After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains-Chapter 170: The Young Lady Begins Her Journey from the Toilet

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Chapter 170

Early morning.

It was getting colder.

Each day colder than the last.

Jiang Mianmian wore a cotton nightgown, almost like a sleeping bag, with a cotton jacket over it, and another coat on top of that.

As soon as she woke up, she squeezed her legs together.

She needed to pee.

Just then, she saw her maid Pangya carrying over a huge chamber pot.

The pot seemed to be made of copper, with a ring of ornate carvings around it, looking quite expensive.

Mom was right; the maid she chose for her was indeed very strong.

Jiang Mianmian: ...

Although she woke up desperately needing to pee, the feeling of having a chamber pot brought to her was indescribable.

And with the maid staring at her, she felt nervous.

What if she needed to do more than pee, like have a bowel movement?

With the maid watching like that, even her poop would be too shy to come out.

After taking care of her biological needs, Jiang Mianmian washed up with Pangya's assistance.

Then she trotted off to find her mom.

The young lady's quarters weren't far from her mother's bedroom, but Mom wouldn't always be in her bedroom. In the morning, she should be in the dining area, right?

Jiang Mianmian walked slowly, as if strolling through a park.

Pangya followed nervously behind her.

Her parents had told Pangya she'd hit the jackpot. They thought she was destined to be a rough servant, but now she'd been assigned to wait on the young lady. They told her to work hard, and that for a maid, being obedient was more important than being clever: just do whatever the masters tell you to do.

Pangya herself was surprised. She was chubby and clumsy-looking, so people usually didn't want her for close personal service. Before, she had always been tending to flowers and plants, as her strength was useful for moving pots in and out.

Pangya felt that the work of a personal maid was much less demanding. She just had to follow the young miss, watch her, eat and drink. It was simpler than tending plants, which required getting up early to dig soil, move flower pots, and clean: lots of work.

She was happy.

But her parents cautioned her not to let her guard down, to be alert, watch more and talk less, and work hard.

So now, following the young lady, Pangya matched her every step.

Jiang Mianmian asked curiously, "Have you had breakfast? You were right there when I opened my eyes. When do you eat breakfast?"

Pangya replied, "I haven't eaten yet. We eat when we have a chance. If the young miss doesn't need us to attend her, we can grab a bite in the corner. We can also take turns eating. Both my parents work in the household, so I can eat with them. I have a big appetite, but I also work very hard."

Jiang Mianmian nodded.

Having both parents in the household meant Pangya had roots here.

She thought of her own hospital internships, when sometimes there were so many patients that she couldn't find time to eat, only grabbing bites when possible. We're all wage slaves, she mused.

By the time they slowly made their way to the dining hall, Jiang Mianmian felt like she'd already met her exercise quota for the day.

These big houses really give you a workout.

Jiang Mianmian obediently greeted her parents.

Then she said hello to her Eldest Brother, Brother-in-law, and Elder Sister.

Everything up to this point was normal and well-behaved.

Then Pangya watched as the eldest young master picked up the little miss and tossed her high into the air.

Pangya's chubby heart felt like it was flying too.

This kind of tossing shouldn't be allowed!

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

In mid-air, Little Mianmian's chubby round face twitched a bit.

They'd played like this since she was tiny, so she was used to it. At first, she'd been nervous, but now when tossed up she would relax her whole body, enjoying the feeling of flight.

After all, she was guaranteed to be caught.

During the meal, the flavors were normal this morning.

Jiang Mianmian looked at the congee, oil pancakes, small radishes, vegetables, and meat in front of her: these were her favorites.

It seemed Elder Sister had supervised the kitchen for breakfast.

Seeing Elder Sister's spirited demeanor, she must have found her way of life.

There was no custom of silence during meals.

Jiang Mianmian heard her father say, "In a few days, it will be Yu'er's birthday. Since we're in the Provincial Capital this year, let's invite people and have a proper celebration."

