MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 67

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In the evening, they ordered hot pot to come home.

Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang kept goingssip about the school when they were eating.

From time to time, Lin Qing would continue with a sentence.

Wen Yao quietly looked at the white pot in the mandarin duck pot, because the dining table in Jiang Shuyi's house was a long table, and the place where she sat was a little far away from there, out of reach.

Wen Yao tried to pinch it, but failed.

Just like most things that exist in this world, Wen Yao has no obsession with things. If she doesn't get it once, she will just give up.

Lin Qing wanted to ask Wen Yao what dish he wanted, Jiang Shuyi directly put the dish into Wen Yao's bowl, "Is this it?"

Wen Yao looked at the Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum in the bowl, and nodded slightly in a normal way.

Lin Qing looked at the smoothness of the movements of these two people, and looked at them with some concern. For some reason, she felt that she had eaten a mouthful of dog food.


After dinner, after several people reviewed for a while, Jiang Shuyi sent them to the station near home.

They picked up their coats and walked to the door of Jiang Shuyi's house.

When going out, Jiang Shuyi took out the shoes that his aunt kept in the shoe cabinet, and put them in front of everyone.

Wen Yao stood in front of his shoes and hesitated for a moment, then slowly put on his shoes.

Lin Qing glanced at Wen Yao's shoes, but after looking at them, Lin Qing couldn't understand.

Is it her illusion?

Why does she feel that the shoes Wen Yao wore when she came here this morning are different from the shoes she is wearing now.

She always felt that Wen Yao was wearing a pair of white casual shoes this morning, why are they black leather shoes for school uniform now?

Was this pair Wen Yao was wearing? Or did she see Wen Yao wearing those white shoes at school, so she remembered it wrong?

Lin Qing shook her head.

—I must have misremembered.

After all, no matter what, Jiang Shuyi's house couldn't possibly have Wen Yao's shoes, since they didn't live together anymore.


Several people walked outside. Before going out, Jiang Shuyi grabbed Wen Yao and helped wrap the crimson scarf she was wearing in the morning.

"It's cold outside."

Zhou Jingtang and Jiang Shuyi had already started talking about what to eat in Haishi, Song Jinxi yawned, looking sleepy.

Wen Yao also walked aside as usual and didn't answer the conversation without interest.

When they arrived at the business district near their home, someone from Zhou Jingtang and Song Jinxi's house had already come to pick them up. Song Jinxi said goodbye and went home.

Zhou Jingtang asked Lin Qing, "Shall I take you back by the way?"

Lin Qing was not polite either, and got into Zhou Jingtang's car with her bag on her back.

"Squad leader, too? It looks like it's going to rain today." Zhou Jingtang then asked.

"Wen Yao's house is nearby, I'll just send her back, you guys go first."

Jiang Shuyi waved his hand to say goodbye to them.

Zhou Jingtang wanted to say a few more words, but Lin Qing stopped him and left.

Watching the person walking slowly, Jiang Shuyi leaned on Wen Yao's shoulder, "I'm sleepy."

"Then go back." Wen Yao said and glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

Huanshi was very quiet at night, the moon could not be seen clearly in the black night sky, and not long after, something white fell from the sky.

Jiang Shuyi reached out to catch it, it was sleet.

The air is damp and smells of dust.

A lot of snow water also fell into Jiang Shuyi's neck, and the wet clothes began to cling to Jiang Shuyi's skin.

Two people were standing downstairs of a building, and the sleet on the transparent canopy still showed no sign of stopping.

Jiang Shuyi wiped Wen Yao's forehead, and wanted to wait here for the snow to turn into dry snow, or to go back when it was a little smaller, but the snow didn't dry up, and it didn't stop for a long time, instead it was getting bigger and bigger.

Wen Yao sneezed slightly.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's wet shoulders and hair, feeling a little worried.

Now whether it is waiting for someone to pick them up, or waiting for the snow to stop before going back, it will take too much time, because it is already past the early morning, so the nearby shopping malls have also closed, and there is no way to buy umbrellas.

"Shall we run back?"

Jiang Shuyi asked suddenly.

Wen Yao nodded unhurriedly.

When the two ran home, their bodies were already wet. Jiang Shuyi ignored them and threw them at the door of the house. He stepped on the wet socks and entered the house. After entering the bathroom, he turned on the faucet, and there was gushing water from the bathroom. Voice.

Wen Yao quietly put the shoes aside, feeling a chill from being drenched by the sleet.

Jiang Shuyi took off his coat and put it in the laundry rack. Because the clothes had absorbed water, they made a noise when they fell into the basket.

"Wen Yao, it will be bad if you catch a cold when you return to school the day after tomorrow." Jiang Shuyi took off a towel and wiped his hair, "You should take a shower first."


Wen Yao's voice sounded a little nasal.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her absent-minded eyes, and became a little worried. The flu has been prevalent recently, so he wondered if Wen Yao had any problems.

She took off Wen Yao's wet coat and scarf. The clothes were stained with snow and rain, and they felt no human body temperature, as cold as if they were about to freeze.

Wen Yao fell asleep immediately after taking a bath.

Although Jiang Shuyi had to find some reason every day, since Jiang Shuyi got a sprain, the two of them slept together at night.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Shuyi found that Wen Yao had been shaking while sleeping, Jiang Shuyi touched her forehead in the dark, and his hand was burned all of a sudden.

