Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 204 Silenced Twice

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Hearing Irene's words, the grin on Seth's face turned into a slight smile, but Seth decided not to comment, instead focusing ahead.

With her space ring continuously releasing almost unnoticeable qi pulses, Dilise took out four sheets of blank paper and carefully placed them at 4 corners that surrounded the now shattered table and her and Seth's releases.

Dilise took a step back and looked at her work, and then seeming to be satisfied, she knelt before one of the papers and placing her right palm on it, poured her qi into it.

The scene of drawings of several symbols and shapes popping up on the paper had Seth narrowing his eyes as he had noticed nothing special about the paper when Dilise had brought them out.

Seth was further left baffled when the paper released a white light, seeming to have been saturated with Dilise's qi, and then shot out white beams of light at the other papers with lay adjacent to it.

A few seconds passed, and then like just the first paper, the other papers lit up in a white light and then also shot off beams of light which both collide with the only unlit paper

In no time, the last paper was also charged by the light beam and lit up, and when this happened, the light from all four paper sheets began increasing in intensity until the only thing Seth and Dilise could see was a bright blinding light, the images of the papers and Dilise swallowed by it.

The blinding scene didn't last long as a few seconds later, it went out, disappearing like it had been swallowed and leaving Seth and Irene blinking their eyes which struggled to adjust to the sudden change in lighting.

By the time Seth's and Irene's pupils were appropriately relaxed, Dilise was already in front of them, sitting on a chair that she had somehow acquired. 𝙗𝒆𝙙𝒏𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙣𝙚𝒕

Like the curious beings they were, Seth and Irene instinctively looked past Dilise and stared at the scene behind her, Seth unable to resist raising his eyebrows when he saw the now empty rectangular spot in the room.

The destroyed table, chairs, and well sexual fluids which had once occupied that one particular area of the room were no more and other than the spotless floor and ceiling, there was nothing left there.

His curiosity letting out a roar like an agitated lion, Seth was just about to question Dilise on what had happened when he heard Irene silently mutter.

"Too primitive".

"What was that," Seth asked Dilise, deciding to question Irene on her words at a later time.

"A cleaning seal, one specifically designed to make it easier for a soldier on the field to easily clean up traces of themselves, but these days, u can find any well-to-do citizen using it to make some hasty cleanups".

"I know it's still shabby, but the seal is still a work in progress" Dilise finished.

"A lot of work" Irene commented audibly this time, referring to its bright light which was just not practical.

When Seth had questioned Dilise, he had been expecting her to proudly boast about it being some high-level sealing method, or tell him that the papers were some rare resources, but instead, she had told him that what she had just done was nothing special, her little show even being one commonly performed by the citizens.

Seth had already been aware that Ingrod and by extension, this world surpassed Earth in the knowledge of seals, but he hadn't expected to hear that such a seal that gave out no qi reading or wave was so widespread.

"Do you have a way to improve it" Dilise suddenly asked, her eyes brightening up just a little.

"No," Seth said, killing off Dilise's hope.

"Well will you consider taking a look at it" she persisted.

"Actually I wouldn't, but right now am more than concerned about your amicability towards us. What are you scheming?"

"Humph" Dilise snorted," my amicability didn't seem to bother you when you were fucking me" she rebuked.

Dilise words had Seth muted for a few seconds before he then spoke with a scrunched-up face.

"What's wrong with you, one minute you're a timid, bashful woman the next you're a horny bunny or some stoic woman?"

"That's none of your business," Dilise said, crossing her legs, her eyes looking away from Seth.

"I don't care, I asked you a question" Seth spoke, his words making Dilise look at him incredulously, while her eyes moved to his arms.

"Even at your lowest point you're insufferable, but like I said, it's none of your business, and if remember correctly someone promised to listen to me if I rode him".

Accompanying Dilise's words, a pin-drop silence engulfed the room as Dilise silently sat relaxed in her seat, while Seth sat up in his seat, his mind a mess as he tried to come to terms with the fact that he had been shut up.

"Fucking for several minutes with a public enemy and well know killer, I wonder what Edwin and the rest of the army will think when they heard how you spread your legs for the man that butchered your colleagues".

With the silence that had engulfed the room and noticing Seth at a loss for words, Irene had decided to salvage the situation and put Dilise in her place, showing no fear when Dilise eyes zeroed in on her, and her aura began bubbling within.

"Both of you knock it off, no one will be making any report" Seth grumbled as he slumped back into his seat.

Hearing his words, Irene who had been on the ready leaned back into her seat, an action which was not reciprocated by Dilise.

"How can I trust you?"

"Whether you trust us or not doesn't matter, because even if we decided to tell Edwin about you being seduced, you can't do a thing to stop us".

If Seth was trying to worsen the situation, then he had succeeded because as soon as he finished speaking, the aura which Dilise had been holding back came spilling forth, saturating the room and having Irene need to place her hand on her knee to keep her back up.

"You were a pleasing fuck, don't make me kill you," Seth said, staring at Dilise for a few seconds, and then suddenly her aura began dying off till it was gone and the woman's head dropped.