After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains-Chapter 137: Invitation to Join

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Chapter 137


In childhood, every nightfall

was a time for family reunion, making the night feel especially peaceful.

Tonight, everyone seemed to sense something different about Father.

He was very happy.

If one had to describe it, it was as if he had an extra air of elegance.

It felt similar to Elder Sister, talkative.

During dinner,

Father said a lot.

Some of it was rather random. One moment he was talking about the snacks Elder Sister made, saying he had eaten several kinds when he was young and that they could try making them.

The next moment he was saying how beautiful Mom's headdress was, that he could design one, and that his drawings were also very good.

Then he asked about Elder Brother's studies, how far he had progressed in his reading lately, saying Elder Brother should also have a teacher. freёweɓ

He asked Grandma if she was accustomed to the lifestyle here? If there was anything she wasn't used to, she should just say so, as we're all family.

Then he asked Jiang Mianmian if she wanted any more gifts, saying he would find them all for her.

Father talked excessively, as if he were drunk.

But he hadn't been drinking. We all know Father can't hold his liquor well.

Jiang Mianmian felt that Father was in an extremely good mood, hence the talkativeness. When he talked a lot, he was a bit like those boastful men, with a touch of bragging.

When an unattractive man brags, no one believes him, but when a very handsome man brags, everyone around wants to help him bring his boasts to life.

She didn't know what Father had done. It probably wasn't that he had found money, as Father didn't value money as much as Mom and the others did.

Could it be that his rebellious career was successful? Achievements at work should also make one happy.

As for rebellion, it's probably like the game Snake, eating one block and then another, each time bringing a little more happiness.

But Jiang Mianmian couldn't understand this. Her life still mainly revolved around eating and drinking, and secretly making small improvements to enhance the convenience of life's enjoyments.

When Father was happy, the whole family was very happy.

At night, Jiang Mianmian couldn't resist listening at the corner of Father and Mom's bed.

There was nothing unsuitable for children, but Mom asked, "Husband, what did you do last night? Why are you so happy today?"

Jiang Changtian didn't say, he just hugged his wife tightly.

He thought, tonight, he could sleep peacefully.

He wouldn't suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, immersed in endless darkness.

How should one take revenge on those who have deeply hurt you in the past?

His heart was full of hatred.

Whenever he thought of any point, he wanted to kill.

When Elder Sister Yu was young and greedy, she would stare at what Jiang Wan was eating, drooling. Jiang Wan would put down her food, and the maid would take it away, but they wrongly accused Elder Sister Yu of stealing it. Sister Xia, not understanding the situation, even beat Elder Sister Yu.

Elder Sister Yu cried heartbreakingly and hid alone. They thought Elder Sister Yu was lost and went everywhere to find her.

Sister Xia also didn't believe she would steal food. Sister Xia beat Elder Sister Yu because she stared at Jiang Wan.

Whenever he thought of these things, he felt that one day, he must live very, very well, become unreachably high, and let Elder Sister Yu suffer for every bit of food she ate.

He had an inexhaustible fury in his heart.

Always with nowhere to vent.

Last night, he had just tried to make them experience a small step of what he had gone through, watching them wail in pain, as if his illness had improved a little.

It was even more satisfying than killing them outright.

Death is easy, living is hard.

Why should they live high above others? He wanted to make them struggle and crawl for survival in the mud for the rest of their lives.

He wanted to make them think they were sitting securely on high, only to fall down again and again.

He wanted to make them repeatedly full of hope, only to return disappointed.

Jiang Changtian thought, he was sick, seriously ill, and they were his medicine.

Perhaps one day, when he was cured, then they could die.

Jiang Mianmian didn't wait for Father's answer. She yawned and fell asleep.

If she knew what Father was thinking, she might have thought it was about solving psychological problems, needing psychological output, and that killing them directly would be a bit regrettable.

The next day.

Early in the morning, magpies were singing.

Jiang Yu looked at the tree, thinking that roasted bird really tasted good.

Deterred by Grandma's watchful eyes, she didn't dare to knock the bird down.

Now she didn't even climb trees herself, but used stones to knock them down, which actually worked.

Mom saw the magpies and said, "We should have guests today."

Sure enough, while the family was eating breakfast, Mr. Gong actually came, travel-worn and with a face full of beard.

At first, Jiang Mianmian didn't even recognize him.

She remembered that when she first met him, his beard was neatly trimmed, a standard pencil mustache.

Now he looked weathered, with many more wrinkles on his forehead, and much deeper nasolabial folds.

He looked like he had aged ten years.

Compared to Father, who looked ten years younger.

It was quite shocking.

Gong Qichi was also stunned when he saw Jiang Changtian.

Both were rebels, yet why had Brother Changtian become even younger?

While he had aged rapidly from traveling day and night.

"Brother Yehan, you've come in such a hurry, is there urgent business? Please sit down, eat something first, we can talk while we eat."

