Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 398 What Master Wants

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Long hair, short hair, bright smiles, contrasting expressions, focused expressions, before Seth stood a group of really young people, all dressed in a get-up of white and blue tracksuits. Though his dressing wasn't much better, considering his appearance, upon seeing the damn teens before him, Seth's mouth twitched.

"You brought my students?" Seth asked, his voice low and carrying over to Leah with his soul sense.

"You mean my students. You lost the right to call them that after suddenly upping and disappearing." Leah replied, speaking to Seth with her soulsense.

Hearing the woman's words, Seth shrugged his shoulders. Whether or not he could call the bunch of stupid kids his students didn't concern him, and he had simply called them that out of habit, besides, none of the ones that interested him were present

"Well, you can tell them to go rest. I'll handle the competition like I promised."

"Huh," Leah said, turning to look at Seth, surprise on her face, but then it quickly disappeared.

"You idiot, did you even read the paper I gave you that day?" Leah's voice raged in Seth's mind.

"Despite all these, she's not even scared of me," Seth thought after hearing Leah insult him once more, but he ignored her words and moved on.

"I did. It talked about the competition and its date," Seth said.

"Did you check the requirements to be able to participate?" 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝐨𝐫𝗴


Seeing his scrunched face, Leah rolled her eyes.

"It's only meant for students," Leah's grinding voice sounded in Seth's head, and then she turned around.

"Man, how could I have missed that?" Seth wondered, but then remembering his temperament back then and perhaps even now, he quietly walked by the issue.

"Wait, doesn't this mean my entire trip and sense of urgency to get here was a waste?"

Just as Seth had these thoughts, his eyes picked up Leah, and watching her move, his grievances dissipated.

"Alright everyone, the tournament begins in 10 minutes. We'll walk out to the stage now, and I believe I don't have to remind everyone here about the only outcome of this competition."

"No Ma'am," they all replied, their voices calm but firm and spoken in perfect sync.

Hearing the perfect reply from the group of teens, Seth's eyes narrowed, and for the first time, he paid attention to the bunch of spoiled kids before him.

With filthy rich and influential parents behind them, Seth had already deemed these kids as failures, ones set to be a menace to society, but now observing them, he had to do a double take and check their faces.

Though there were some unfamiliar faces, the number was just three.

Considering that there were 13 students before Seth, the 10 other students being quite familiar to Seth, how such discipline had been installed in them was a mystery to him.

While Seth scrutinized the students, the students also scrutinized him and seeing their silent question, Leah decided to grace them with an answer.

"Yes, this is your former teacher, Evary Seth. Due to pressing matters, he was absent and unable to teach you, but today he decided to come and watch you perform in the competition.

"Do any of you have anything to say to him?"

After Leah's words, there was silence, a situation that was not surprising considering the previous relationship between Seth and the students.

Seeing this, Leah nodded her head and spoke,

"Move out."

With Leah's words, the students turned and began moving toward a door adjacent to them, their posture straight, and face tight.

As the student left, the black-suited man who had come to check on Leah earlier left from behind the student and headed towards Leah but before he could even get within talking distance, Leah turned towards him, and a wave of soulsense went into his head.

With this simple action, the mighty general-level cultivator turned and marched away like a puppet.

All through, Seth had been silent, but seeing Leah moving to follow behind them, his soulsense swept over her and had her stopping, looking at him with an expectant gaze. "What is it?"

"she rally needs a lesson on respecting your betters," Seth thought after Leah's reply.

Though a frown appeared on Leah's face, Seth could see that there was no fear in her eyes and before he could speak, Leah spoke.

"Rose is my master, are you more powerful than her?

How can I be scared of a barking puppy when I have a tiger behind me? With my level of cultivation, this tournament has no use to me.

I currently consider this whole thing a hassle, but for some reason, Master developed an interest in it.

The students you see were personally trained by her, and unless you're tired of living, I'll advise you to leave this stadium and Arilit city, I have no time for your shenanigans."

Leah spoke her words with confidence, looking Seth in the eyes, but all her words did was get a smile from him.

"And what if I don't want to leave?"

"Well, if you don't, then what do you want to do here?" Leah asked.

"Well, eating you won't be a bad idea."

After Seth spoke, rather than the livid expression he had expected from Leah, her expression did a full 360 turn as she smiled at him.

"Well, I personally won't be against that, provided you can perform as well as you did last time," Leah said, looking Seth up and down, making sure her gaze lingered a bit longer on his crotch.

"But that will have to be after the tournament. We don't want to offend Master and have her punishing the two of us, now do we?"

Giving Seth a sly smile, Leah turned and began walking away, heading to the door her students had just left through, but as she moved to push the door open, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side and without pause, it pressed her against the wall.

"Or how about we do it now?" Seth's voice sounded in Leah's ears, and something hard pressed against her rear. Without delay, Leah felt her skirt being pulled up, a situation that proved a little difficult considering her thick ass, but eventually, the skirt went up and her bare ass cheeks were exposed to Seth's hands.

"Seth, stop, Master will be watching the tournament, If she notices me not entering the area with the students, she'll ask questions, and I can't lie to her."

"Hmm, who said anything about lying?" Seth chuckled. "We'll just tell her what happened."

"But then she'll punish us," Leah weakly complained, pressing her rear against the now released dragon she could feel resting on her bum.

Despite Leah's words, Seth ignored her, and after pressing the tip of his cock to slide between the woman's ass cheeks and over her bumhole, he brought it to her wet pussy and rubbed it over her.

"Seems you weren't lying about nearly cuming the last time." Seth chuckled, but then, just as he was about to push his rod into Leah, a voice that had ignored and refused to talk to him since they came to Earth finally spoke.

"Don't put it in her."

"Huh, Alexia."