Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Indefinitely-Chapter 360: 356: Underground Dungeon and Fierce Beasts

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Chapter 360 -356: Underground Dungeon and Fierce Beasts

Undead Hill.

With the relocation of the Gemini Tower, the Undead Hill returned to its usual gloomy and desolate state, once again inhabited by pale skeletal soldiers marching through its desolate terrain.

“I wonder what was buried here in the past to give rise to so many skeleton soldiers.”

From above, Bai Qi looked down at the slow-moving bones and asked Beta, “Are you sure this is Undead Hill and not residual energy from the Gemini Tower?”


(Human, are you questioning me?)

Beta cast a serious look at Bai Qi.

(You can question the intelligence of the filthy bones and detestable snake, but you absolutely cannot doubt my expertise. In front of my gaze, there are no secrets.)

“I see.”

Bai Qi nodded, and without hesitation, he kicked Beta off Delta.

Woof woof!

(Human, how could you treat your dog like this!)

Beta was shocked, as if feeling abandoned, while Jerry took over body control, morphing into the Guardians form and stabilizing his descent.

“There seems to be a force slowly growing underneath this land, possibly of the Shadow Department Power.”

After taking a look around, Jerry sensed something and turned to Alpha, who was placing his hand on the ground of Undead Hill, quietly sensing the surroundings.

rattle rattle…

The appearance of Alpha immediately stirred up the skeleton soldiers. The intimidation of a King-level undead creature was far greater than other races, especially after Alpha released his Spirit Power. They naturally prostrated and worshipped their king.

Woof woof!

(That smelly bone actually looks so majestic! No, I cannot bear it anymore!)

Seeing this, Beta perked up and, for the first time, proactively wrestled control from Jerry. Golden vertical pupils on his forehead shone brightly as he meticulously traced this mysterious force.

rattle rattle.

(Boss, I found it.)

Woof Woof!

(Human, I have found something!)

Almost simultaneously, Alpha and Beta both made discoveries. After a brief glance at each other, they charged deeper into the Undead Hill at the same time.

“Those two guys are actually competing over this.”

Bai Qi couldn’t help laughing as he followed closely behind with his pets.

As Bai Qi and his team ventured further, the variety and levels of the surrounding undead increased, but every single one bowed under the King’s domination projected by Alpha.

Among the undead, the hierarchy was well-established and obvious to all.

Finally, Alpha and Beta stopped in front of a small mound. Almost simultaneously, they charged and attacked the mound.


The mound exploded. The vast energy shattered the lingering undead nearby, revealing a decayed city wall before Bai Qi.

“Well done, but don’t do it next time.”

Looking at the unscathed city wall after the pets’ attack, Bai Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the materials used in the construction of the Secret Realm Tower were extraordinary, ordinary attacks couldn’t cause any damage.

But that was only under normal circumstances. After so many years, most of the structure of the Secret Realm Tower had become fragile. If these two King-level creatures were not careful, the structure could have been damaged by their attack.

Woof woof.

(I was gentle. If I broke it, it’s on you, human. Go and complain to that filthy bone.)

rattle rattle.

(Boss, I’ll be careful next time.)

The two pets explained while Bai Qi stopped talking, and instead, started to examine the city wall in front of him.

The city wall was decaying but still maintained its basic structure; traces of runes could be faintly seen.

Bai Qi followed along the wall but didn’t glean much from it.

Obviously, this wall was only the tip of the iceberg of the Secret Realm Tower.

“Schuck, bring out the entire Secret Realm Tower, but be careful not to damage its structure.”


Schuck nodded, directly released a set of archaeological machinery, and methodically began digging along the city wall.

Before long, a gigantic underground structure was unveiled before Bai Qi.

“Who would have thought that there is such a big palace hidden under Undead Hill?”

Bai Qi was taken aback; this was the first time he’d encountered a Secret Realm Tower the size of a football field, even though the size of the Secret Realm Tower was not directly proportional to the actual size of the Secret Realm.

“Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb? I never thought I would see one in this world again.”

The Cowskin Snake emerged from somewhere and said, looking at the giant palace in front of it, “When the Emperor built his own tomb like this, I told him it was a bad omen, and it eventually sent him to his end.”

“Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb? Cowskin Snake, you know about it?”

Bai Qi was surprised to look at the Cowskin Snake, becoming even more curious about its background.

“Of course, I’ve witnessed everything. How could there be anything I do not know?”

The Cowskin Snake raised its head, looking at Bai Qi out of the corner of its eye, saying: “If you entertain me, I might be willing to tell you.”

“Gamma, prepare the pot.”

“Cough, I was just kidding.”

