Biohuman-Chapter 67 Let Me Get Some Ramen

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Lee Seng wandered into the busy food court. He checked the time and realized it was about lunch time. Students were standing in line and ordering food from different stalls. The Academy's food court had different kinds of foods here. He wondered if all of the different Year buildings were like this. He scanned the different food stalls.

"I don't mind what I eat. I think I should get something light for the both of us. Something heavy could..." Lee Seng stopped his mumbling and realized what he was doing. He slapped his cheeks and shook his head gaining more attention from the students already staring at him. "Ugh! I'll just grab whatever. I wonder if I should get soup for her then..."

His eyes landed on a food stall on the opposite side of the food court where he stood. It was a Japanese ramen place. He figured this would most likely check the boxes he had in mind. He snaked his way towards the ramen stall. Students whispered and made way for him as they saw him past.

"Who's that?" A girl whispered.

"He's hot." Another girl whispered.

"He's got ears on his head and a tail like some animal." A guy spoke loudly.

A group of male students blocked his way, stopping him from moving forward. Lee Seng groaned on the inside and stopped a couple of feet from the group of male students.

"Excuse me, can I get through?" Lee Seng asked politely. A blonde guy with spiky hair stepped up from the middle of the pack. He seemed like the leader of the bunch. They all wore similar school outfits. The First Year's name was stitched across the left side of his shirt.

Roy Buster

Lee Seng sighed and turned around. He realized he had been surrounded and groaned.

"Can you guys move, please? I have time, but I don't got enough time to entertain you guys." Lee Seng motioned. The guys laughed as Roy moved in closer. His button up shirt was unbuttoned. He had a black shirt tucked into his pants and his hands were stuffed in his pocket.

'Wannabe gangster or something?' Lee Seng thought. He sighed and took a step back. He could hear a crowd gathering.

"I've never seen someone like you around here before. You a new student?" Roy asked. "Or could you be... an exam taker?" The boys begin to snicker.

"Roy Buster. Why does that name sound familiar?" Lee Seng asked. Roy's face grinned wide and Lee Seng's brain connected the dots instantly. "Ahhh, Buster." Lee Seng wagged his finger at Roy. "A high political family name. Yeah, I'm pretty sure your family knows me."

"Knows you?" Roy scoffed. He stepped closer and pushed Lee Seng backwards. Lee Seng took a couple of steps back and felt hands pushing him back into Roy. Roy grabbed Lee Seng and held him by the collar. "Why would I know a weirdo like you?" Lee Seng smiled and nodded. He reached for Roy's hand and hovered around his wrist.

"I hate using my own father's name but... you'll understand." Lee Seng grabbed Roy's wrist and pulled it off, pushing him away. He watched as Roy stumbled backwards. He was becoming angry.

"Your dad's a big shot or something? You can't do anything to me!" Roy angrily swung forward and Lee Seng dodged to the left.

"You're too slow. I guess that's what happens when you're a First Year. Only had your powers for about... 2 years?" Lee Seng guessed. Roy swung again and Lee Seng grabbed Roy's wrist and tightened. Roy's face went from anger to pain in an instant. Lee Seng pulled Roy closer and smiled. "Don't mess with the wrong people, Mr. Buster. You might tarnish your family name like I tried to do."

Lee Seng let go and pushed him away. He turned and looked at the group of boys blocking him. He motioned for them to move but none of them did. Lee Seng could feel the fear building in them as they tried to act macho. Roy rushed at Lee Seng and Lee Seng quickly grabbed Roy and tossed him onto the ground. Lee Seng planted a foot on Roy's chest and sighed.

"My name's Lee Seng Chang, by the way. My father is the Creator. If you want to be the reason why your family is out of Capitol City then I would stop right now." Lee Seng hissed. Lee Seng watched as Roy's face turned to complete fear. He looked up and the group of boys started to back off and split. Lee Seng sighed and started to step away when he heard a familiar voice call out.

"Hold it!" Scarlet shouted. "What the hell is going on here?" Scarlet pushed past the group of boys and saw Roy lying on the ground, scared and Lee Seng turning to see her. Scarlet instantly knew what had happened and narrowed her eyes at Lee Seng. "What're you doing causing a scene, Chang?"