Gong Qichi was about to refuse, wanting to say he had filled his stomach on the road with dry rations, but looking at the table full of flower-like steamed buns? Fine white flour, clear soup noodles with wild chives, long strips of pastry? Various dishes, a whole table of food he had never seen before.

He still sat down shamelessly.

He even washed his hands before eating, showing he was a rather refined person.

Gong Qichi first took a sip of the noodle soup, which was clear and sweet, then picked up some noodles with his chopsticks. The noodles were chewy and fragrant. He then took a big gulp of soup, swallowing some green onions with it, which was a bit spicy but made the soup more fragrant.

Three mouthfuls of noodles and three sips of soup, he finished a bowl of noodles.

His eyes were red.

The noodles reminded him of home, of his mother.

"These noodles are extremely well made. I wonder what great chef Brother Changtian has hired?" Gong Qichi asked, wiping the soup from his beard.

Jiang Mianmian thought: ...The cause of rebellion makes one weather-beaten. This uncle was so refined when he came last time.

Jiang Changtian smiled and said, "This was made by my younger daughter. We have no servants at home. We have a female teacher, recommended by General Zi. My Sister Xia has acknowledged the teacher as her aunt, they address each other as niece and aunt, we're all family."

Only then did Gong Qichi notice the woman in the corner.

He had heard about this from General Zi but hadn't paid attention.

Now observing, he found that although this person was older and ordinary-looking, her demeanor was extraordinary.

Just now he had completely overlooked her, which was strange.

After eating a bowl of noodles, Gong Qichi wasn't full.

When he was a scholar, his appetite wasn't large, but now he could eat a lot, especially after having been hungry.

He drank another bowl of fine grain porridge, accompanied by small round steamed buns.

Jiang Changtian introduced, "This is xiaolongbao, a name given by my youngest daughter. They're steamed in small baskets, four dumplings per basket, extremely delicate."

Seeing him pick up a long strip of fried dough, Jiang Changtian continued, "This is youtiao, an entire strip deep-fried in oil. It's crispy and refreshing when freshly made, becomes a bit chewy if left for a while, but still tastes fragrant. It's especially delicious when dipped in soup."

After finishing breakfast.

Jiang Changtian handed him a pot of digestive tea, and the two sat under a tree drinking tea.

Jiang Mianmian successfully became an attachment in Father's arms, obediently listening to the gossip.

"If I didn't know that Ming County was so well-governed, with refugees and scholars from surrounding areas coming here, I'd think from your demeanor that you'd become one of those officials who exploit the common people," Gong Qichi said with a bitter smile, observing the other's clean clothes, fair face and hands, and the even fairer child in his arms, living such a carefree life.

Jiang Changtian replied, "Brother Qichi, you've worked hard. Without you all rushing about at the frontlines, Changtian couldn't be at ease in the rear. But as for exploiting the common people, Changtian would certainly never stoop to such things. I've struggled at the bottom before, I understand the hardships of life. The common people ask for very little - just to eat and dress a bit better. My life now has only improved in terms of food and clothing, and my family feels very blessed because of it."

"My Elder Sister Yu spends all day thinking about good food, she's been scared of hunger before."

Gong Qichi nodded, understanding the reasoning.

"What brings Brother Qichi rushing here this time?"

"Someone complained to General Zi, saying you were exploiting the common people and amassing wealth excessively. But General Zi didn't believe it. I've come this time to tell you that the imperial court is offering amnesty. General Zi's intention is to accept the amnesty first," Gong Qichi took a sip of the after-meal digestive tea, having accidentally eaten too much earlier, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The feeling of rushing about had made his body weak.

He looked enviously at Brother Changtian, who didn't have a drop of sweat.

Jiang Changtian was slightly stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Amnesty is good. The climate hasn't been good this year, we need to rest and recuperate for a while. The rice seedlings have just been planted, we'll have to wait until autumn for the harvest."

Gong Qichi slapped his thigh, this was why he liked Brother Changtian.

When others were told about amnesty, their first reaction was to make a fuss and oppose it, asking what benefits or positions they could get. Only Brother Changtian considered it for General Zi and for the common people.

"General Zi said that with the amnesty, there's actually no change from before. Even if people come from the imperial court, they wouldn't dare do much. You just need to deal with it perfunctorily."

After conveying the message, Gong Qichi left behind gifts from the young master for the little girl, and hurriedly set off for the next place.

Before leaving, he was stuffed with a large pack of dried bread pieces, and several small packets of powdered substances.

By midday, in the dense forest.

Following Brother Changtian's instructions, Gong Qichi boiled water and mixed in the powder. It unexpectedly turned into a bowl of soup with red and green vegetables. It tasted like fresh vegetable soup, even with a meat flavor, and paired with the dried bread pieces, it was fragrant and delicious.

Sitting on dead branches under a tree, Gong Qichi sighed, "Among thousands of delicacies in the world, none compare to the soup Brother Jiang gave me."

Upon returning, he must tell General Zi that Brother Jiang is an invaluable person who should be given more responsibilities. Ming County alone is too easy for him, Brother Jiang has even grown plump, with such smooth and delicate skin on his face...