Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me-Chapter 38 Memories of Elijah

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38 Memories of Elijah

The surviving prisoners acquired some police equipment from the deceased staff, such as handcuffs and riot shields, which bolstered their capabilities.

Slowly, they cleaned out the zombies from the police station.

During this time, unfortunate prisoners who got injured were efficiently dealt with by the gang of underworld figures.

Not even their own brothers were spared! This instilled even more fear among the people.

The two surviving staff members, seeing the overwhelming number of the group, could only emphasize cooperation and mutual benefit.

The rioters, seeing zombies everywhere outside, initially pretended to agree with the staff but then took advantage of their distraction to overpower them, forcing them to reveal the locations of firearms and other weapons.

They then disposed of the staff and gained complete control of the police station.

Elijah's mentor, Keymaster, managed to evade capture and remained unharmed.

And because he was the one who released everyone, he gained the favor of Daniel, the leader of the underworld group.

He was respectfully called "Big Brother" by the people, and he flourished under his protection.

However, the good times didn't last long.

With zombies everywhere outside, they were trapped in the police station with insufficient food.

Some of the survivors turned into zombies suddenly, and although they were eventually dealt with, they lost several people in the process.

Daniel, the underworld leader, not only had a ruthless personality but also a cunning mind. He came up with a solution.

He ordered everyone to sleep in separate jail cells or interrogation rooms at night.

They couldn't gather in groups, maintaining self-isolation.

He and a few of his brothers occupied the best positions, the staff offices. In the morning, they would open the doors collectively.

This method effectively controlled the internal zombie crisis.

Even if someone turned into a zombie, they couldn't harm others because they were trapped in their rooms.

With just a few people armed with handcuffs, they could easily handle any situation.

Daniel also arranged for people to take turns clearing out the zombies outside, gradually cleaning up the alleyways.

Initially, they were cautious about gathering supplies, but as they understood the zombie behavior better, Daniel devised a method where one car would attract the zombies while another car transported the supplies.

The front car was the most dangerous; escaping after luring the zombies away was crucial.

Daniel thought of a zigzag route to return.

Their position was at the bottom right corner of the zigzag.

By circling around and reaching the bottom left corner intersection, they could throw a megaphone to attract the zombies and possibly escape if the front car stopped honking.

While the idea was good, in practice, due to traffic conditions and individual driving skills, no one could guarantee a safe return.

No one wanted to take the risk. Daniel took drastic action, killing one particularly stubborn rapist.

Then he mandated that everyone must take a turn driving the front car, determined by drawing lots.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.

He and his brothers were exceptions; they drove the back car and were responsible for collecting supplies with two other people.

After a few days, aside from two incidents where people drove carelessly into the zombie crowd, things went smoothly afterward, and they became increasingly adept at collecting supplies.

The surrounding zombies also diminished as they were led away onto another road. This was what Elijah witnessed today.

He also understood what caused the massive horde of zombies he encountered last night.

"Oh, Elijah, you were right! That pickup truck just came back, and it's loaded with a lot of stuff!"

Daisy whispered, pointing towards the pickup truck turning into the alleyway.

Elijah glanced at the time; it had only been about five or six minutes. Their actions were surprisingly swift.

The pickup truck didn't stop; it drove directly into the gate.

Several zombies followed behind, emitting low groans and roars.

The two burly gatekeepers saw that there weren't many zombies and didn't close the gate.

Instead, they grabbed their machetes and went to confront the zombies, quickly dispatching a few of them.

At that moment, the SUV that had left earlier also returned, followed by a dozen or so zombies.

The two gatekeepers immediately retreated into the courtyard.

When the SUV entered the yard, they promptly closed and locked the gate with a chain, executing the entire sequence seamlessly.

The zombies outside pounded on the iron gate, emitting roars.

The people from the pickup truck started unloading supplies, including rice, flour, oil, and a large quantity of alcoholic beverages.

The door of the SUV was opened, and a pale-faced middle-aged man stepped out.

The two gatekeepers patted him on the shoulder, teasing him with a few jokes.

"How come Keymaster isn't here?" Elijah was puzzled. "Did he already run away?"

Elijah recalled Keymaster saying he ran away the second time he drove the front car.

He always felt that following this group would lead to trouble sooner or later.

He preferred being alone and free. freewebnσvel.cøm

Before he met Elijah, he used to find any convenience store, lock the door, and stay there for days or weeks.

Later, as more people went out to gather supplies, it became harder to stay in convenience stores as they were often raided.

He only settled down after he found Elijah pleasing to his eyes.

"If Keymaster isn't here, it might be convenient for me to act. It saves me from accidentally hurting him..." Elijah had several thoughts flashing through his mind.

"Elijah, do you have something in mind?" Daisy noticed Elijah staring at the people in the police station, a bit belatedly.

"Did you notice the things the people with machetes around their waists were carrying?" Elijah asked.

Daisy observed carefully. Elijah was referring to the two people who had just been in the driver's and passenger's seats of the pickup truck and the two who had opened the gate.

"Some guns?" Daisy instantly understood.

"Not bad!" Elijah patted her head. "Hmm, I'm smart!"

Daisy pouted discontentedly.

In the apocalypse, firearms were extremely valuable.

They didn't pose much of a threat to zombies but rather attracted them. Their real threat was to humans.

Elijah had considered whether to obtain firearms from the police station, but he lacked experience and didn't know where the guns would be kept.

Moreover, if he encountered surviving staff in the police station, it wouldn't be easy to get the guns.

So, he had only been thinking about it and never acted on it. After all, as weapons, firearms were somewhat ineffective against zombies and were a waste.

For dealing with people, he had better methods, such as his abilities.

However, now that he encountered them, and they were all ruthless thugs, he naturally didn't want to miss the opportunity.

"These are all thugs. Did you see that guy who just came out? They say his name is Daniel, and he's got several lives on his hands. I reckon they were probably captured here by the staff, and when the zombie virus broke out, they took advantage of the chaos, killed the staff inside, seized the guns, and claimed this place as their own!"

Elijah pointed to a burly man who had just walked out of the police station.

"Are the others calling him 'big brother'?" Daisy asked curiously.

"How did you know?" Elijah was even more surprised.