6 Times a Day-Chapter 1051 Ginger To The Mix? 4K

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While all of this took place in the front of the store, Susan had been left with Ginger in the back of the store.

Normally, there were two employees to help the customers at all times, but Suzanne had arranged for there to be just one at the moment. She had plans for Ginger and Susan, and her scheme could now be kicked into motion.

Ginger walked up to Susan dressed in a dark blue military uniform. At least, it was a reasonable likeness, but in fact no real military uniform would show off as much cleavage as this one did. She happened to be dressed that way even before Suzanne had called earlier; she often wore costumes as a way to encourage customers to buy them. She also had a new haircut since the last time any of the Plummer women had seen her (a few weeks back when Suzanne and Xania had met with her).

She was giddy with excitement, and just barely managed to contain it. She thought, Suzanne told me that Susan was busty and beautiful, but I didn't expect THIS! Why, this Susan is the equal of Suzanne or Xania. Damn, I love my job!

Ginger saw Susan holding up a pair of plastic cat ears. She snapped to attention and saluted. "Officer Ginger, reporting for duty. How can I help you, ma'am?"

Susan chuckled. The uniform immediately put her at ease. "Look at this. It's like a second Halloween. Do you always dress like that?"

Ginger stiffened up even more. "Yes, ma'am! I like to wear costumes as part of this job, ma'am!"

Susan chuckled some more. "At ease, soldier."

Ginger immediately relaxed and dropped the salute. She said in a more normal voice, "Looking for something catty?"

Susan had been fingering the cat ears idly while wondering if there might be cow-themed items nearby. She blushed and quickly put the ears down. "No. Uh, I was just uh..." She looked around as if in search of exits.

Ginger gave a friendly smile. "My, you're so pretty. Much more than pretty, actually. A real stunner. What's your name?"

Susan still looked anywhere but at Ginger as she shyly replied, "Susan."

"Well, Susan, there's no need to be nervous. A lot of people come in here who are shy like you, but there's nothing to be ashamed about. I'll bet you have a special man and you're looking for something to make him happy."

At the indirect reference to Alan, Susan immediately lit up with joy. "Oh, yes! A very special young man. And I do so much want to make him happy. He's the love of my life."

"Well then, we'll have to get you something very special indeed. What is it you think your husband would like?" Ginger had already been prepped by Suzanne that Alan wasn't Susan's husband, but she'd been told that suggesting that he was would help get Susan in the right mood.

"My husband?!" Susan blushed even more. "I wish! If only I could be so lucky! But sadly, no."

Ginger went on as if she didn't hear the 'no' already. "Marriage. Wouldn't that be lovely? Can't you just imagine walking down the aisle with your special man, arm in arm, walking up to the preacher to exchange your vows?"

Susan blushed still further. "Oh no!" She waved her hands in the air in front of her as if she was trying to swat away forbidden thoughts floating in front of her. "I can't think that! As lovely as it would be, it's not proper that someone like me should even THINK about such a thing!"

Ginger was curious about the real relationship between these four women and between them and this "master" she'd heard they shared. Why would it be wrong to even contemplate marriage? But before she got answers, she wanted to start the process of getting her and Susan naked, and then see where things went from there. "By the way, do you mind if I take this jacket off? It's so heavy and warm."

"Please, go ahead."

Ginger quickly unbuttoned and removed the jacket, revealing nothing but camouflage underwear underneath. She made sure to keep the officer's cap on, though.

Susan chuckled again, but asked, "Aren't you, uh, kind of underdressed now? You know, for a job and all?"

"For most jobs, yes, but we're in a sex shop. Nakedness is the order of the day. But I want to ask why you wouldn't think of asking, um, this man, for marriage? Uh, this special man, what's his name?"

Susan looked around for Suzanne to see if she was allowed to give out Alan's name.

