6 Times a Day-Chapter 1212 - 1207 [4K words]
Chapter 1212 -1207 [4K words]
[NSFW Sneak Peak []
With all six people together again, the suggestion was made to move into the living room.
Glory led the way. "My, what a lovely house. It's so much bigger than I imagined. It's practically like a mansion..." She froze in her tracks. "Oh my goodness. What is THAT?" She stared at the polished brass pole in the middle of the living room.
Suzanne had already anticipated that the recent living room additions would need to be dealt with for Glory's sake. The extra large bed in the room had been moved to a corner and covered with boxes, and then the resulting pile had a large tarp thrown over it. She figured that would take care of the bed. But there really was no way to disguise the dance pole.
So the only option was to admit the truth, more or less.
"Oh, that?" Suzanne replied casually, as if discussing a flower arrangement. "That's a dance pole. It's been there for a while. Since Katherine and Amy are cheerleaders, they like to practice their routines with it."
Glory frowned. She was tempted to make some biting comments about the pole, but she held back. However, she couldn't help think about Katherine dancing in some half-naked outfit for the benefit of her brother. In-house, on-demand, live cheerleader strip shows. That must be nice for him. How convenient.
Suddenly, Glory had a vivid vision of Katherine standing at the pole with a long, tanned leg wrapped around it, ready to "dance" for her brother. The room was quite dark, with only one bright stage light shining down over the gleaming brass pole. The shapely teen wore nothing but the high heels she had on in real life. She was looking right at Glory with a deadly serious stare, as if challenging her. Glory imagined her saying, Come, dance. Join the debauchery. Join the evil.
Glory shuddered and turned away. Since the pole conjured up disgusting thoughts and images for her, she tried to move on to other topics. She stated blandly, "Nice house here. Very nice."
Katherine brightly said, "We like it. You want to have the big tour?"
So Glory was led all over the house, with most of the others in tow. Only Susan stayed behind, to keep an eye on the kitchen.
The tour was largely uneventful, except for the fact that on the upper floor Glory was struck by an instantly recognizable smell of cum. Most of the house smelled almost sickeningly sweet from all the air freshener that had been used, but most such efforts were focused on the ground floor. Alan's room, in particular, had such a strong sexual odor that all the others showing Glory around were a bit abashed and tried to get her away from his room as quickly as possible.
But for Glory, the smell was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Her nostrils flared and her nipples grew hard as she took deep breaths, trying to soak up as much of his essence as she could without being noticed. She had to chide herself, What am I doing? This is ridiculous! I don't care how good his cum smells and tastes, he's probably had sex with his mother and sister on that very bed! Maybe even at the same time. He has a whole harem, for crying out loud!
She pushed her way past all the others and out of Alan's bedroom so she could get some fresh air. However, now that she recognized his distinctive scent, she realized that it was all over the house. All that goddamned air freshener didn't get rid of his cum smell; it's just covering it up! Gaawwwd, how much sex must this sex-fiend student of mine have every day to smell up the entire house like this?! He must have squirted his cock into these women in every single room, over and over!
Glory found herself imagining sex acts in every room and on top of every piece of furniture. This was so disconcerting that she only spent a couple of seconds looking at Susan's master bedroom before quickly redirecting the group to show her the pool out back so she could get some truly fresh air.
A minute or so later, as she stood by the pool with the others, she thought, This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought. Even here, I can't imagine them actually having sex outside, but surely all these gorgeous vixens must drive him crazy out here with their skimpy bathing suits. Sex is everywhere!
Her brain was filled with conflicting emotions as she was torn between lust and disgust. She called an early end to the house tour and sat down at the dinner table in the dining room. (This was met with disguised relief from the others, since there wasn't much they could do to explain the recording room down in the basement, and they mostly just hoped to keep her from even knowing about that locked door.)
Glory made clear her desire to get started with the meal in a not very subtle manner. "Mmmm, that food smells good. I can't wait to taste it." She figured the sooner everyone ate, the sooner she could get home and end her ordeal.
The others sat down to join her, but good manners dictated that they were to socialize some more before the food was brought to the table.
However, Glory was a bit spooked - everywhere she looked, she imagined Alan plowing into one of the other females sitting around her. But she soon relaxed as the conversation started to flow, largely because it stayed on safe, sex-free topics.
One by one, each of them talked some about themselves and their background. Suzanne started to get the ball rolling, and then after some questions and banter, she turned to Susan on her right for her turn. Susan had been carefully coached about what to say, and she answered a few innocuous questions from Glory without incident.
