All-rounder Artist-Chapter 244 - 228: 2 Short of a Producer_1

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Chapter 244: Chapter 228: 2 Short of a Producer_1

Web page viewing data is delayed, and only the online film department can see the real-time data in the background.

But looking at the real-time data displayed on Lu Hao’s computer, many Penguin Video employees were doubting their eyesight.

A web movie titled “Flirting Scholar” had an astounding view count of one hundred thousand!

Exact view count: 100,467!

As internal employees, everyone was naturally aware of the inside scoop about this online movie just launched.

“Flirting Scholar” had a production budget of less than ten million, no publicity, no famous director, no well-known actors-

Otherwise, it would not be released online.

The only advantage of this film is probably that the scriptwriter Xian Yu is a celebrity?

But Xian Yu is not known for his scriptwriting, but for his composing, which might even deter some viewers.

Compared to other online films of the same period, “Flirting Scholar” did not seem to have any apparent advantages, so no one initially expected this movie to explode-

“The data is insane!”

“There must be a bug in the calculation!”

“The views exceeded one hundred thousand in just five hours?”

“Damn, the movie isn’t exclusive, it’s also available on Catmill, so why did it get one hundred thousand views within five hours? People might think it’s a theater movie…”

“How many views on Catmill?”

“Check the website data.”

Everyone quickly opened Catmill’s website and sure enough saw that “Flirting Scholar” had climbed to the top of the daily views chart.

The displayed view count was: 97,654.

“Web page data is generally delayed. I assume the actual view count of “Flirting Scholar” on their side has also broken one hundred thousand!”

“It wasn’t an exclusive signing, the two sides can be added together, which means… this movie got two hundred thousand views about five hours after it went live?”

“As far as I recall, didn’t the film’s budget just come just to nine million?”

“Two hundred thousand views… both websites combined, sold a million in just five hours?”

“Oh my god!”

“This making money rate is too sick!”

“Looking at the movie reviews, it really did explode, filled with positive comments!”

“A rating above nine, it’s not just word of mouth, the number of comments is also overwhelmingly large!”

“The problem is, the movie has only been online for five hours, who the hell knows how high it can go, I need to inform the manager!”

“We need to increase publicity!”

“Such an awesome movie, and we’ll let Catmill profit?”

The same scenario, occurred in the online film department of Catmill!

Receiving alarming news in real-time, the manager of Catmill’s online film department could almost pop out his eyeballs:

“This movie is insane!”

In the face of this movie’s data, even the exclamations from the employee next to him, were filled with astonishment:


“Can such a no-cost, no-publicity, no-star online blockbusters also be so powerful? According to this trend, I suspect this movie will break many records of online films!”

“The heat will definitely ferment. Wait until the data explodes in a few days, I guess even the theaters will be jealous?”

“We need to step up promotion!”

“It’s a pity that this film wasn’t signed exclusively, or we would have made a fortune this time. Hurry up and promote it, we have to compete with Penguin Video!”

Since the movie wasn’t exclusively signed, viewers can watch “Flirting Scholar” on both Catmill and Penguin Video.

For the audience, it doesn’t matter which website they watch this movie on, as long as the picture quality is the same.

But for the two websites, there’s a huge difference!

Therefore, the two websites will definitely be scrambling for audience, and might even sacrifice part of the website’s interests to implement price reduction strategies!

When both broadcasting platforms also realized the immense potential and horrifying worth of “Flirting Scholar”, the site’s promotion began to build momentum!

The movie’s rise to popularity was unstoppable!

At this time, Shen Qing had just finished working for the morning.

As he arrived at the company cafeteria, while eating, he took out his phone to check the performance of “Flirting Scholar” after its launch.

Not that Shen Qing didn’t care about the movie…

As an industry insider, Shen Qing knew very well that not much could be discerned just after an online film was launched.


When Shen Qing took out his phone, he received a major information push from Penguin Video: [Hilarious comedy movie “Flirting Scholar” now live!] free𝑤

Shen Qing was slightly stunned.

Why would Penguin Video give “Flirting Scholar” such heavy promotion?

Aren’t these kinds of recommendations reserved for the most popular videos?

Before Shen Qing could recover, another information stream push appeared above his phone: [The year’s most surprising blockbuster “Flirting Scholar” is now live, stay and laugh a while, Catmill guarantees!]

Shen Qing was a little bit stunned.

Why are they both promoting “Flirting Scholar”?

It felt as if Penguin Video and Catmill were competing in a drum-beating contest for viewers?

He instinctively clicked on Catmill’s push, then he saw “Flirting Scholar” was placed in the most conspicuous recommendation on the website.

Even without clicking the push, anyone who entered the website could see the movie advertisement at first sight!


Seemingly realizing something, Shen Qing’s heartbeat sped up slightly.

When he clicked into the movie category, his expression almost froze, and he even forgot to chew on the food in his mouth.

Daily movie leaderboard first place: “Flirting Scholar”!

Rating: 9.4!

View count: 113,453!


A mouthful of rice was forcibly swallowed by Shen Qing.

He closed the video website and used Tribe to search for “Flirting Scholar”, then confronted with numerous netizen discussions on Tribe, he fell silent- juxtaposed with this time.

A surprised voice came from the side: “Producer Shen, you’re here. Have you seen the activity online, damn! We blew up! Our movie blew up! Hahahaha Lin is invincible!”

The person speaking was the assistant director of “Flirting Scholar”, one of the key person in the movie’s creative team.

“Blew up…”

Shen Qing felt his head spinning a bit, had the world gone a little mad?

This somewhat abnormal movie Lin had made, it had exploded?”

The website’s data wouldn’t lie… Tribe’s discussion volume wouldn’t lie…

The assistant director sat next to Shen Qing in excitement, didn’t even rush to order food, and enthusiastically said: “Lin is so awesome! I knew this movie would be hot!”

Shen Qing looked at the assistant director, how could this guy be so shameless?

How could he have known after the fact?

Tell it like it is.

Of the entire production team, other than that quirky director Yi Chenggong, who else believed that “Flirting Scholar” could explode?

No wait…

Visit freё for the 𝑏est n𝘰vel reading experience.

Shen Qing suddenly had a bitter smile.

Yi Chenggong’s judgment was right, he was the one with the most accurate vision, “Flirting Scholar”, he was the one who was wrong.

So the quirky person wasn’t Yi Chenggong, but he, the producer!

Quirky Producer!