Age of Evolution#-Chapter 559 - 560: The Blue-Green Flame! (3 more)

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Chapter 559: Chapter 560: The Blue-Green Flame! (3 more)


In the depths of space, Ying Huo had originally been reclining in his chair when he suddenly sat up straight.

“What’s the matter?”

Ying Huo’s movement startled Five Ghosts: “What are you doing? Jumping up like that?”

“Something’s not right! I had clearly placed a tracking mark on Lin Zhen, and it had been showing his location up until just now. But now the signal is getting weaker and weaker. I can barely sense his presence.”

“That can’t be right. The tracking mark can only be erased if their Star Power is greater than yours. Even though Lin Zhen has a decent amount of strength, his Star Power is definitely lower than yours, and we both know that.”

“You’re right, but I just can’t seem to clearly sense his marked location anymore. He’s left his original position… He’s on the move, and he’s fast… Oh no! I can’t sense him at all anymore, the distance is too great!”

As Ying Huo spoke, his eyebrows furrowed, clearly caught off guard by Lin Zhen’s actions.

“N-…no mark? What should we do now?”

“We can’t just wait around in space. I have to go down to the surface. Without getting closer to Lin Zhen, I won’t be able to sense the location of the mark at all. You have to understand that while my Star Power is greater than his, it’s not by a huge margin. That kid has so much potential.”

After thinking for a moment, Five Ghosts stopped Ying Huo, who was about to immediately leave the spaceship.

“Ying Huo, I think you need to be patient. Lin Zhen is at a dead end right now, and he’s definitely still on Baiyulan Star. It’s just that we don’t know how he’s temporarily hidden the tracking mark. But I believe that if you get closer, you will still be able to find him. In the meantime, if we were to go down now, we might be playing right into his hands. Our defenses in the sky would be lax, and perhaps he’s waiting for just such an opportunity to escape Baiyulan Star. If he escapes now, flying alongside the parallel universe, where would we even go to catch him?”

Five Ghosts’ words reminded Ying Huo, and he calmed down.

“You’re right, I was being too impatient. To track Lin Zhen in space safely, we need four people to stay and maintain our defenses while two others go down to investigate. If just I alone go, it’s uncertain whether I can capture Lin Zhen, whereas if two of us go, there will be holes in our defenses.”

“Yes, so we need to wait for Ji Du to arrive. Once he’s here, we can go down and pursue while their four people guard the space, ensuring we get Lin Zhen.”

Ying Huo sat down again: “Alright, let’s wait. Hopefully, Ji Du will arrive quickly.”


Their caution actually bought Lin Zhen some time.

Because no one came to chase him, Lin Zhen was able to leave his previous position more than a thousand kilometers away, unhindered.

It was only when the small bird’s wings began to tire from flapping that Lin Zhen came to rest on a tree branch.

“Compared to when I was flying, it’s more difficult for anyone to detect me when I’m stationary like this. I believe that as long as I maintain this state, neither Ying Huo nor Five Ghosts will be able to locate me without coming within 100 meters, unable to tell that I’m a bird.”

“Even though I can’t escape Baiyulan Star for the time being, I am absolutely safe in the short term. Baiyulan Star is so huge that I doubt they can comb through every 100-meter range, especially considering I can also move.”

After ensuring his temporary safety, Lin Zhen grew less anxious.

He didn’t know how long these people could stay on Baiyulan Star, and since he couldn’t leave for now, it would be better to focus on cultivating for a while.

His strength was not far behind that of Five Ghosts and the others. If he could break through again, perhaps he wouldn’t have to run anymore and might be able to turn the tables and defeat them instead.

Anyway, there were still two years left to revive Little Phoenix, and he could focus on cultivating during this period.


“Lord Ji Du!”

“Greetings, Lord Ji Du!”

Both Five Ghosts and Ying Huo stood up to greet the approaching middle-aged man.

The man wore a black robe with faint specks of starlight floating on it, his face dark and his eyes fierce.

It wasn’t an act; this man was inherently wicked to the bone.

In reality, each of the Seven Great Evil Stars had a cruel, vicious nature, which is why they were able to receive the Evil Star inheritance. In order to achieve their goals, they would take any measures necessary.

With their management, the warriors of the Sixty-Eighth District were as stable as Mount Taishan, which spoke to their methods.

Upon arriving, Ji Du sat down and asked, “Where is Lin Zhen?”

“My lord, here’s what happened…”

Ying Huo quickly reported the situation with Lin Zhen and informed Ji Du that Lin Zhen had hidden his tracking signal but was definitely still on the planet. They needed to go down and search for him.

