A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 138

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138 A Package

“Where the hell is Flash and his bloody team?” Rodriguez queried in a chilly tone while pacing around in the living room of his mansion. The fierceness in his eyes was like the blazing sun and his tensed muscles were puffed up. He was acting like a devil’s hound straining to be set free, to unleash mayhem.

The two heavily built men in front of him were slightly terrified of their boss’s rage. They knew his short temper and his swiftness at discharging justice. 𝘧𝗿ee𝚠𝙚𝙗𝑛o𝚟𝐞l.𝐜૦𝗺

“It’s already 11:00 AM and I’m yet to hear from him. How long those it take to capture two flimsy men? Huh!” He smashed the glass of wine in his hands on the smooth tiled floor in anger. “From the information I gathered, those two Treshvire bastards are still roaming the city, imprinting their authority. The more they are allowed to wander freely, the more it becomes difficult to eradicate them. Do I need to send a whole battalion to capture two men?”

“No boss...”

“Silence fool! Who asked for your stupid opinion?”

“I’m sorry, boss.”

“You better be, idiot!” Rodriguez scoffed at one of his men; who had interrupted him and continued his ranting.

“Flash was supposed to give me a situation report since yesterday evening and up until now, I haven’t heard anything from him.” Rodriguez scowled at the two heftily built men standing before him.

“Boss, I have been trying to reach out to him since last night,” one of the men called scorpion; who happened to be one of Rodriguez’s right-hand men spoke up defiantly. Although, he dreaded the consequences of his action. He knew that further upsetting his already irked boss could lead to the loss of a limb or two.


“Call him again!” Rodriguez boomed in a terrifying tone. “For your sake, just pray that he takes your calls or you give you a good report. Otherwise...”Rodriguez made a clicking sound with his mouth and traced his thumb on his neck; signifying a slit throat.

“Yes, boss!” Both Scorpion and his partner scurried from their boss’s presence in other not to incur his wrath.

As both men were leaving, a package arrived for their boss.

“Why don’t you give this to the boss,” Scorpion said in a sly tone. “I will make that call and inform the next team to get ready should in case the boss needs to send another strike team.”

“Why me?” Scorpion’s partner stared at him with raised eyebrows. He could sense that Scorpion was trying to set him up.

“What the hell are you talking about!” Scorpion activated his superiority mode. He glared at his partner and spoke in a nasty tone. “The next time you question my authority, you will get it hot from me. Take this...” Scorpion shoved the package into his partner’s hand,” ...and do as you have been instructed.”

Scorpion spared his partner one more riled but mischievous glance and left him to face the heat.

The unfortunate partner stood transfixed on a spot for a while unsure of what to do. He went forward and then turned around and went backward acting like a man lost in a maze. He facepalmed his forehead, wishing he had the power of invisibility.

“The boss is surely going to kill me if whatever is in this package turns out to be bad,” he said in a muffled tone. After a few seconds, he braved up and went back into the living.

As he was dropping the package on the table, with his boss’s eyes firing invisible blazing darts at him, Scorpion walked into the room, guiding a man in a wheelchair to his boss.

“What the f**k!” Rodriguez swiftly stood from the couch and walked towards the man in the wheelchair.

“What the hell happened to you?” Rodriguez fiercely shook the man; who happened to be one of his best assassins. “Where are your teammates?”

“B...b...b...boss!” The man in the wheelchair stuttered with panic written all over his face. He knew his fate was sealed by coming before his boss looking crippled.

This was the same man that Maxwell had earlier spared his life after shooting him in both knees and an arm. “The old man took us by surprise.”

Rodriguez’s breathing became heavy as his eyes darted from side to side in search of any weapon. His eyes finally caught sight of his bottle of wine. Without uttering any word, he stormed over to where the bottle was sitting, picked it up, and smashed it on the table. He swiftly returned to the man in the wheelchair and started stabbing every part of his body. The force and deadliness of each stab wound caused blood to spray and splash all over the place.

Feeling a bit relieved after releasing his bottled-up anger, Rodriguez ordered Scorpion to unwrap the package while he instructed Scorpion’s partner to get him a face towel and clean up the mess.

Scorpion speedily sprang into action and tore the package open. However, the horrendous sight he met caused him to freeze on the spot. His eyes widened in horror and his mouth quivered as he tried to form words.