They continued clockwise around the room, with Amy next, then Katherine, then Glory, and then finally Alan at the head of the table. Since all the questions were of the basic "getting to know you" variety and everyone was being careful about what they said, nothing embarrassing or particularly sexual came up. But still, the conversation was enjoyable, informative, and most importantly, put Glory and the rest more at ease.
Susan, though, was antsy. After her turn was done, and without a single under the table kick being necessary to keep her in line, her concentration drifted from what the others were saying since she knew everything that Amy and Katherine were talking about already. While pretending to pay attention, she thought, This is nuts. Here we are, sitting around and just chatting like a bunch of old grannies in a bridge club. Meanwhile, we've all got these great outfits on. I have to admit Glory looks particularly sexy and delectable. I can see why Tiger likes to bang her even though she's technically borderline Alan-worthy at best, thanks to her boob size. But I can only imagine the kind of erotic torture my son is going through, seeing all of us dolled up like this. It's not fair! I'll bet he's getting a bad case of blue balls. There's so much lovely cleavage on display here; Tiger needs to be plowing through some of that, or at the bare minimum, doing some fondling. Hrmph!
Outwardly, Susan continued to nod and smile as if listening to every word the others were saying. But inwardly she was growing irate. My Tiger is a powerful man with powerful needs! At the very least, someone should slip a hand inside his pants and give his cock a nice stealth stroking. Blue balls are a terrible affliction! No doubt his big mommy-splitter is rapidly filling up with tasty sperm even as we speak, and yet we just sit here like some sort of gaggle of nuns trapped in a boring committee meeting or something, unable to handle this growing crisis! How am I supposed to stay calm with all that yummy, cummy cock going untended?!
I know this is what we're supposed to do and I'm gonna be good, but if I had my way things would be totally different. For starters, I'd have Tiger and Amy switch seats. That way, I could give my handsome son some nice stealth stroking and neither Glory nor Suzanne would be the wiser. Well, at least not at
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Her eyes went glassy as she slipped into fantasy. She imagined how things would look for Glory in an alternate reality.
Susan's dream picked up on what had just been happening in the room. Glory had been visibly tense during the house tour, but she felt increasingly relaxed while Suzanne talked at length about her background and family. In the dream, eventually, Suzanne said, "Enough about me. Susan, why don't you tell Glory a little bit about what you do?"
Susan smiled a bit wickedly. "Sure. Well, Glory, as you can probably guess, I used to have a dreadfully boring and prudish life. I'm sure you can remember how I dressed for the parent- teacher conferences and PTA meetings. My life was dull, dull, dull, and I didn't even realize it. I actually thought I was happy! Can you believe it? I was a complete idiot! For instance, I was oblivious that my husband... well, let's just say my marriage was a disaster. Thank goodness
those dark days are over."
"What happened?" Glory asked.
Susan beamed. "I discovered sex! Specifically, the joys of sex with my son!" She winked
playfully at Alan.
A gasp arose in the room, with Glory gasping the loudest. Susan's feet were assaulted as Suzanne frantically and repeatedly stepped on Susan's toes in the prearranged signal to cool
things down.
But since this was her daydream, Susan wasn't going to be deterred. She turned to Suzanne and said, "Give me a break. I love you dearly, but you're not my mother. You know I'm just calling a spade a spade. Glory knows it too. Don't you, Glory?"
Glory just sat and stared at them both, unable to respond.
Susan continued, "When you started fooling around with my son it was like your life went from black and white to glorious Technicolor. You're addicted to his cock just as much as the rest of us. Am I right or what? No other man can compare! I dare you to deny it!" She folded her arms under her bounteous breasts and stared at Glory defiantly.
Glory was beyond flustered; she was shocked speechless.
Susan continued her daydream. In it she visualized Glory with her mouth hanging open,
watching as she (Susan) bent over the table while Alan, still dressed in his suit and tie, rammed her doggy-style.
To make matters worse for Glory, Susan started screaming, "God, it's so deep! Soooo DEEP! Jesus Christ, you're a fucking machine! Split me in two!"
In Susan's fantasy, Glory shook off the vision and saw everyone still dressed and sitting around the table. She blinked in confusion. And since this was Susan's imagination at work, she was able to split her legs almost impossibly wide apart as if she was a limber cheerleader,
in order to help Alan achieve maximum penetration.
Susan snickered.
Though Susan was normally quite demure and content to let Suzanne lead, was so determined
and domineering in her fantasy that both Suzanne and Katherine gave up their foot stomping efforts and just let things happen.
Susan calmed down a bit and goaded Glory, "Come on, admit it! He's the best lover you've ever had, bar none. Name one other man who's comparable."
