Adventures Of A Goblin-Chapter 125 How Do They Do It

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?In his attempt to leave the Dungeon without shedding blood, he ended up causing an unwanted massacre of three thousand two hundred and sixty nine dead, one thousand two hundred and eighty four in coma, four hundred and ninety-five rendered unconscious, and two trapped in an illusion conjured up due to the fear experienced by their brains.

The whole army sent after Orun were all rendered defenseless and immobile by just being exposed to his bloodlust and his Aura.

Orun was bewildered in confusion at what had just happened. He had the intention of not shedding blood, and he definitely stuck by it by not shedding blood, so how come there are still people that died?.

"what is done is done. Sorry humans, it was not my intention to take your lives".

Regardless of the means, he achieved his objective of freeing the pathway for him to pass through, and avoiding any disturbance frt he humans.

Orun was quick to move on from the shock of unintentionally killing some of the humans, and proceeded to making his way past them.

He comfortably walks down the aisle of unconscious and dead humans by the sides, feeling no remorse for what he had done.

"i wonder when Oracle will be available for questioning?....."

Orun continued his walk while thinking of Oracle. He had lost connection with it for far too long, and is starting to worry that Oracle might never appear in his thoughts ever again.

The thought of that happening troubled Orun greatly. Oracle though not a living being, was the first to have ever believed in him and cared for him ever since he had been untimely abandoned by his parents in his past life.

Living in the Dungeon, Oracle had been the only one he ever made any contact to, chatted with comfortable, and revealed to it all his weaknesses.

Oracle had become more than just another skill to Orun. He has accepted it as his own family, a friend. Losing that friend isn't going to help his mental state in any way.

The longer he goes on without getting in contact with Oracle, the more agitated he becomes, leading him to being unstable and making choices based on his emotional discomfort and not through rational means.

"come on buddy....., where are you".

Orun stopped walking, and gazed his eyes above with a sense of longing expression worn on his face.


He was forcefully brought out from his state of trance due to the presence of an human he felt hastily making his way towards him.

"great, more incoming trouble".

Orun swiped his face with one of his hand, slowly getting pissed of by the number of humans that seems endless. The more of them he takes care of, another one just pops itself out of nowhere.

But, there is no reason for him to panic just yet, because they only think they have to themselves, is the numbers.

"It seems they prize quantity over quality. With the level of the humans I have encountered so far, none has proven to be off any threat to me".

Orun released his bloodlust and directed it at the human running towards him. It did not do much, as it temporarily stopped the human's movement for only a little while before he continued his hasty movements toward him, this time his pacing even faster.

"hmm..., it seems he is far different from the rest of the humans I have met with so far".

Orun stopped walking and bid his time waiting for the human to get close enough to him. No doubt the human will definitely go on a rampage when he gets to him.

First reasons being the humans he had killed, there might be some among the dead who is a familiar of his. The second reason, is the racial difference. Being a monster should be enough to set up a flare between he and the human.

"Monsters and humans must have some sort of racial conflict going on between them, going by the way he had being treated by the humans he saw when he first woke up".

"i can see reasons why it is so".

Having lived two lives, that of a human and a monster. He was able to sort out the preferential differences between the two race.

Monsters are being who pride physical strength above all. To become a king amongst several other monsters, one needs to have the physical strength to get there.

As for humans, they pride themselves in choosing their rulers among the intellectual ones and not the physically enhanced ones.

"that rule must not have changed very much in this world i am in".

Orun thought, using the weak humans he met as an exemplary measure for guiding his hypothetical thought process.

"what I don't understand is, how come humans are still yet to be extinct despite demonstrating their ill intentions towards monsters?.."

From what Orun had experienced after meeting with humans, is that humanity is far too weak when compared to monsters.

Back on earth, humans managed to lord over stronger animals through the use of technological arms, but it's different in this world. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

There is a lapping gap between human strength and monster strength that cannot be breached with just arms or brains. The humans he had disarmed by simply showing his hatred towards them is prove of how weak humanity really is.

From the clothing of the humans he met outside of the dungeon, he is able to tell that they belong to a certain group of organization that is meant to be an expert in combat, yet they fell to him so easily.

When he fought the Goblin king's army, they put up more of a fight then the humans ever did, and he had to go extra length just to kill the four Goblin generals.

Orun assumed that the human organization had to have had a leading figure to give the troops under him orders, but he wasn't able to distinguish the leader from the rest of the troops themselves, that is how weak he thought of them as.

"with the first Goblin general leading the Goblin hoards, this humans would not stand a chance against them, yet they still are not extinct".

He couldn't figure it out. There had to be something that has kept the humans alive all this while, something that could give them the strength to stand up against the overwhelming strength of the monsters, something to give them a fighting chance against the monsters.

Orun was one hundred percent convinced that humanity alone, could not have lived thus far against the threat monsters pose.

"what if?..., there are also humans with unique skill just like the first Goblin general?, or a special type job like the Goblin king had?".

"if humanity have those like that among them, that can explain how they are this persistent towards monsters".

Orun was on point with his deduction, or at least close to being on point. Oracle had once told him that with unique skill, it is possible for an ordinary being to rival an half spiritual entity. He used said words to deduce why humanity lasted this far against monsters, but he had forgotten that Oracle also said, unique skill can be dangerous to the body of an ordinary entity, and using it for far too long will wear the body out eventually leading to their death.

Humans surviving this far solely with the help of unique skill is impossible.

One of the reasons being their weak body cannot contain the might of a unique skill, and constant usage of it will result in their death.

The other reason is, for one to awaken to a unique skill, they had to have lived for a very long time, making use of their normal skill and upgrading it to the unique grade. Humanity as it is known, have shorter lifespan compared to monsters.

A monster lives two generation of a single human, and the amount of time needed to upgrade a normal skill into the unique entity, is far above the lifespan humans live.

Thus reasons are what makes it impossible for unique skill to be the reasons why humans are still being persistent against monsters to this day. 𝘧𝗿ee𝚠𝙚𝙗𝑛o𝚟𝐞l.𝐜૦𝗺

But, if unique skill isn't the answer, then what is?....