at the door before answering, Li Roujia's voice sounded from behind Jiang Shuyi, "Mine, what's wrong?"

Dissatisfied with Jiang Shuyi's question just now, he immediately thanked him.

"Oh, not much."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Li Roujia nodding with a fake smile, and walked towards the back of the car a little aggrieved.

In the center of the vehicle, Song Jinxi, Zhou Jingtang and a few students were sitting together playing board games.

Zhou Jingtang looked at Jiang Shuyi and said, "Boss Yi, do you want to play together?"


Jiang Shuyi shook his head, she wanted to sleep even more.

She took a seat in the back row where no one was there, and put the hood on her head to cover her eyes.

After a few minutes, she felt drowsy.

" did you get here?"

When she was about to fall asleep, Li Roujia's voice sounded from the car door.

It seemed that there were people who came later than me.

Jiang Shuyi closed his eyes and thought, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

"There are some things at home." A voice rang out.

"I can't do this next time, the students in the class are waiting..."


Jiang Shuyi seemed to hear Li Roujia clap her hands.

"Now everything is here, you can go, master."

The heater in the bus hummed, Jiang Shuyi hugged his arms tightly.

From the car, the sound of the students in front playing poker, the sound of the students talking and laughing in the class, and the sound of the video came from the surroundings.

Jiang Shuyi felt that he was about to fall asleep, and his consciousness had become hazy.

At this time, the position beside her moved, and the chair sank in part.

A faint sweet orange smell wafted through the air.

Jiang Shuyi sniffed, and lazily opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Yan Jingshu undoing the curtain beside her.

Yan Jingshu was wearing a school sportswear. Compared with her usual delicate appearance, she looked much more refreshed, and she had the feeling of a girl next door.

"Did it wake you up?" Yan Jingshu looked at the curtains, "The sun is too harsh, I want to close the curtains."

Jiang Shuyi rubbed his eyes, and sat down unnaturally, "Why are you sitting next to me?"

"There is a seat next to you, why can't I sit?"

After hearing her words, Yan Jingshu frowned and looked at her displeasedly.

"This bus is yours? Do you want to stipulate where I sit?"


Jiang Shuyi was so stunned that he had nothing to say, "That's not what I meant."


"I'm just asking, don't be angry."

Alpha's voice came from behind.

Wen Yao's gaze stayed on the seat behind, and then slowly moved back.

Li Roujia is explaining matters to Wen Yao, "When you arrive at the destination, first confirm the number of students in the class, and then report to me, I will contact the restaurant at the destination first..."

"I understand." Wen Yao nodded as usual, his expression unchanged.


After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Jiang Shuyi woke up.

She took the hood off.

Yan Jingshu was talking to Song Jinxi, after a while, Song Jinxi looked at her, "Are you awake?"

"En." Jiang Shuyi nodded.

Song Jinxi picked up the box in his hand, "Do you eat chocolate?"

"Bring it back from that chocolate shop in France."

Sitting between the two of them, Yan Jingshu seemed to feel that it was not convenient for Jiang Shuyi to hold it, so she reached out and took a piece of dark chocolate and handed it to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the piece of chocolate with a bitter face, "I don't want to eat it..."

"..." Yan Jingshu was stunned for a moment, feeling that the hand that was handing out the chocolate was a bit cold, but she still smiled and asked Jiang Shuyi, "Why? Don't you like dark chocolate?"

"I don't like it now..." Jiang Shuyi said bluntly.

The original owner is a person who likes to eat bitter chocolate, no matter how bitter the black chocolate is, the original owner can always taste a little sweetness from it.

But Jiang Shuyi was different.

Jiang Shuyi is fond of sweets, he is not very good at eating bitter things, no matter how sweet the chocolate is, he can taste a bit of bitterness from it.

Yan Jingshu looked at Jiang Shuyi with a light smile, as if she didn't believe it, "Do you really not like eating now?"

"Or is it because I gave you this chocolate, so you don't like it?"

She sat quietly on the seat, although her expression was smiling, she felt very serious.

Hearing Yan Jingshu's question, Song Jinxi sighed. She looked out of the window in embarrassment, and felt her hand holding the chocolate start to feel hot.

Jiang Shuyi felt the inexplicable embarrassment in the air, but he still said the truth: "...I actually want to eat that piece of caramel chocolate more."

Her eyes fell on the well-decorated, sweet caramel chocolate in Song Jinxi's box.

"You have so many hobbies, Jiang Shuyi."

With a faint smile, Yan Jingshu handed the caramel chocolate to her,

"I liked it before, but now I say I don't like it and I don't like it."

"..." Jiang Shuyi ate the caramel chocolate without saying a word, the caramel chocolate still tastes good.

Looking at Jiang Shuyi, Yan Jingshu didn't say another word until she got off the car.


The place we went to on the first day was Forest Park.

The sun looks exceptionally warm today, with the sunlight filtering through the gaps in the leaves and the mist creating a beautiful Tyndall effect.

After arriving at the scenic spot, the students in the class left their suitcases on the bus and walked to the destination with their bags on their backs.

Wen Yao is counting down the number of people.

When he walked in front of Jiang Shuyi and the others, Zhou Jingtang was swearing, "So, I think there must be an elk!"

"Impossible, and it's not Inner Mongolia." Song Jinxi replied firmly.

Jiang Shuyi, who was standing in the middle of them and smiling, saw Wen Yao approaching, and immediately greeted Wen Yao:

"Wen Yao, will you come with us?"

Wen Yao glanced at Yan Jingshu and Song Jinxi beside Jiang Shuyi, and refused without hesitation.


