Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 194 A Short Battle

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"Let go" Dilise shouted, turning to sprint, but he stopped after two steps, noticing that Seth wasn't following her.

"Go where," Seth asked staring at the woman while continuously blinking his eyes.

"Snap out of it, we need to get back to the city before the enemy cuts us off" Dilise screamed, rushing back to Seth, and then grabbing him bit the hand she once more began sprinting forward, Seth in tow with her.

Rest should have brought about rejuvenation, but instead, all it has done was dull and stiffen Seth's muscles as right now he could feel his body be drowned in random pain as it tried to keep up with Dilise.

Seth couldn't think straight, he wanted Dilise to let him rest but knew it was smarter to follow her lead.

Though his mind was hazy and confused, Seth was able to recollect that he was on a battlefield and that while Dilise couldn't be referred to as an ally, she was a better alternative to the other set of enemies in the field with him.

"Don't resist, I'm going to carry you" Dilise said all of a sudden, her words slow to get processed by Seth's mind.

Dilise yanked him forward, his running body soaring towards her, and then with fluidity she placed him on her shoulders, her speed only reducing for a moment before it picked back up, and this time rising to about 4 times faster than initially.

As much as Seth wanted to protest being carried, his pride not really fancying such an event, the pleasure of relief kept him silent.

Now that he was on Dilise's back, Seth's sore and stressed-out body enjoyed rest, rest which he wished never ended, and wanted to indulge in, but the approaching claw of sleep had him dreading this rest.

Seth bit his lips as hard as he could, but that was only able to keep him barely conscious.

Seth could feel the gallops and sharp turn that Dilise made as she fled with him, he could sometimes even feel heat waves wash over him, threatening to cook him.

At the moment Seth felt fear, he feared sleep, but unfortunately for him, sleep loved him, he did his best to stay awake but alas sleep triumphed over him once more, the weird language of Ingrod's people being the last thing he heard before he fell asleep.


While having a single gate made the inner city a more impenetrable fortress, it also made it hard for the city to go on the offensive without taking down the barrier that protected it.

Having given his orders, Edwin stood atop the wall and watched as levers were pulled, this action setting the various gears turning and slowly pulling open the thick gate of the city.

It took about 5 minutes for the gates to be opened, and then some 3 minutes for the Exclusive barrier which protected the gate serving as its first layer of defense to be taken down.

Like ants leaving their holes, the soldiers began moving out when the gates were opened, but to anyone watching from above, they would predict a grim fate for Monwac city soldiers seeing as they would be trickling out of their nest into the jaws of a swarm of enemy ants.

While Monwac city made their move, their enemies did not stay idle, as immediately the city gates were opened and its barrier was taken down, dozens of flaming boulders began falling from the sky and hammering the city's barrier nonstop.

The enemy seemed rejuvenated as every soldier attacked the soldiers coming out of the gate, but Monwac City was not one to be underestimated as they showed why they were Ingrod's southern defense.

Donning iron helmets and armor, with long and wide shields in their hands, the first set of 4 soldiers matched out of the city, their shields raised as they welcomed the first of attacks from the enemy.

Techniques of various strength were thrown at them, but they held on, their shields lighting up in golden light as they charged forth and rammed into the enemies blocking their path, sending them flying and making way for more of their comrades to come pouring out of the city.

The second group of four soldiers who followed behind the first four soldiers joined up with them and when they linked their shields together, a barrier of about 20 meters rose up into the sky.

The barrier formed a curved wall that blocked the path leading to the gate, making it possible for more soldiers and equipment to be brought out unhindered.

Cannons were fired both from behind the curved wall and from the enemy, the curved wall breaking apart several times with the shield and soldiers having to be replaced on the regular.

With an unhindered flow, Monwac city soldiers came pouring out and easily cut through the still relatively disorganized enemy line, clearing a path for the blue dome which shattered a second later, the civilians within it flooding out and using the clear path created by the army to head for the city.

Everything seemed to be going well, but then the enemy went all out as a new set of qi signatures began approaching from behind the enemy's lines, a couple of qi signatures that could be battle changers.

Level 7 mortals had arrived, and with these new arrivals, the war turned absolutely bloody for Monwac City the barriers they had put up were broken through easily, and it basically took a horde of soldiers and constant cannon fire to keep the enemy back.

Monwac City's soldiers fought their hardest, protecting the path for the fleeing citizens, but the harder they fought, the more they fell. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒏𝙚𝙩

Thankfully the battle didn't last long as all the civilians had already been grouped earlier, making it easier for the army to retrieve them, and for those civilians who had strayed away, they could only be left behind.

Edwin let out a sigh as he turned away from the battlefield, the civilians had been rescued, and the gates had been closed once more, and while the just rescued citizens celebrated, Edwin walked off the wall to see if he could kill the man he hated most