After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains-Chapter 182: More Villainous than the Villain

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Chapter 182

The autumn breeze was slightly cool.

Two nuns arrived quietly, likely having navigated through blind spots in the crowd surveillance.

They chose a moment when few people were around to make their move.

Not far from Jiang Manor, there was a carriage.

But no matter how long they waited, no one came out.

Could it be that the hosts were too hospitable, and the two masters decided to stay overnight?

The elite are superstitious, placing immense trust in the words of revered masters.

Staying overnight was indeed a possibility.

Yet the carriage waited still, not daring to leave.

Until another carriage approached head-on.

Qin Luoxia and Jiang Changtian were returning. Previously unfamiliar with the Provincial Capital, they still knew little about it, but with a child waiting at home, the city had become their home, and they were eager to return.

As they neared the Provincial Capital, the road became smoother and their pace quickened.

It was a relief.

The carriage wheels rolled over the cobblestone road, creaking rhythmically like a cheerful melody.

Qin Luoxia couldn't help but lift the curtain to gaze at the scenery outside.

Her first visit was to settle down, and she hadn't paid much attention to the surroundings.

Now, because this place was home, everything seemed familiar.

Qin Luoxia noticed a carriage.

It was a beautiful, sturdy-looking carriage, more stable than the one Magistrate Huang had prepared for her.

The coachman seemed like a trained professional.

But for some reason, the coachman seemed nervous when he looked at her?

Qin Luoxia considered herself very approachable and gracious outside, having learned from Aunt Yin for so long. She had become adept at concealing her true self. Aunt Yin said society demanded much from women; you could aspire to fly, to rise, to do anything, but it was best to disguise yourself in a way that met societal expectations, as it was the least troublesome.

No need to explain to everyone why you appeared as you did.

Just present a universally acceptable facade, what everyone expects, and save a lot of time for what you truly wish to do.

Thus, outside, Qin Luoxia managed her appearance well, not necessarily noble, but at least a kind and gentle lady.

Yet, even so, the coachman's pupils shifted nervously at their first glance.

Something was off with this man.

Why was this carriage parked not far from her own home?

Qin Luoxia did not make eye contact; she merely glanced and then looked away.

As if she hadn't seen him at all.

The carriage continued on.

They passed by each other.

Like a meeting without meaning.

The coachman was surprised to see them return so soon.

But he showed no unusual expression; his face remained unchanged.

The other party surely hadn't noticed anything.

Though his parking spot was close to Jiang Manor, it was still across the street.

With many mansions around, pretending to be from another manor was quite ordinary.

The carriage wheels rolled evenly past.

It was curious that Jiang Changtian would venture out without any guards, just his wife.

It was said they were returning for a funeral.

Their speed was unusually fast.


Back at the manor.

Jiang Changtian and Qin Luoxia were startled to see two nuns tightly bound.

It was good they had hurried back.

Aunt Yin recounted the scene without missing a word.

Qin Luoxia immediately recalled the carriage encounter from earlier today.

The nuns' mouths were silenced by a cloth gag.

They squirmed and writhed, similar to a silkworm.

A whimpering sound escaped from their voices.

They appeared like innocent victims who had fallen into the lair of villains.

Upon seeing her parents return, Jiang Mianmian's lips started to quiver, her tears started falling heavily.

She wept inconsolably, her sobs borne of terror and grievance.

The terror of nearly being kidnapped was too overwhelming.

It would have been one thing to end up in the temple, helping with the chants and sweeping the floors.

But the way those two nuns spoke, their mysterious words, left her questioning whether they were real or part of some deceptive scheme.

The thought of them actually realizing her peculiarity, and eating her alive frightened her even more.

The terror of that thought spiraled out of control.

Jiang Mianmian sobbed uncontrollably,

Her tears soaked her mother's chest and then her father's shoulder.

The wails of the two nuns crawling on the ground were even more horrifying.

"Why are you crying?"

They only spoke a few words and attempted to pull her away but were unsuccessful.

All they managed to do was touch the hem of Mianmian's dress.

It was lamentable.

Onlookers might think they mistreated her.

The crying of the little girl tugged at the heartstrings of Qin Luoxia and Jiang Changtian.

The mere thought of their child being carried away was enough to drive Qin Luoxia insane.