Glory stammered, "Well, my last boyfriend, um..." The disconcerted look on her face made it
obvious that she was trying (and failing) to remember the name of the man she'd previously been dating for months.
Susan laughed. "That's right! You can't even remember the name of the man you broke up
with a week or two ago. Such men are fine for most things, but when it comes to sex they know to step aside when a real alpha male like Alan appears. A truly superior man like my son just takes what he wants with his big, thick, superior cock, and no woman can resist! Least of all the targets of his lust, like you. Yes, he has a harem, but that's his due! You should be proud that he's chosen to add you to his harem, especially given the middling to smallish size of your breasts."
Glory blushed and looked away in embarrassment.
Few would consider Glory's breasts "middling to smallish," but Susan was one of those few, given her own ample endowments and those of the other women in her current life. Alan had been very quiet, but now he complained, "Mom, stop it! You're totally embarrassing her! She's not just my teacher; she's also my good friend. Besides, I think her breasts are just fine, and definitely not small at all. In fact, they're really great."
That didn't deter Susan a whit. "Oh, are they? Well, how do they compare to mine? Or the rest at this table? Why don't we look and see?" Susan's gown was held up only by two narrow straps, but she pulled those down and bared her bountiful breasts. She arched her back and
thrust her rack forward.
Amy squealed, "Oh goody! We get to get naked!"
Susan looked around with satisfaction, while Katherine pulled her dress down and Amy stood up and completely stripped out of her clothes. Suzanne refused to undress until Susan turned her attention to her best friend and gave her a withering glare.
That caused Suzanne to uncharacteristically crumble (in a way that would probably only happen in someone else's fantasy). She dropped her head submissively and pulled her gown down, causing her perfect pale orbs to bounce free.
With even Suzanne going topless, both Katherine and Susan were inspired to briefly lift
themselves up and pull their gowns the rest of the way off. That put more pressure on Glory.
(Alan, meanwhile, was still fully dressed in his dark blue suit and simply kept eating as he watched what was transpiring all around him.)
Susan now focused her laser-like gaze on Glory. "Come on. There's no reason to be ashamed. The rest of us are all more or less naked now. And so what if you're a little on the small side up top? I have to admit that it's not just size that counts. Tiger says he loves them, and since he's the man of the house, that's all that matters. Let's see what he's crowing about." Glory closed her eyes tight as she gave a little tug, sucked her tummy in, and let her gown fall
down. "God, this is so humiliating," she complained as she pulled it the rest of the way off her legs. "How can I even compete?"
Susan took advantage of Glory's closed eyes to slump down in her chair and fish Alan's boner out of his slacks. She immediately got busy stroking him. Meanwhile, Alan replied, "Glory, I think you look great! Your body's sleek and strong and perfect all over. And your breasts fit into my hands just right. I don't need any more." Glory hesitantly opened one eye and then another as she stared at Susan's bare chest. She
pointed with disbelief. "But what about those? They're HUGE! Actually, they're not just huge;
they're as perfect as the rest of her body. And Jesus! Are they... Is that milk leaking from her nipples?!" "Well, yeah, a little," Alan conceded on behalf of his mother. With Susan's breasts brought to his attention, he reached out and casually cupped the one nearest to him. "But don't feel
intimidated. You can deep throat me and Mom can't, for instance. Things balance out."
Glory gasped. "Good Lord, young man! You called her 'Mom' even as your fingers are pulling on one of her nipples!"
He looked over at his hand on Susan's tremendous tit to see what was so wrong about a little
nipple tugging. He removed the offending hand and went back to eating his meal. "Well, that's what she is-" he started to say.
But Glory cut him off with a cry. "Jesus H. Christ! And HER hand! What's her hand doing there?!" Glory had noticed the way that Susan's arm was positioned next to Alan; it appeared that her hand was somewhere in his lap. In fact, that's exactly where Susan had her hand, and
the way her arm was moving back and forth left no doubt about what she was doing. The fact that she was slouched down in her chair somewhat made her actions all the more obvious.
Alan looked a bit sheepish. "Well, you know, seeing you and everyone else all dressed up like
this gets me so excited... You know, I just can't..."
Susan said defiantly, "Well of course I'm stroking his cock. Haven't you ever heard of stealth
stroking? Look how handsome my son is all dressed up in that fancy suit. How can I NOT jack him off?"
"Or suck him off," Katherine pointed out.