Jiang Shuyi hastily turned on the night light, and Wen Yao lay beside her, frowning tightly and gritting his teeth in pain, as if he would never speak if he died of illness tonight.

Jiang Shuyi called the family doctor, who came to help Wen Yao make a diagnosis and prescribe medicine.

The family doctor of Jiang's family is Bea who is about fifty years old. Jiang Shuyi is not very familiar with this person. His face looks young, but his hair is already grey.

He took Wen Yao's temperature, and it was a high fever of 41 degrees.

The doctor took a look at Wen Yao's condition, prescribed some medicine, and brought over water.

"It might be the flu. It's a bit serious to have a fever like this."

"Will hanging the water reduce the fever today?"

The doctor thought for a while, "Whether the fever subsides or not depends on the individual. Some people in the hospital did not subside after three days of fever, and some subsided after one day. The specifics will depend on the situation later."

"Okay..." Jiang Shuyi had no choice but to share healing power after all.

After the doctor left, Jiang Shuyi helped Wen Yao change a fever-reducing patch. The last time Wen Yao got sick was only two months ago, but he didn't expect to get sick again this time.

Jiang Shuyi stayed by Wen Yao's side, taking his temperature every few hours, but Wen Yao's temperature never came down.


On Sunday, Wen Yao lay in bed all day, unconscious.

Jiang Shuyi didn't wake her up for breakfast, but on the way, Wen Yao woke up once in a haze of consciousness, and saw Jiang Shuyi's face as soon as he opened his eyes.

Jiang Shuyi was squatting beside the bed with his forehead touching hers, taking her temperature directly.

Wen Yao's eyebrows trembled slightly as he opened his eyes in a trance.

She opened her mouth slowly and found that her throat was a little sore, "...Jiang Shuyi?"

Jiang Shuyi immediately stood up from the chair and handed warm water to Wen Yao, "Did I wake you up?"

"Are you uncomfortable?" Jiang Shuyi wanted to help her by the shoulders.

Wen Yao tilted his head slightly, avoiding her hand without leaving a trace, "..."

Seeing her strange movements, Jiang Shuyi paused, and put his hands back in embarrassment.

"...Why are you here?" Wen Yao struggled to prop up his body with his arms, with resistance in his eyes.

Jiang Shuyi found that Wen Yao was not willing to approach her by himself, "You are sick."

"...What are you talking about?" Wen Yao couldn't hear clearly because of the high fever, and his body was shaking.

"I said, you are sick."

After a while, Wen Yao closed his eyes again, not sure if he fell asleep or lost consciousness.

Jiang Shuyi sighed, and gave her another fever-reducing sticker.

She touched Wen Yao's forehead, and found that this man was so well-behaved when he fell asleep that it made people feel distressed.

When it was lunch time, Jiang Shuyi woke her up.

Wen Yao slowly opened her eyes, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, her body was full of heat, she looked at Jiang Shuyi's face in a daze, "..."

Because of the fever in his throat, Wen Yao felt as if he had been scorched by a fire and became dry and unable to speak.

Jiang Shuyi put a pillow behind Wen Yao's back, and helped her sit up.

Holding a bowl of porridge in her hand, she pulled a chair and sat beside Wen Yao, "Eat something first."

Wen Yao looked at her, then glanced at the medicine box and hanging water at hand, fell silent for a while,

"Am I in school now?"

Jiang Shuyi found that Wen Yao was in a coma.

"You have a fever and cannot go to school today."


Wen Yao looked at the ceiling in the room, but his eyes were still a little empty.

"If you are in a hurry to go to school, get well first." Jiang Shuyi said to her.

"..." I don't know if Wen Yao listened, but she remained silent for a long time, but still didn't speak.

"Tell me what you need, and I'll do it for you."

Jiang Shuyi blew on the porridge and fed it to Wen Yao's mouth, "Come—"

Wen Yao didn't know what she was thinking about. After a while, she lowered her gaze, reached out and took the bowl in Jiang Shuyi's hand, "Thank you...I'll just do it myself."

Wen Yao's voice was a little dry and hoarse, which made people worry.


Jiang Shuyi had no choice but to pass the bowl in his hand to Wen Yao.

After a whole day, Wen Yao didn't talk to Jiang Shuyi much.

At night, Jiang Shuyi went into the room after taking a shower, and Wen Yao opened his eyes if he felt the shaking from the bed.

She hesitated for a long time looking at Jiang Shuyi stepping onto the bed.

"...Get out." Her tone was as serious as usual, even more serious than before.

Jiang Shuyi had just inserted one foot into the quilt, and hadn't felt the warmth and softness of the quilt yet, and the other foot was still on the ground, she almost thought that she was about to get frostbite.

Maintaining this silly posture, she muttered softly, "Why...?"

Wen Yao coughed twice, her eyes were very persistent, as if saying, "No reason".

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, and was deadlocked in the cold air for a long time.

But Wen Yao still didn't let go.



Cheapskate. Jiang Shuyi complained softly in his heart and finally moved his foot and took it out aggrieved.

That speed was three minutes slower than that of a snail, and he was extremely reluctant to part.

"Okay." Jiang Shuyi added another sentence, she tried her best to speak lightly, as if she didn't want to sleep with Wen Yao that much.