Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 264 Shocking Scene

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More than 10 minutes later, Seth pushed himself to his feet, using a tree beside him for support as flexed his legs, wanting to wipe out the numb feeling in them.

For the most part, every eye-raising injury on Seth at the moment was gone, and he was naked but thankfully for Seth a change of clothes was just a space ring away.

Going to the ring on the right, Seth let out a sigh before letting out a ton of stuff from the space ring, and then with a grumble went through the stuff and got what he wanted before stuffing everything back inside.

In no time, Seth quickly got himself dressed, leaving his body in a set of black boots, black trousers, and a black shirt he had decided to just go with the common black.

Now dressed, Seth looked in the direction Zuroc's body had jugged off to, his face scrunching up as he reconsidered his earlier decision of letting the man go.

At this time the faint trembles and explosions which had once been coming from the direction of the camp were now gone, and the forest for miles had descended into silence.

The chances that Zuroc's army had subdued the beast were pretty high in Seth's opinion, and with the man having returned by now, Seth was sure he was surrounded by a security detail that would destroy his currently weekend and tired body with ease.

After the whole battle and having to heal himself, Seth wasn't high on qi at the moment, but the thought of just letting Zuroc go did not sit well with him either.

A wry claimed Seth's face as he decided to succumb to his limitations, accepting that he was in no shape to directly engage in further battles, Seth's plan at the moment was to simply check out the situation of Zuroc's camp, and from there make further decisions,

Before Seth left, he decided to look for his halberd, If he was going to put himself in danger, the least he could do was have a weapon, but as he looked around, his body paused as he got startled by his environment.

With the mind attack caused by the red miasma having no effect on him, Seth had completely forgotten about it and, subconsciously taking the red smoke that billowed around him as a normal thing, but now in his search for his halberd, he was reminded of their unique existence.

Seth had suspected his vampire origin to be the reason behind his clear mind, and though he couldn't check on its state, he quickly checked on his enlightenment sphere just to make sure it was safe.

With gusto, Seth anxiously check the sphere, a sigh of relief leaving his lips, as his fear of the sphere being completely drained was placated.

"To have activated both my origins on the same day, what is happening to me" Seth wondered, staring down at his body.

Not wasting any more, time, Seth turned round looking for his halberd turn short staff, but couldn't find it, though his eyes did come upon Zuroc's sword.

Seeing the dreadful weapon that had been trying to cut him earlier, Seth picked it up, threw it into his left space ring, kicked his leg off the ground, and began heading for Zuroc.


With Zuroc wanting to get them away from the camp, and with Seth having been running from the man at a particular time, both he and Zuroc had gotten themselves quite a ways from the camp, and even though had tried running back to it at some point, the distance from the camp was still quite scary for cadet state cultivators.

Moving at average speed, it took Seth less than 5 minutes to finally begin seeing several huge thick columns of smoke that rose from the camp, position, and as he got closer, he couldn't help but abandon his initial attempts at stealth, and fearlessly walk forward.

Out in the open, Seth stood in front of what should be Zuroc's camp, staring at it silently, unable to hide the shock which he truly felt.

In front of Seth lay destruction. At the movement, nothing in the camp was as it usually used to be.

With fire randomly burning at different locations, there were craters almost everywhere, but the most shocking thing of them all was the countless dead bodies that littered the ground.

All around Seth, bodies were strewn, the most eyes catching ones being the huge bodies of the rank 9 beasts which lie on the ground lifeless.

Dumbfounded by the situation, Seth could only take a step forward and walk into the now destroyed camp.

With caution, Seth tentatively transversed the now black scorched ground, his eyes on the lookout for any danger while he also searched for his prey. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝘰𝑟𝑔

As Seth moved, an eerie wind blew by, pronouncing the creepiness of the death camp he was now walking in and sending a bit of chill down his body

Moving past several bodies and overturned equipment, Seth found nothing after searching for some time, but then on a whim he decided to check the area where Zuroc's tent had stood, and behold to his greatest surprise, he found a tent standing in that position.

Seth spent a few seconds being taken aback by this discovery, but then he began observing the tent and noticed one glaring difference between it and the one he had seen the last time he was here.

Though still maintaining the same color and minuscular designs, Seth noticed that the tenet was half the size of the previous one.

Seth thought about the demarcation he had seen in the tent the last time he was in and guessed that the other half of the tenet was what stood before him at the movement.

That the tenet had actually survived his flames shocked Seth, but in the end, he could only shake his head and approach the tent.

The thought to bring out Zuroc's swords for additional protection filtered into Seth's head, but in the end, he shook off the idea, it would be foolish to use a sword against its master, who knew what nasty traps could have been laid in the sword.

Seth spent some seconds just outside the tent, mulling the pros and cons of entering, while also observing it, and not long after he walked in, carrying a lungs full of air.