"Excellent suggestion," Susan replied, as if they were discussing the finer points of spicing up
a meal. Then she gushed, while rubbing his sweet spot, "God, I just think of my big strapping
son coming home from work dressed like that, after completely dominating in whatever his job is and turning his female secretaries, bosses, and coworkers into his latest sex slaves, and then he walks in the door and it's MY turn to service him! It gets me SO HOT!"
"Well, I think it's outrageous," Glory complained, even as she started to play with her clit
under the table.
Susan cooed into Alan's ear as her hand slid up and down his slick shaft, "Tiger, it's soooo big
and hard! Even more than usual! Is that because of Glory? Are you going to fuck her first? If you do, I call dibs on the cream pie."
Glory was just able to hear those soft and sensual words and she stood up to protest. She forgot that she was naked to the waist. She was torn between covering up her bouncing breasts and putting her hands on her hips for effect. She did the first briefly, but saw the
absurdity of it in a room where all the other women were topless, so she went for the angry hands-on-hips look instead. "This is COMPLETELY outrageous! I come here as a guest, and this is the kind of treatment I get?!"
Amy spoke up. "Come on, Glory. Don't be such a meanie. It's fun. You totally know that Alan's loving it, so what's wrong with that?"
[Glory - NSFW Sneak Peak for P@treon]
"But that's not the point," Glory protested. Her resolve was already weakening. There was
just too much sex in the air. The smell of Alan's cum was rising up from out of nowhere and
filling the room like a thick fog. Her gown was in a heap on the floor, but she didn't bother to do anything about it.
Now Suzanne spoke, though she was still uncharacteristically passive. "Amy, I'll tell you what's wrong with our guest here. She feels left out. She wants that cock all to herself. And
who can blame her?"
Katherine giggled as she thought about what she was about to do. "Speaking about being left out, you know, I think I dropped an earring around here somewhere. Or was it a contact? me check... for a while." Taking advantage of the fact that she was sitting on the other side of
Alan, she giggled some more as her head dropped down into her brother's lap. Susan was beyond delighted. She ceded the cockhead area to her daughter, but kept on stroking the remainder. Her fingers were already soaked with pre-cum. Glory, still looking angry with her hands on her hips, leaned forward over the table to try to
figure out what was going on. All she could see was the mass of Katherine's dark hair over
Alan's lap, but she realized that Susan was still lending a hand because Susan's arm continued its rhythmic movements. She panted, with a mixture of lust and indignation, "You're... you're pleasuring him together!"
Susan smirked. "But of course. We share all the time. Glory, resistance is futile. What are you fighting for? Just admit your place in his harem. You know you want it - come and get it! Angel
and I can share with you too. Tiger likes his triple blowjobs. Come and learn your place between the legs of our master." "But, but... You're his mother and sister! This is so wrong!"
Susan grinned in triumph "Then why are you licking your lips with such obvious hunger?"
Glory was dismayed to discover that, in fact, that's precisely what she had been doing. She forced herself to stop, indignantly denying it had happened, "No I'm not!" Susan grinned even more. "Then why are you squirming and writhing around like that? You
can't even stand up straight, you're so hot for my son's cock!" "That's not true," Glory replied in a pouty little-girl voice, but she wasn't fooling anyone
with her denials, and she realized it. Indeed, her entire body was squirming with need.
Susan prodded, "You want him to drive that monster cock into your pussy like a knife cutting into warm butter, don't you?"
Glory clenched her mouth shut and shook her head from side to side, visually indicating 'No,'
as if afraid her lips would betray her true desires if she were to open them. Suzanne asked, "Look, Glory, will you stop complaining if Alan just stuffs his big cock into your mouth?"
With perfect timing, Alan stood up to take off his jacket. He remained standing there.
Katherine had to pull her lips off his cock when he stood up, so she used the opportunity for a brief rest. But Susan continued to hold his erection, now point it straight out, stroking it lovingly, coaxing and teasing Glory with her obvious loving caresses.
Glory sheepishly nodded while her eyes remained glued to Alan's cock. She moaned erotically
when she saw Katherine reach out and join in the stroking.
"You realize you'll have to share with Susan and Katherine," Suzanne pointed out. "Sweetie
loves his triple blowjobs and once they get started they won't stop until he blows a load. And
as for Amy and me, well, I'm thinking we can find out if both our tongues can fit on Glory's
pussy at the same time. Does that sound good, Honey Pie?" "M'kay! Super good!"
Susan, sounding like the head of the harem, commanded Glory, "Strip!" As Glory started to
pull her gown the rest of the way off, Susan added, "Keep the heels though. Now that you've
joined our harem, there's so much harem etiquette I'm going to have to-"