At the word, the Cowskin Snake sprung up instinctively into Bai Qi’s arms, alertly glanced at Gamma behind him to confirm it had no intention to act, then it began to talk: “The Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb can be described in your language as the Secret Realm Tower. It was constructed by the Emperor-level undead creatures, the Witch Ghouls.”

“The attributes of the Witch Ghouls are rather unique. They can separate their life cores for independent storage, and in order to protect the life core, they all build these great tombs for protection.”

“According to records, inside these tombs…”

The Cowskin Snake went on and on. Bai Qi, the more he listened, the stranger he found everything, particularly when looking at the data projected on Shuck’s screen – a vein on his forehead throbbed.

“Myths of Mountains and Seas, Legends of the Undead, The Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb.”

“You just can’t trust this guy.”

Bai Qi picked up the Cowskin Snake, tossed it behind him, then followed Alpha to the entrance of the under-earth palace.

Just as recorded, the entrance to the under-earth palace evidently led underground, but no matter how Alpha and Beta ransacked the place, the palace remained still.

Gagala Gagala.

(Boss, it seems like this under-earth palace isn’t ready to emerge yet.)

Alpha struck his sword at the entrance gate but there wasn’t the slightest movement. If it weren’t for the powerful Shadow Department power concealed inside, it wouldn’t be any different from a regular rock.

“Not time yet, huh.”

Bai Qi frowned. Indeed, the emergence of any Secret Realm Tower would cause a considerable commotion.

They might not have even discovered this place, if it weren’t for Beta guiding them here.

But, just because they couldn’t enter through the main door, it didn’t mean they couldn’t find a back door.

“Beta, see if you can find a back door.”

Bai Qi patted Beta’s head. Beta immediately understood, lit up with Insight into Everything, projecting a golden glow onto the black earth of Undead Hill, revealing clearly what was hidden beneath to Bai Qi.

“You could give everyone a run for their money at a checkup.”

Bai Qi smiled satisfyingly, then started to study the rune on the main door.

If it was indeed the Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb, then the runes might just help Alpha.

However, just as Bai Qi’s hand touched the main door, it suddenly illuminated. Immediately, rich Shadow Department Power emerged from the decayed door, tugging Bai Qi in before he could react.

“Bloody hell, why does it suddenly open now!”

Caught by surprise, Bai Qi couldn’t help but curse. He quickly absorbed all his pets into his possession before he was completely pulled into the door.

At the Beast Master Association.

President Qin, who was in the middle of approving a new batch of missions, lifted his head as if sensing something, looking towards the direction of Undead Hill.

“Is it Undead Hill? The Gemini Tower was moved away, there shouldn’t be anything there.”

President Qin frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and dialed Bai Qi’s number.

“The number you dialed is out of service area, please redial later…”

“Can’t get through? Where has that kid run off to now.”

President Qin hung up the phone, opened the exclusive high-tech device only the president had access to, which was directly connected to the surveillance web above Gusu City.

“Snare, find Bai Qi’s location.”

“Checking authorization… four Level authorization, permission granted, locating target in process…”

After a series of electronic sounds, an image was projected before President Qin. It was the scene just before Bai Qi disappeared into the under-earth palace.

“This is, Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb!”

Having rich experiences, President Qin immediately recognized the origin of the Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb. Seeing Bai Qi enter the tomb, he instantly became restless.

“I knew it. That little rascal can’t sit still for a second and always has to stir up some trouble.”

President Qin cursed and rushed out of his office. After instructing his secretary with a few words, he disappeared from the spot by activating the teleportation circle, and the secretary started to busily make arrangements after knowing the details.

A large scale Undead Secret Realm appearing needed immediate deployment to gain control of it.

… freē

At the Witch Ghoul’s Great Tomb.

Bai Qi observed the gloomy and endless tunnel before him, and instinctively retracted his neck.

The fear of Undead Creatures was one thing, but he was uneasy at the thought of being in a Witch Ghoul’s Tomb.

“Alpha, Jerry, remember to protect me.”

Bai Qi leaned close to Alpha and Jerry and asked: “Shuck, did the results from the Reconnaissance Bee come back?”

Shuck shook his head, saying: “The Shadow Department Power here is too strong, we lost connection with the Reconnaissance Bee. We can’t access the map to this place.”

Bai Qi nodded in understanding. Before they could start moving forward, they heard the crackling sound coming from deep within the corridor.

The Great Tomb had been sealed for so long, Bai Qi, a living human, stood out especially in this place. He was like a candle flame in the dark, attracting these undeads to come forth.

“Looks like we’ll just have to break through.”

Bai Qi clicked his tongue, and without hesitation let out the seven ferocious beasts that Parasitism had just climbed onto. He then gave a pat on Parasitism, and said, “It’ll be your performance now, Epsilon.”

“The first season of Dungeon & Beasts begins now!”

Read Watch Out! Danger Ahead