Suzanne was lingering in the back of the store, keeping herself as far from Susan as possible while still keeping an eye on her (and occasionally checking out possible purchases). She saw Susan's look out of the corner of her eye, but she pretended not to notice. Part of her scheme with Susan and Ginger was also a test for Susan: she wanted to see how Susan would fare at keeping secrets in the outside world. She'd been cooped up so much that she'd never been tested, and Ginger was a good subject because Suzanne knew enough to blackmail Ginger in case Ginger ever learned too much and tried to blackmail any of them. She figured that Ginger's many affairs with married women could cause all kinds of trouble and Ginger would be smart enough to keep quiet. But could Susan keep her incestuous secrets secret when talking to strangers? This would be a good and relatively safe opportunity to find out.

Susan said, "Um, I probably shouldn't tell you his name. You know, in case he comes in here sometime, because he probably will eventually. Let's just call him, uh," - she failed about, looking for the right word - "my superior."

"Hmmm. Your superior, eh? That sounds sexy. Well, why can't you marry him?"

Talking about marrying Alan was like someone putting a vibrating egg right on her clit. She felt her knees growing weak. "Oh, I'd love to! But why would he want to marry little old me? I mean, he's got so many other younger women to choose from."

Ginger nodded in Suzanne's direction, then towards Amy and Katherine over the divider in the front of the store. "Oh, I get it. You all have the same master."

Susan gasped. "How did you know?" Then she gasped again, realizing she'd admitted something she probably shouldn't have.

Ginger knew that much mainly because Katherine had freely talked about her "master" when she was in the store before. But Ginger couldn't say that since she wasn't supposed to have met any of them before. So she just made up an answer. "Oh, I can just tell. I saw the four of you walk in together, and I honestly can't remember seeing one such exceptional beauty in my store, much less four at once. All four of you have the same look on your face, a combination of lust and love. You all look like you've been thoroughly ridden by a powerful penis recently and yet, as good as it was, it's only whetted your appetite for more. That's the sign of a truly superior master. He keeps his submissives satisfied yet still hungry."

Ginger was bullshitting in the sense that she would never have guessed about them all having the same lover if she didn't know already. But in fact all four of them did have a "well fucked yet hungry for more" look about them.

Susan's eyes opened with delight. "It shows?! Wow! Oh, and he does, he does! Ginger, you're so perceptive."

Ginger smiled knowingly. "I try. Now, you may not be able to marry your superior master at the moment, but that doesn't mean you can't fantasize about it or even do some role-playing." She walked down the aisle she and Susan were standing in until she came to a rack of what looked like wedding dresses. She held one up. "Look. As lovely as it would be to fantasize about a marriage between you and your superior master in a typical wedding dress, wouldn't it be even better to fantasize about getting married in THIS wedding dress?"

Susan eagerly walked forward, took the dress from Ginger's hands, and held it up for inspection. "What's so special about- oh my God! This isn't just a low-cut bodice; there's nothing in the front to cover the breasts at all!"

"No," Ginger agreed as she grabbed the dress and helped hold it up. "The only thing above the stomach is a cleverly hidden wire base to help push the exposed breasts further forward. Though I would guess in your case that may not be necessary."

Susan stared at the dress in wonder. "Oh my! This dress is just so... Well, it's too much! Why, the thought of getting married to my Ti-, uh, God, it makes me so HOT!"

That caused a few snickers from Suzanne as she eavesdropped nearby.

Ginger prodded, "Imagine standing in front of a crowd of 100 or more finely dressed friends and relatives, wearing this dress. You'd be saying to everyone, 'My superior master owns me, body and soul. Look, I'm such an insatiably hot bitch for his cock that I just have to offer him my naked tits right here in the middle of the wedding ceremony. It would be WRONG to cover these magnificent breasts, ever! Everyone who knows me needs to see he owns my body!"

Susan stared wide-eyed at the younger woman. "Ginger! This is crazy! It's like you're reading my mind! Except that it sounds even better coming from you than me. 'Superior master' ... why do you have to say that each time? I love it, but it's making me too horny. We're in a public place!" She suddenly looked around the store in fear. To her relief, the only other person in sight was Suzanne, though she could also hear Amy and Katherine shopping in the front section of the store.