“F...f...f...flash!” Scorpion finally forced the word out of his mouth.

Rodriguez still panting from his earlier adrenaline rush turned toward Scorpion’s direction and scowled at him.

“What about him? What’s in the package?”

“Flash!” Scorpion pointed at the package on the table.

This was the only word that Scorpion could cough out as his throat was suddenly clogged with apprehension and terror ceased his entire being.

Rodriguez ignored Scorpion’s frightened expression and walked over to the table where the torn package was lying still. He was about to say something when the sight of Flash’s severe head caused him to freeze on the spot.

If Flash’s severed head was sent alone, it would have been easier for Rodriguez to handle. However, the mutilated head sent electric shivers down Rodriguez’s spine.

“What animal did this to Flash?” Rodriguez quizzed in what appeared to be a whisper.

A thumb and a finger were stuck into Flash’s ruptured eyes and a note was carved into his forehead which read; we are watching you. Also at the bottom of the package, another note was written in blood and it read; you are next.

Rodriguez stood transfixed on a spot for a while, unable to give a single order until Scorpion cleared his throat and spoke up.

‘Boss, I think we underestimated our enemies!” Scorpion was very careful as he spoke. He knew that one wrong word could cost him his life. Even though his boss looked terrified at the moment, his next action could never be predicted. His boss was like a chameleon, who easily blended into situations around him.

“If it is okay by you, I can send another strike team immediately. However, we will tread carefully this time.” Scorpion spoke in a firm and convincing tone. “The Treshvire won’t know what hit them this time. I believe the young Treshvire, Leon, has a family back home. We could also send another strike team to take out his family, while he is still back at the complex.”

Rodriguez shook his head slowly and smirked devilishly. He was impressed by Scorpion’s suggestion.

“It is obvious that Maxwell and Leon came prepared. However, I don’t think that’s the case for Leon’s family back home.” Rodriguez grinned evilly. “I was informed that Leon is married to a beauty. It will give me great pleasure to defile her and send bits and pieces of her body to him as a payback.”

“That’s a great idea, boss.

“Amzone city is just a stone throw from here. Quickly send a strike team to Amazon city. Kidnapped and bring me Leon’s pretty wife. I like my revenge served hot and spicy.” Rodriguez chuckled evilly.

“Okay, boss!”

Scorpion was about to leave when Rodriguez’s last word scared the living shit out of him.

“You only have three hours to bring her down here in person. If you fail in your mission this time, prepare to bury all the members of your family, including your pet animals.”

“Okay boss, I won’t disappoint you.”


After a very busy and tiring day at the office, Ella decided to leave the office on time in other to go for some personal shopping exercise.

When Ella got to the shopping mall, which happened to be the biggest shopping mall in all of Amzone city, she instructed two of her bodyguards to stick around by the entrance while their leader followed her in.

While Ella was grocery shopping, she took note of a weird-looking pregnant lady, escorted by a mismatched husband; who seemed to be shopping in every section she visited.

At first, Ella decided to ignore the couple and focus on her shopping. However, her mind remained restless and her heart kept pounding as though something bad was about to happen. She decided to go over to another section and see if the couple would follow her.

To Ella’s shock and dismay, the pregnant lady walked over to her smiling. While her husband stayed back at the other sections.

“Hello, I’m Nora,” the pregnant lady smiled and extended her right hand for a handshake while her left hand rested on her protruding tummy.

“How may I help you, Nora,” Ella felt uneasy around her.

“I am new here,” Nora said smiling. Please, can you direct me to the babies section? You seem to know your way around the mall.”

Ella felt like replying to Nora rudely. This was an answer she could easily get from the cash point or the mall attendants moving around.

“Is that why you and your husband have been following me around?

“Oh no, we have not been following you,” Nora smiled and raised both hands in the air in an animated surrender. I guess I was misled by a newly employed attendant.”

Nora’s raised hand was a go signal to a third lady who was discreetly approaching Ella from behind. This lady was also pretending to be shopping.


To my amazing reader, thank you for always following me up, and for your continuous support.

Please, bear with me for releasing just one chapter with lengthy words today. I will revert to my old routine from tomorrow.

Thanks and have a blissful day.