"Causing a scene?" Lee Seng scoffed. He turned around and pointed at Roy. "Mr. Buster and his friends want to tease me for my tail and fox ears. I'm supposed to be a good boy and get beat up?"

"You aren't supposed to fight amongst each other especially if you're gonna be a Third Year student." Scarlet shouted. At the mention of Third Year, the boys scooted further away. "Hold it!" Scarlet raised her hand. The boys stopped in place. They were really scared now. Lee Seng could sense it. Roy stood up and quickly tried to act like he was a victim.

"Mrs. Evans I was minding my own business when--"

"Don't play tricks, Buster." Scarlet hissed. "I saw what happened."

"But he was the one who--"

"One more word from you Buster and your parents will really get a phone call."

Roy shut up and looked down. He went from victim to defeated in a second. Lee Seng turned his gaze towards Scarlet who sighed and glared at him.

"What're you doing here? Don't you have matches?" She asked.

"I did two of my matches already. My partner got hurt and was sent to the hospital. I wanted to grab some ramen for the both of us since she's resting. We got an hour and a half before we need to go to our final match." Lee Seng explained. "Everyone stares at me, y'know. Only the stupid ones try to intervene and mess with me. The best part is once I reveal I'm the son of the Creator, most piss themselves."

Lee Seng grinned in pleasure. He turned to look at Roy who was trying to hold his anger in. Scarlet smacked Lee Seng across the head and rolled her eyes.

"You cause trouble where ever you go, Chang. Try not to get physical." Scarlet scolded him. Lee Seng nodded.

"I try not to, Mrs. Evans." Lee Seng grinned. Scarlet smacked him across the head and shook her head.

"Don't call me that. It's weird when you call me that, Chang." She wagged her finger. "For the rest of you, if I see you doing this again, you will get marked. Leave the exam takers be and go about your day." She clapped her hands and the crowd dispersed. "You came for ramen, right?"

"Mmm." Lee Seng answered. She turned Lee Seng around and patted him on the back.

"I'll get some with you. I'll walk you to the hospital if I have to." She pushed him forward and walked besides him.

"Yo-you don't have to, Scarlet. I-I'm fine. I won't cause any trouble. I've been a good boy."

"Good boys don't say that." Scarlet smacked him across the head. "Let's get your ramen for you partner and get you back to the hospital. I don't need you to cause me a headache while I conduct business in the First Year building."

Lee Seng nodded and the two walked over to the Ramen stall. They stood in line and quickly climbed to the front.

"What do you want? I'll pay." Scarlet asked.

"Oh, uh... I was thinking something light for the both of us." Lee Seng answered.

"Shoyu or Shio would work best. Their shio is a chicken broth. Everything here is pretty good. Choose your pick."

"How may I help you two?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"I'll get miso ramen, please." Scarlet answered. "And this guy will get..."

"One shoyu and shio ramen to go, please." Lee Seng answered. The lady nodded and rang it up.

"Your total will be 35 creds." 𝙛r𝚎𝐞𝑤𝚎𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝚕.𝒄𝐨𝓂

Scarlet reached over and scanned her watch. The payment went green and the lady handed over their order number. The two moved over to the side and stood waiting.

"Who's your partner?" Scarlet asked.

"Oh uh, Olivia Ok." Lee Seng answered.

"Mmm, Olivia Ok, huh? Why did you choose her? Random choice or something? Wasn't she Top 5 with you?"

"Yeah, she placed third. She and I had a couple of exchanges and I thought she was friendly so I--"

"You like her something?" Scarlet grinned. Lee Seng's face turned red and he shook his head. free𝒘ℯ𝗯𝙣𝗼ν𝑒𝗹.𝒄o𝒎

"N-no, she's just nice. Sh-she was the first person who talked to me and ignored my tail for the mo-most part."

"Sure, kid." Scarlet smiled.

"Number 80, please!" The ramen lady called out. Scarlet looked down and motioned for the two of them to move. The ramen was placed in large broth containers with everything inside. The lady handed the bag over and thanked the two. Scarlet and Lee Seng waved in thanks and moved towards the hospital.