As Suzanne and Susan made eye contact from across the back room, Suzanne shouted to Susan, "Hey! Check this out!"

Suzanne was sitting buck naked, holding some kind of gun in her hand. She said, "Look, it's some kind of dildo gun. I didn't even know they made this kind of thing. Isn't it neat?" She flipped a switch on the gun and the dildo end began vibrating and stroking in and out while she kept her hand still. She shot a lusty look at Susan and asked in her raspy voice, "Wanna give it a try?"

Susan's mind simply reeled. Surely Suzanne is joking about trying that out right here, isn't she? On the other hand, she IS naked... The thought of Suzanne using the dildo gun on her raised her arousal a notch or two. But she couldn't help but exclaim, "Suzanne! You're naked!"

Ginger recaptured Susan's attention by holding the wedding dress up in front of the sexy mother. She pressed it against her to see if it fit. It appeared to be too small, so she went to get another. "Susan, don't worry. You can clearly see Suzanne isn't worried. Didn't you see the sign out front? Today is a 'ladies only' day. We have days like that from time to time so women will be more comfortable coming to our store." That was true, though today wasn't one of those days, and even on those days no customer was going to walk around butt naked. It didn't matter in any case since the store was closed.

"But, but..." Susan stammered, still staring wide-eyed at Suzanne sitting there in her birthday suit and looking over the dildo gun.

Ginger said soothingly, "Look, it's just us ladies. Would you feel afraid to change your clothes in front of Suzanne in your own home?"

"No, but-"

"Well then, consider this just like your home. Here, put on these white gloves while I see if I can find one of these that fit you. In the meantime, tell me what's so special about your superior master."

Talking about Alan usually put Susan in a dreamy and relaxed state, and she calmed down immediately as she began to think about him. "My master? Let's see. I don't even know where to begin. For one thing, he's so loving, warm, and considerate. Even though he's only eighteen, he has the wisdom and maturity of someone twice his age."

Oooh! Ginger thought. Now we're learning something new. Only eighteen and he has THESE four women in some kind of submissive relationship?! This guy really must be something out of this world. I'm seriously going to need to meet him. Susan here must be twenty-eight or thirty. Any older and I'd have to guess she was his mother, what with the way her chest swells up with pride to an even more ridiculously huge size than usual whenever any mention of him comes up. And Suzanne is only a couple of years older than Susan, at most, so I doubt either he or the two girls could be their offspring. But there seems to be something familial about this bunch. Maybe this guy is a cousin or something. And Susan and Suzanne HAVE to be sisters; their faces are a bit different, admittedly, but their bodies are so similar that it's like they're identical twins from the neck down.

The possibility that any of these women might be involved in some kind of incestuous relationship didn't bother Ginger in the slightest. She'd had so many wild sexual adventures already despite her young years that she would have been hard pressed to think of anything that might shock her. But she didn't want to voice her suspicions out loud for fear of alienating them in case she was wrong.

Ginger asked, "I'm not so interested in his personality, after all, this is a sex shop." She lowered her voice down to a suggestively conspiratorial, smoldering tone. "What's he like... in bed?" 𝑏𝘦𝘥𝘯𝑜𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝑜𝑟𝘨

There was nothing Susan liked to talk about more, and she was becoming increasingly relaxed with Ginger, so she launched in enthusiastically. "Where do I begin? He's so good! Having sex with my, my ... superior master" - she savored those last two words, saying them slowly - "is absolutely the best feeling in the whole wide world!"

"Let's not beat about the bush, with the words 'having sex,'" Ginger interrupted as she held up a different wedding dress in front of Susan. She looked Susan directly in the eyes, her entire expression dripping with open lust. "Let's call it what it is: fucking. Fucking your superior master. Being fucked by your superior master. Fucking your fucking superior fuck master. Fuck!" Ginger was starting to get a bit carried away herself.

