Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 249 Are Those My Companions

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Faster than it came, the bald man's aura disappeared, his qi which he had begun saturating the air with quickly dying off.

He moved away from Seth and while still keeping an eye on Seth he slightly bowed to the person behind Seth,

"Captain Seung" the bald man greeted.

Not in a rush, Seth took his time to turn around, his eyes coming into contact with a man sporting the same green and black uniform, but unlike the common soldiers or the bald man beside him, this man had on a cap.

A black military cap adorned with a star medal in the middle that sparkled when sunlight hit it from specific angles.

Due to the man's sparkly cap, Seth couldn't get a clear view of his face till he drew closer and revealed his squinting dark eyes.

"What is happening here Salap," the man asked, yet before the now-named Salap could answer, Seth burst into a laugh.

Seth's initial plan had been to act all tough so the soldiers would take him seriously, but hearing the bald man's name, he couldn't keep it together.

Seth's laugh drew the gazes of Salap and the general, Salap particularly having a vein pop on his head, an indication that the man was aware of the reason for Seth's laughter.

"Man, how did a tough guy like you get slapped with the name Salap" Seth mused, looking at Salap.

"Your mom must have liked the salad," Seth said, but his words only had more veins popping on the man's face and his fists clenching.

"And who is this Salap," the captain said, and once more before Salap could answer, Seth burst into another fit of laughter.

At this moment, Salap was steaming with rage, but restraining himself, he answered the general.

"He's an intruder that was spotted walking up to the camp.

"An intruder, then why is he so free and not being interrogated," the Captain asked.

"Well sir you see," Salap said looking at Seth widely smiling face, "he isn't just anybody, I can't handle him."

Hearing Salap's words, the general looked at Seth with scrutinizing gaze, like he could somehow check what was so special about him.

"Alright everyone, we've played enough, " Seth said, "I'm here to find Zuroc, can you lead me to him."

A few seconds of silence passed after Seth's words before the Captain replied,

"And who are you?" he asked.

" You don't need to know, just lead me to Zuroc I'll talk with him," Seth said.

"Hmm, seems I'll have to beat it out of you then," the Captain said his eyes narrowing and aura rising.

"Ha ha ha, I was just about to do the same thing," Seth said and the next second was gone from his spot. b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

"boom" the short sound of a collision sounded.

At the moment Seth could now be seen standing close to the Captain, his right palm outstretched towards the man's chest, but being blocked by the man's outstretched palm.

They both stared at each other for a while before Seth said with a smile, "Want to go again."

Hearing Seth's words, the man gritted his teeth refusing to answer, but a second later he stumbled backward, doubling over as he spurted out blood from his mouth.

"Your body is strong, but fighting against me with the body is just plain stupidity," Seth said shaking his head in pity.

"Do you need my help?" Seth asked, lifting his left hand and catching Salap's ferocious kick before then lifting the man by his captured leg and slamming him on the ground.

"If you had stayed to listen, you would have heard me warn that one shouldn't fight me with their body" Seth berated Salap.

It was at this moment, that the several soldiers who had been keeping out of sight, appeared around Seth, their weapons drawn and qi on full blast ready to walk to their deaths.

A sigh left Seth's lips as he lamented how badly hearing Salap's name had messed up his initial plan, but before a full-scale conflict could begin, the heaving Captain raised his hands and stopped the upcoming massacre.

"It's okay for you to want to meet the commander, but does the commander want to meet you," the Captain said, and then before Seth could speak, he looked to the Salap.

"Go and inform the commander of what has happened and his thoughts on the matter."

After hurriedly picking his groaning body up, Salap had been glaring at Seth, waiting for the general to give the word so he could attack, but then he heard the Captain's words.

Salap looked towards the Captain, and seeing that his words were meant for him, the man had no choice but to drop his raised fists and kick his feet off the ground, his figure disappearing and leaving only settling dust in his wake.

With Salap gone, it was just the Captain and the surrounding cultivators left, staring at Seth and watching his every move.

Seconds which turned to minutes passed, yet both parties remained silent, the Captain and his soldier watching Seth like hawks, while Seth decided it was better to stay silent and not worsen his plans.

A few minutes later, the Captain looked up at Seth, a complicated expression on his face as he said follow me and began walking away.

Silently nodding, Seth followed after the man, the soldiers who had once surrounded him opening up a way for him.

All alone and having the seemingly impossible task to kill a commander in their camp, Seth was stuck finding a way to actually kill the man.

While he could storm the man's camp, Seth doubted he would be as lucky as he was in Monwac where he faced no group of powerful cultivators during his rampage.

He was heading into a camp that contained a commander and definitely his closest officers, wanting to fight off everyone was a fool's dream, and sneaking in was off the books seeing as his sneaking skills were nothing but rudimentary.

In the end, Seth had decided to do it honestly, walk up to the camp and request to see Zuroc, beat up some soldiers to show his power, and then if he was given an audience with the man, engage him and kill him, or else improvise.

With his laughing episode with Salap, Seth thought he had messed up everything, but in the end, it would seem everything was just alright.

Less than 4 minutes later, Seth could already see the light from various large fires, and as he drew closer, he could hear several low guttural sounds.

"Are those beasts" Seth couldn't help but ask.

A few seconds passed after Seth's question before the Captain haughtily answered,

"Yes" was his simple but prideful answer.

A second had barely passed by when Seth burst into another laughter, his hands behind his head as he followed behind, a wide grin on his face.