She didn't believe in karma or retribution. If such things truly existed, her father and many brave men wouldn't have died on the battlefield, their bodies undiscovered, and their families suffering more than anyone else. Those left behind saw no blessings, only endless suffering.

Living on roots and dirt, where were these Buddhist virtues when life was unbearable?

Frustrating phonies.

Qin Luoxia always thought of herself as someone with a calm demeanor, but even the most patient people have their limits.

Mianmian, a child she bore after ten months of pregnancy, was her entire world. She was paramount, even more so than her own life. For her child, she could sacrifice her own life.

Jiang Changtian's face softened as he cradled Mianmian, trying to soothe her with sweet words, trying to stop the crying with light-hearted banter.

Only when their sobbing child was finally quiet did he allow the wet-nurse to take her.

to take her.

His heart shattered with each cry of the child.

He recalled the nun's words.

"This child was destined to be with us in the monastery. She doesn't belong in the secular world. Otherwise, it would bring bad luck to the whole family. Everything should return to the right track."

What is the right track?

Watching his family die off one by one?

Jiang Changtian laughed.

He squinted at the nuns kindly, telling his wife, "Luoxia, let me handle them."

Qin Luoxia nodded in agreement.

Night fell.

Jiang Feng and Meng Shaoxia returned from their military training.

There was a certain unusual quietness in the house.

The shock of the day had passed.

But Jiang Yu excitedly retold the thrilling events of the day to her older brother and eldest nephew.

"That nun was terrifyingly fast, like she had some sort of magic. She appeared in front of Mianmian all of a sudden, trying to drag her away."

Jiang Mianmian had cried herself to sleep and woke up a bit groggy, listless.

Jiang Feng examined his sister from head to toe to ensure she was alright.

She swatted her brother's hand away lazily when he ruffled her hair.

"Were you frightened?"

Jiang Mianmian nodded, "A little. But I think it's because I overate at lunch. The swan meat was too coarse and I didn’t digest it well. I felt uncomfortable."

Jiang Mianmian pointed at her swollen belly.

This made Jiang Feng laugh again, masking his underlying fear.

Meng Shaoxia was earnestly checking if Jiang Yu was alright, if she was scared.

Jiang Yu shook her head: "I'm fine, just a bit scared thinking back. That nun was dressed so brightly, and she was very beautiful, I never thought she would do something like this."

Meng Shaoxia turned to Jiang Changtian: "Father, I know a little about interrogation techniques, I can help interrogate."

Meng Shaoxia was good with words.

After getting married, he did not use formal titles like father and mother-in-law, but directly started calling them father and mother.

Everyone wasn't used to this at the start.

But as time went by, they got accustomed to it.

Jiang Changtian and Qin Luoxia agreed after some observation that Meng Shaoxia was a good man, and maybe a bit overwhelming for their own daughter.

Their daughter was the one marrying up.

Such an honorable and down-to-earth person was rare. He didn't seem to be pretending.

Even if he was pretending, as long as he could make their daughter happy, they hoped he would pretend for a lifetime.

Jiang Changtian took Meng Shaoxia and Feng to see the person.

Surprisingly, the person was in the basement of their house.

Meng Shaoxia was taken aback.

He was cautious and keen on the environment.

He hadn't noticed the existence of this basement in this mansion.

It was hidden under the tower in the backyard.

Then they saw two badly injured nuns, their splendid robes were nowhere to be seen, all covered in blood.

And also a man.

The coachman.

When Qin Luoxia returned, she saw the two nuns, soothed the child, and immediately left.

She went to the carriage, noticed nobody was watching, knocked the coachman out with a quick strike and drove the carriage home.

The appearance of the two nuns and the coachman was terrifying, all bloodied.

On the basement wall hung iron shovels, spears, knives, swords, whips, and there was a furnace, brand iron. In the corner, there were stacks of cabbages and radishes.

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One of the nuns had her face burned black, but you could see that she was beautiful on the untouched side.

Meng Shaoxia took a sharp breath.

In such a short time, they had already caught one of the culprits and tormented them to such an extent. He initially thought he had walked into the Department of Punishment in the palace.

He carefully asked: "Father, did we get any information?"

Jiang Changtian shook his head: "No, I don't know whether they are telling the truth or lying. I just learned some interrogation techniques. It's good that you are here, you are more professional, you interrogate."

Both nuns were shuddering:......

The coachman was shuddering:......

Meng Shaoxia's mouth corner twitched:......