"Such a filthy tongue, Ginger!" Susan chided playfully. "But you're right. Getting fucked by him is the best! I haven't been with that many men in my life, heck, practically none, but all of his conquests and fuck toys agree on a few things that set him apart. For one, his stamina." Her expression turned dreamy and proud. "He can fuck a woman until her pussy muscles can't squeeze back anymore, and then he just keeps on fucking until you're begging for mercy! God, just thinking about it is making me so hot! He's so inventive and always makes sure all his girls cum lots of times. Oh, and his cum! It's the best! And I'm not just saying that because I'm his, uh, friend." She'd almost said "mother." She turned away in embarrassment at her near mistake.

"Friend?" Ginger asked in an obviously skeptical tone of voice. She was particularly intrigued by the phrase "all of his conquests and fuck toys." Her desire to meet this man doubled, and then doubled again.

"'Sex slave' is a better term, but that's so embarrassing. You must think I'm a weirdo to call myself that."

"Not at all. In fact, I'm into submissive role-playing big time," Ginger replied. That was true, but she was thinking of the context of S&M games, not in the permanent sense Susan had meant. "But cum is cum. What's so great about his?"

"It's so yummy! It's incredibly sweet. Once you have some you just want to LIVE on it, forever! I actually did some research on this the other day and I think it's because of his diet. He loves to eat fruit; he's practically a fruitarian. For instance, he loves drinking orange juice. So sweet goes in, and sweet comes out. Plus, and this is just a little secret between you and me, last week he was starting to run out of cum from time to time because he just fucks us all so many times a day. So I did some more Internet research and started feeding him zinc and certain amino acids, and now he cums like a horse! Actually, his loads were already way above average to begin with, but now it takes a lot of sucking and fucking to get him to run out. I love it! There's nothing like a pearl necklace and facial to keep a horny ... keep this woman satisfied." She'd nearly said "mommy" again.

"Here, take your top off and try this on," Ginger said casually. "How's his penis, by the way? Though I imagine for a superior man like that we should call it a cock."

Susan began to remove her top and bra. Had she given it a moment's thought, she never would have agreed to take her clothes off outside a changing room. But she'd gotten so used to getting naked and staying that way that she didn't think about it, especially since she was practically tripping over her words she was so excited to tell her new friend about Alan's manhood.

"His cock? Oh boy! It's definitely a COCK. Well, let me tell you! People say it's eight inches long, but I don't believe it. That meaty monster has to be at LEAST ten inches long. And as for width, why, I can barely stuff it in my mouth or get my hand around it!" Susan was unintentionally exaggerating the size, because in her mind it really was that big. "But it's soooo fun trying, hee-hee. And it gets hard at the drop of a hat, or really the drop of any item of clothing" - she laughed - "and it stays that way, all day long! Throbbing and poking straight up and dripping pre-cum."

Susan found standing there topless in front of a strange woman while discussing her son's penis to be greatly arousing, but tried to contain herself. "Why, I'll tell you, it's a full time job between the four of us and the rest of his harem to keep that cum-filled boy from just swelling up and bursting with too much semen! Can that happen? Because I'm worried. Why, just a few days ago he went nearly the whole weekend without female relief and I think his balls nearly burst! He needs to have his, um," - she was going to say "mommy" again - "his sex slave. God, it's so embarrassing to say that to a stranger. He needs a sex slave like me to suck or fuck him dry, every hour!" She looked like she practically orgasmed on the spot while saying the words "sex slave."

She went on, "Needs us, I should say, because one or two won't cut it! He's absolutely insatiable!" She held a hand over her chest, trying to control her heavy breathing.

Ginger was particularly struck by Susan's comment, "the rest of his harem." That sent her curiosity into overdrive. Ginger was someone who knew a lot about harems. While it couldn't be said she had her own harem in the sense of a group of people living with her, she did have a large number of male and female sexual partners who called her "Mistress" and would immediately run to her whenever she called. She'd tried living with multiple partners but found there were too many jealousies and conflicts to make it work, so she only lived with one "pet" at a time. She had a lot of questions she was eager to ask Susan's "master" and stories to trade. However, she kept her cool about her feelings for the moment.

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