Affinity: Chaos-Chapter 1155 Leaving

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Grey didn't hold back and passed on the techniques to the young lady. The young lady was elated as the techniques were being passed to her.

This method was actually faster than the previous method she was using. Although she didn't want to say it, it wasn't a bad thing Grey absorbed the orb. She might have had some use for the large and pure quantity of essence inside, but her main aim was these techniques.

While attacking Grey, she knew she wasn't a match for him if they fought head-on, hence her request for him to pass on the techniques to him.

Grey was taking his time, glancing through the techniques as he passed them on to the young lady. There were quite a few he was interested in learning in a short time, like one that had to do with constructs. The light element is a wondrous element, these constructs, according to the description of the techniques, seemed to have some sort of consciousness. Of course, not on the level of humans nor Magical Beasts, but close to that of Elemental Warriors.

The creator of the technique studied how Elemental Warriors were made and gained the inspiration from there to create this technique. These constructs could be used to do menial jobs in the house and also used to fight if needed. They are quite powerful, but their strength largely depends on the strength of the Elementalist who creates them.

One advantage it has over Elemental Warriors is that it could stay active for a far longer time. Unfortunately, it requires a large amount of light elemental essence to sustain itself. There is no way for it to absorb the light essence on its own, so the Elementalist acts as the bridge.

A reserve for elemental essence can be created inside the construct, this way, the Elementalists would not have to constantly feed it.

There were a few more attacking techniques amongst them.

Thirty minutes later.

"That's all, I'm leaving now." Grey still had his mask on. Although his clothes were partially destroyed, he made sure to always keep his face hidden.

He already had enough enemies, adding the Heavenly Fate Faction to it wouldn't be a good thing for him.

"Wait, who are you?" The young lady asked, trying to take a peek at Grey's face.

Grey didn't respond and vanished from the room instantly. He sensed the young lady was preparing a light element attack to break his mask. That was too much of a risk for him.

With Grey's disappearance, the young lady was the only one left in the room. She couldn't help but heave a sigh. Honestly, she was freaked out when Grey appeared, it was even more so when Grey started to absorb the entire orb in front of her and there was nothing she could do about it.

The pressure of bringing back these techniques was huge and her father entrusted her with the job. Luckily, Grey wasn't too unreasonable and decided to pass on the techniques to her. Even if he kept some to himself, at least, she got well over thirty techniques which is already above their estimations.

"I wonder what his identity is." She muttered to herself before heading towards the door.


Grey appeared in another room, gasping heavily for breath. He had been pretending all this while. His injuries were not healed yet, and he could barely use his elements. His willpower was the only reason he was able to pass on the techniques to the young lady and even use the space element to leave the area. Now that he was no longer in the same place as the young lady, he fell to the ground, sitting down, drained.

Void and the bunny leader were in this room. When they saw Grey's appearance, they didn't bother with him and went on with their work.

Void was trying to take a shiny pearl. Grey only caught a small view of it but he knew it wasn't just shiny, it was most likely a powerful treasure. The bunny leader had its eyes on just one thing, a fruit that looked like a pumpkin.

There wasn't anything of interest in the room other than those two things. Well, there might have been some things, but since Void and the bunny leader are there, they must have ransacked the place.

Grey focused all his energy on trying to recover his energy while Void and the bunny leader continued what they were doing.

A few more minutes went by and Grey's eyes snapped open… someone was coming.

Grey's eyes darted to the duo who were already done with the place. Only the young lady had managed to pass through the array so he knew she was the one venturing inside.

He didn't want to have any more encounters with her, so he left.

"Is there anything else you two need?"

The duo shook their heads. They could also tell that someone was coming and from Grey's question, he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Grey motioned for them to come close, "Let's leave then. I can't use the space element right now, I'll have to depend on you two."

Void didn't waste any time and sat on Grey's shoulder, leaving the place with him and the bunny leader.

The moment Grey and the duo vanished, the young lady opened the door. Seeing the place, she knew Grey must have been here and must have taken the treasures kept here.

"Greedy." She muttered through gritted teeth before turning around.

This was most likely the last place that had anything worth taking from this place but Grey not only took the orb from her, he even took the other things that were of value in the place, leaving her with nothing but useless things.

She shook her head and decided it was time to leave. They had been in this place for a while now and according to what was said, they shouldn't spend too long in this place.


Outside the building.

The young man who was still trying to get through the array seemed to sense something and looked into the distance, in the direction Grey and his friends headed when they left. He was about to head over out of curiosity but the young lady walked out of the building, shifting his attention to her.

Looking at her, he snorted coldly before asking, "I hope you got it?"

The young lady gave him a glance but didn't respond to his question, rather, she looked in the same direction the young man was previously looking at with an odd expression.

"Could he be there?" She murmured, turning her attention back to the others, she said, "We better get going, there's nothing left for us here."

"We brought people from all over the world to this place yet we aren't even as fortunate as them to gain any reward." The young man from before commented coldly.

As odd as it sounded, they barely got anything to show for this journey. In fact, if not for the techniques the young lady acquired, this would've been a terrible expedition for them and a great loss for the Faction since they lost a few young geniuses while coming here.

"We had a mission, since it has been achieved, we should leave." The young lady's voice became cold before she asked, "Are you planning on defying the mission of the Faction Leader?"

"I wouldn't dare." The young man replied and stopped talking. Even though his frustration was evident on his face, he knew better than to speak against the leader of the Heavenly Fate Faction.

The group from the Heavenly Fate Faction left after this.


When Grey reappeared, the others could see the tiredness in his eyes. They couldn't help but wonder what he experienced in there. However, other than tiredness, they could also see excitement, it was clear he got something good from the place.

"Do you need to rest, or should we get going?" Alice asked after some minutes of silence.

"I can't move carelessly in this state, I'll need to recover some of my strength." Grey shook his head. After a few seconds he added, "Oh, I got something for you and Rey."

"What's that?" Reynolds asked curiously. He knew whatever Grey had acquired, it would definitely be of great benefit to them.

"I obtained a large amount of elemental essence there. I'm in no hurry to boost my cultivation stage as of now, so I think it will be best if you two…" Grey paused at this moment, his eyes moved to Kyle who was standing there too. Kyle hadn't broken through to the Elemental Venerable Plane as well, he then added, " Kyle you can join in as well, it should be enough for the three of you."

Kyle expressed his gratitude to Grey when he heard Grey offering him part of the benefits.

Gilbert couldn't help but look at Grey, stunned by his actions. Most people in Grey's situation would want to use the essence for themselves, but he was willing to give it to his friends.