Jiang Shuyi wanted to say something, but saw Wen Yao walking in front of Li Roujia.

Li Roujia nodded after listening to Wen Yao's words, and led the classmates to the destination.

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head and sighed.

"The last one to arrive will be punished!"

I don't know who said loudly in front of the class, although it was just a joke, but the people in the class unconsciously quickened their pace.

Wen Yao frowned.

Although she has good athletic nerves, her endurance is not good.

Moreover, her condition is not particularly good today, and she has been extremely tired since the morning.

His body was as cold as if he had been soaked in ice water, and his shoulders were also very heavy.

She looked up to the front, Jiang Shuyi was walking in front with Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang, seeming to be discussing something.

Yan Jingshu also followed them, smiling from time to time.


Wen Yao continued to lower his head, and began to walk forward in silence, without looking ahead.

As the length of the journey changed, Wen Yao, who was originally walking at the end of the group at first, started to fall behind the group by a few steps after passing through a few steps.

The voices of the students in the class also began to become farther away, and the people around gradually decreased and became very quiet, and the singing of wild birds in the forest could be heard.

He looked at some unfamiliar faces around him.

Wen Yao felt that he couldn't go on.

At this time, the backpack on her shoulder was pulled and taken off.

A whiff of lemon balm filled her nostrils with vigor.

Wen Yao's eyelashes trembled slightly.

She raised her head and glanced at Alpha who was carrying her bag on her back.

Jiang Shuyi took out an unopened bottle of lemon tea from his bag and handed it to Wen Yao, "Drink some water."


Wen Yao's hand stopped in the air, not taking the bottle of lemon tea.

Her tone was as usual without any ups and downs, "I'm fine."

"Give me back the bag." Wen Yao's voice was a little tough.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's somewhat weak face, and put the drink in her hand with a look of disbelief.

"Take a sip and talk."

"..." Wen Yao glanced at the lemon tea in his hand, but didn't answer.

Maybe it was bought at a scenic spot, but Jiang Shuyi's bottle of lemon tea is still hot.

She blinked, unscrewed the bottle cap stiffly, and took a sip.

A feeling of warmth flowed through my stomach.

Wen Yao screwed on the bottle cap quietly, looked at Jiang Shuyi, "...I drank it."

She signaled Jiang Shuyi to return the bag to herself.

Jiang Shuyi rubbed Wen Yao's head.

"I'll return the bag to you when you look better, but not now."

Wen Yao didn't speak.

In fact, without that bag, her shoulders are much lighter, and it is not as uncomfortable as before.

"..." Jiang Shuyi put Wen Yao's hand in his hand, letting her hold the bottle of lemon tea, "Warm your hand."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's expression and said nothing. After a long time, she pulled her hand out of Jiang Shuyi's.

"You despise me so much." Jiang Shuyi lowered his head.

Wen Yao looked at her expression and thought it was a little funny.

So, she reached out and took Jiang Shuyi's hand.

Jiang Shuyi raised his head at once, and looked at Wen Yao with wide eyes.

Sensing Alpha's gaze, Wen Yao explained nonchalantly:

"Your hands need to be warmer."

"...Oh, that's it." Jiang Shuyi nodded obediently.


when going uphill.

Jiang Shuyi originally followed Song Jinxi, Zhou Jingtang and the others.

When Song Jinxi was talking to Jiang Shuyi, she was very absent-minded, walking and stopping, looking behind after walking a few steps, looking behind after walking a few steps.

Halfway through the walk, Jiang Shuyi looked behind him, stopped all of a sudden, and ran behind the large group of troops.

"Why is Boss Yi still running back? Did you drop your phone?" Zhou Jingtang glanced in Jiang Shuyi's direction.

"It's not that the phone was dropped." Song Jinxi glanced at the direction Jiang Shuyi left.

"What is that?" Zhou Jingtang asked.

Song Jinxi didn't say much, she was already used to it, and even guessed that Jiang Shuyi would do this.

But in Yan Jingshu's view, the way Jiang Shuyi, who was walking in front, suddenly started to walk towards the rear of the large army was particularly conspicuous.

She paused.

When looking down from the balcony at the corner, I saw Jiang Shuyi taking Wen Yao's bag and carrying it on his shoulder.

He stopped for a moment.

Song Jinxi glanced at Yan Jingshu beside him and didn't dare to speak.

Yan Jingshu looked at Song Jinxi's expression and smiled casually, "What's your expression?"

"I'm fine, Song Jinxi."

Yan Jingshu picked up her backpack and continued walking.

As if nothing happened.

It's just that she was about to take a step, but because of the satchel, it was hung by a tree branch by the roadside.

"...Don't move." Song Jinxi looked at Yan Jingshu and sighed, and took the branch out of her bag.

Yan Jingshu lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Several people continued to walk forward.

However, even Zhou Jingtang, who had never been able to read the atmosphere, found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between them.

"What's wrong with you? Yan Jingshu..." Zhou Jingtang asked.

"Thinking about something."

"Ah? What's the problem?"

Yan Jingshu glanced at him, then smiled nonchalantly,

"Suppose, among chocolates, there is a person who likes only dark chocolate, and nothing but dark chocolate."

"...Oh, there are indeed such people." Zhou Jingtang nodded.

"But that person now likes to eat caramel chocolate."

"I don't seem to care about dark chocolate at all..."

Song Jinxi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and turned his head to look at Yan Jingshu from the front.

Yan Jingshu raised her head, looked at Zhou Jingtang seriously and asked:

"Then what exactly will it take to make this person like dark chocolate again?"