A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 123

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123 Another Day In Hell

Chloe was happily singing and dancing to her favorite tune in her princess-like bedroom. She was dressed in a strapless baby pink knee-length ball dress, making her look like an enchanting doll. She swayed from side to side, twirling around her room like a ballerina rehearsing for a big show. Her beaming eyes sparkled like a million stars and the joy on her face was priceless.

She had just won an international award as one of the best and most professional models in all of Amzone city. Her enchanting face was plastered on every billboard, newspaper, and television. Her name was on everyone’s lips as they cheered and sang her praise.

While Chloe was dancing in her bedroom, she heard a gentle tap on her door.

“Come in!” She sang in a happy tune.

Her dad and mum walked into the room beaming with joy.

“Oh my angel, I’m so proud of you!” Her mum walked up to her and gave her a warm hug.

“Thank you, mummy!” She smiled from cheek to cheek.

Her dad joined in the happy hug, calling her various pet names and singing her praises.

“Guess what I just got for you, princess?” Her dad lifted her effortlessly into the air.


“What did you get for me, Daddy?!” Chloe giggled like a child as she spread her hands out like an eagle swaying in the air, singing; “weeeeeee!”

Her dad dropped her gently on her feet and said; “follow me!”

“Okay, daddy,” she happily ran ahead of her dad, toward the entrance to the mansion. “I love you, daddy,” she sang as she opened the door.

However when she opened the door everywhere suddenly turned pitch black.

“Chloe!” She heard her mum’s distant shrieking voice calling her name.

“Mummy, daddy!” She cried out in response. She slowly turned around but was met with the terrifying glares of a large hooded monster. She felt her heartbeat stop as she watched her beautiful ball dress suddenly vanish and was replaced by rags.

“Get away from me! Get away from me!!” She screamed in horror as some terrifying-looking rats with razor-sharp teeth and claws climbed all over her body, shredding her hair and biting into her skin.

She turned around to run away but, a skeletal hand suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her into a grey-like portal saying in a deep terrifying voice: “Pixie, you belong to me now.”

“Noooooooo!” Chloe quickly sat up breathing heavily. Her whole body was covered with prespiration and her heart was beating erratically. Her body trembled in fear and anxiety as she scanned her environment in horror. “What a terrible nightmare,” she said.

Her red and swollen eyes poured out fresh tears as it finally registered in her senses that she was being held prisoner in a white room. f𝓇𝘦𝒆𝘄𝑒𝗯𝑛𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝘰𝓶

Chloe gently stood up but fell back on her bed.

“Bed! bed? How did I get to the bed.” She quickly remembered that she had passed out on the floor. She raked her hand through her short boyish hair, trying to get answers to the burning questions in her head. In response to her question, her stomach growled loudly. She placed her right hand on her stomach and winced in pain.

“Pixie, how do you feel today,” the godmother’s sweet calming voice was back.

“I am hungry,” Chloe cried out in agony as her stomach knotted. She had learned her lesson from her previous encounter with the godmother. Hence, she smartly used the three-word answer.

“Splendid! I am impressed! You’re learning very fast!” The godmother replied in a happy tone. f𝒓𝗲𝗲𝒘𝑒𝚋noѵ𝒆𝗹.co𝗺

At that moment the wall opened up and two weird-looking ladies dressed in grey overalls stepped into the room bearing two plates of worm-like food in their hands. They dropped the food on the table and left hurriedly without sparing Chloe a glance. The sliding wall returned to the way it was but Chloe’s eyes were still fixed on it.

“You didn’t eat yesterday, so I took the liberty to bring you yesterday’s and today’s meal.”

“Thank you, godmother!” Chloe replied and went over to the table.

She was about to pull a chair to sit down when the site of the repulsive and inhuman food made her nauseous.

The disgusting food was actually made with lots of big fat worm- like sausages and some other ingredients that looked like tiny maggots.

“Oh no, oh God, please help me!” She cried within. She couldn’t stand the food because she thought they were live worms.

“Pixie, Eat!” The godmother commanded in a calm but firm tone.

Chloe’s eyes darted around as she feared the consequences of disobeying the godmother again. She pulled her chair closer to the table and sat down. She stared at the plate in horror, unable to decipher her next action. There were no forks or spoons on the table. There was no water to quench her thirst.

As if the godmother was reading her mind she answered all of Chloe’s questions.

“You are meant to eat with your bare hands and your food is juicy enough to quench your thirst. Now, eat!” The godmother’s voice had a potent undertone of anger and disgust. “You have five minutes to finish up your food.”

More tears flowed down Chloe’s cheeks as she stared at her food with disgust.

“How am I going to get away from here? What am I going to do to take away my life? This is worse than living! How am I supposed to eat this disgusting food in five minutes? This is surely another day in hell.”

Even Chloe’s revolting stomach had suddenly gone quiet. All of her being detested the food.

“Godmother,” she called out in a whisper.

“How may I help you, Pixie!” The godmother answered in an impatient tone.

“Can I get water?”

“No, you may not! You have four minutes left.”

“What if I don’t like the food?”

“The dead do not complain. You are dead and that is the food you are meant to eat. Three minutes left!”

“Please, I can’t eat this food! Please have mercy on me and give me water.”




“Godmother are you still there?”

More silence.

After a short while, the white light in Chloe’s room went off leaving her in pitch blackness.

“Godmother!” Chloe screamed. Due to her nyctophobia, she scrambled out of her seat and walked haphazardly toward her bed, screaming and gasping for air.

“Please! Please!! Please!!!” She shrieked over and over again.

Suddenly, she pictured five images of the large and fat worm come alive. They sprang out legs and hands and slowly walked towards her.

“No, no, no... Please!”

Each of the worms wrapped their weird-looking hands around her neck and strangled her until she passed out.