Qin Luoxia nodded, thinking that after the birthday, perhaps it would be time to start looking at potential matches. If they were inviting people, did that mean they could start considering suitors?

Jiang Yu was delighted. Birthdays meant good food, and this time they'd definitely have to make the cake his sister had talked about.

Meng Shaoxia was conflicted.

His current official rank was still a tiny bit higher than his father-in-law's.

At last night's welcoming banquet, he never imagined that his father-in-law: with his otherworldly good looks and ethereal aura: would turn out to have the reputation of a corrupt official...

He was apparently preparing to start amassing wealth.

This was utterly unexpected...

Celebrating birthdays for the younger generation and inviting guests would be laughable.

Wah, his own birthday was coming up soon too!!!

Jiang Mianmian was excited. "Great, great! It's Brother's birthday, and I've already thought of a gift that won't cost any money."

Her song and dance troupe, ah, might even set a new fashion trend by then.

Hoho, she was already getting excited.

After eating, Little Mianmian walked back with Jiang Xiaoshu and Pangya.

She noticed Pangya's lips were oily, so it seemed she had eaten.

Jiang Mianmian took Jiang Xiaoshu out of her pocket and said, "This is my pet. If you see it, don't step on it."

Pangya nodded, then looked confused, then quickly nodded several more times.

This ant was the young miss's pet? When she used to tend the flowers, she had killed so many ants. What should she do?

And this ant was way too big.

Once Pangya started thinking about it, her brain short-circuited a bit. Never mind, better not to think about it.

Jiang Mianmian led Pangya back to her bedroom, which had a private bathroom: a small partitioned area for using the toilet, dark with a curtain that could be lowered, and a small platform with a copper washbasin.

After peeing or pooping, there was wood ash to cover it, so it didn't smell.

Someone was specifically in charge of cleaning it.

The main feature was really just how labor-intensive it all was.

Using the toilet once involved several people to clean up, serve tea, pour water, help with clothes, wash the chamber pot...

Reforming the toilet system with flush toilets would require plumbing, biogas tanks, and all sorts of things...

Ah, better give up on that idea for now.

After using the bathroom, Jiang Mianmian began her daily routine as a young lady.

She had someone notify the members of her song and dance troupe to perform.

They could perform any acts they were good at.

The troupe members were called to a circular stage in the center of the courtyard, with curtains hung around it, looking very proper.

There was even a dedicated area behind the stage, behind the curtains, for them to change clothes and put on makeup, so they didn't have to run around.

Watching the fiercest Old Granny in the household arranging tea, snacks, and lounging chairs by the viewing area, it felt like some very important people would be watching.

But wasn't it a bit decadent to start enjoying song and dance performances so early in the morning?

They usually performed in the evening, or in the afternoon.

It was rare for someone to want to watch performances so early in the morning.

However, after hearing about Little Phoenix Fairy's death, they had become much more obedient.

But they had also heard another version of the story, saying that Little Phoenix Fairy had died of shame.

Apparently, the Head of the Family was actually a devastatingly handsome man.

They hadn't seen him.

But they had seen the young miss who had taken them in.

They felt a bit grateful in their hearts. If the young miss hadn't wanted them, looking at how others were thrown into agencies and sold at the slightest provocation, it was quite sobering.

They didn't dare look at the young miss too much, but even at her young age, she already showed signs of becoming a great beauty.

Being called to perform for the first time, with such a grand stage set up, and Granny Yin so carefully and solemnly preparing refreshments, they were all a bit nervous. It must be the Head of the Family coming to watch them, so they had to bring out their very best skills.

One by one, they warmed up their voices, stretched their muscles, and prepared themselves.

Then they saw a little bean sprout of a girl saunter over.

She made herself comfortable on the lounge chair, even kicking off her embroidered shoes...

The stern and imposing Granny smiled warmly as she poured tea.

A chubby maid stood behind the little bean sprout.

The tiny girl waved her hand, indicating they could begin their performance...