“Well, based on what you’ve said, Lin Zhen is a must-find. But apparently, this kid’s hiding skills are not bad, so you guys might actually struggle to find him for a while.”

“Don’t worry, sir! Even if we have to turn over every inch of soil on Baiyulan Star, we will definitely find Lin Zhen. He won’t escape!”

“Good! It’s great that you’re determined. The fleets that have come this time belong to the seven Evil Stars, and even Luo Gou, the big boss, has sent a fleet for assistance. No matter how long we stay here, we can afford it. However, you should try to be as quick as possible. Luo Gou is known for his temper, and if things go badly, he might not be pleased. As far as I know, Luo Gou is close to reaching the Star Domain Stage. If you upset him, you’ll have to deal with the consequences.”

“Please rest assured, Brother Luo Gou, Brother Ji Du, Lin Zhen will not get away!”

Five ghosts and Ying Huo assured Ji Du before leaving the spaceship and heading straight for Baiyulan Star.

The surrounding fleets had tightly surrounded Baiyulan Star, ensuring that Lin Zhen had no chance to escape. Ji Du also believed that as long as he gave the duo some time, capturing Lin Zhen would not be a problem.


A few minutes later, Five ghosts and Ying Huo landed on Baiyulan Star, at the location where Lin Zhen had previously made his delivery.

“Five ghosts, Lin Zhen was staying here before. At that time, I didn’t come to catch him, but afterward, his star power weakened and gradually disappeared.”

“Can you be sure of the direction he went in?”

Ying Huo looked around and then pointed in a direction. “This way. When he started to leave, he might not have known how to control his power well. Some of the aura leaked out, but I can guarantee that he definitely went in this direction.”

“Alright! In that case, let’s follow this direction and make sure to release our star power as well. There should be no omissions. He’s likely hiding in some remote corner, or perhaps he believes that the most dangerous place is the safest. He may have returned after a detour.”

“You have a point. Let’s expand our search radius to 100 kilometers from this center point and search the area first.”

After discussing, the two of them released their star power, each handling a width of 100 meters, and began a dragnet search.

However, they had no idea that Lin Zhen never believed in the idea that dangerous places are safe. For martial artists, danger is danger because they all have spiritual power and star power that can cover a wide range. How could danger ever be safe?

This idea might work for ordinary people, but for martial artists, such a possibility doesn’t exist.

Five ghosts and Ying Huo had no choice but to search. Finding someone is always more difficult than hiding. Lin Zhen was determined to hide, and they didn’t have precise coordinates, so they had to start with a dragnet search without leaving anything out.

At this time, Lin Zhen was already thousands of miles away.

But they didn’t know that. They could only use this clumsy method to search the area within a radius of a hundred miles first. This took up an entire day.

“Ying Huo, I think our search is flawed. Lin Zhen shouldn’t be staying in this area, he most likely has already moved further away. We should follow the direction you mentioned earlier.”

“I think so too. Let’s move side by side, expand our search radius to 500 meters, and go in that direction to look for a while.”

Five ghosts and Ying Huo once again used this method and began searching along the direction Lin Zhen had gone.

However, Ying Huo had only sensed Lin Zhen for a short time before he disappeared. The direction he pointed out couldn’t be that accurate.

After searching for another three days, they had advanced thousands of kilometers in this manner, but they still found nothing.

At this point, the distance between Lin Zhen and them had further increased.

“Hey! What are you guys doing? Sneaking around, are you trying to steal something? Let me tell you, this place is the territory of the Heaven Security Company. You’d better not try anything here; otherwise, I’ll call people over to make you unable to take care of yourselves! Get out of here!”

A War God level martial artist wearing a security uniform approached them with a short stick in his hand – a divine artifact.

Five ghosts and Ying Huo exchanged glances, feeling a rising anger in their chests that was difficult to suppress.

Four days had passed, and the search for Lin Zhen had reached a deadlock. Millions of soldiers in the sky were waiting for news from the duo, but Lin Zhen’s whereabouts were still unknown. Now, they were being yelled at by a War God level novice. It was like a dragon being teased by shrimp in shallow water, or a tiger being ridiculed by a dog in an open field.

“Damn it! Just asking for death!”

As Ying Huo spoke, Five ghosts charged forward, grabbing the fearless security guard in one move.

“What kind of trash security company is this?! If you anger me, I’ll exterminate your entire race on this planet! Die!”

With one claw, the security guard’s heart was crushed.

An explosion of star power obliterated the corpse, leaving no trace.

“Inform the people of Baiyulan Star, all of them must take action! Help us find Lin Zhen’s whereabouts. If they can’t find him, I really will exterminate their entire race!” freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

Five ghosts angrily issued an order to the commander of the interstellar fleet in space. He could no longer bear it!