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Chapter 928: Roles

Erik walked away from the Red Palace, his mind processing all that had been said. He now had a clearer picture of the situation.

As he moved through the streets of New Alexandria toward the train station, his thoughts turned to Mira, Emily, Amber, and June, waiting for him at Mr. Fox's farm.

There was a lot to discuss with them-the details of his meeting with the Resistance, any new discoveries they had made in his absence, and his plan to rescue Richard Stone.

He also needs to replenish his supply of clone eggs.

Erik altered his appearance as he got out of the building, transforming his face and features just enough to be unrecognizable to any onlookers.

When he arrived at the train station, he moved with purpose but without drawing attention, sticking to the edges of the platforms and boarding the first train that would take him to the farm fields.

His mind was already miles away, seeing the farm that had now become his group's base of operations.

As the train pulled out of the station, Erik wondered if he would be able to save Richard, knowing that would not be easy.

The Grand Ducal Prison was Volkov's den, heavily guarded and rigged with defenses of all kinds.

However, the intelligence and help the resistance was going to provide gave Erik hope they could pull this off soon. If they coordinated their efforts well, they could succeed.

With that thought, Erik gazed out the train window as the city faded into the distance.




Erik walked through the farmhouse door, weary from his journey. Amber turned from the kitchen counter to greet him.

"Erik, you're back!" she said with a smile.

"Yes, I am."

"Did you find them?"

Erik nodded. "I did. The resistance is currently operating from within the Red Palace." Amber's smile dropped into a look of surprise. "The Red Palace? Are you serious right now?" "Yes. Weird, isn't it?"

"I went to the place where the resistance headquarters should have been. I met an acquaintance who led me to the Red Palace there. The resistance went into hiding there."

Amber shook her head in wonder. "I would have never guessed."

"Is Mira here? And Emily?" Erik asked. "There's a lot we need to discuss."

"Of course," Amber said. "They're upstairs. I'll go get them." She turned and hurried up the staircase, calling Mira's and Emily's names.

Erik went to a kitchen chair and sat heavily, closing his eyes for a moment and thinking about the situation and what he learned.

Rescuing Richard Stone from the most secure prison in New Alexandria would require precision, coordination, and more than a little luck. But that wasn't the only thing worrying him. Fischer and Van Dyke's request about the Blackguards' team was one of the most weighty.

There was something weird about what they told him. Maybe the best way to describe what Erik was feeling was... unnerving. But he couldn't quite understand why it was.

A moment later, Erik heard Mira and Emily's voices on the stairs. He opened his eyes as they entered the kitchen. Mira spoke first. "Welcome back. Did you learn anything useful?"

Erik stood. "More than you imagine," he said with a weary smile. He began recounting the details of his meeting with the resistance fighters within the Red Palace.



Erik explained the situation to Amber, Mira, and Emily. Though hopeful at learning her father was alive, Emily was worried about the dangers involved in rescuing him.

"So, what do you intend to do now?"

"The first thing we need to do is neutralize that Blackguards' team the resistance told me about," Erik said.

Without them interfering, our chances of breaking Richard out of prison increase significantly. Based on what the resistance leader told me about them, these guys are thwarting all major operations."

Mira frowned. "Attacking a Blackguards' team directly seems risky. Why not have the clones gather information on their routines and weaknesses first?"

"We don't have time or clones. Aside from that, I don't think it will be easy for them to even find information, or Fischer would have already done so. He described them as phantoms,"

Erik said.

Amber shook her head. "I agree with Mira, though; information would be invaluable. A covert approach using the clones may yield the best results with the least risk."

Erik remained silent for a moment. "You both make valuable points. But as for this team of blackguards, I think its better if I take care of this on my own."

"And what about us?"

"Yes. I need the clone to keep an eye on the Chimaeric Demons' eggs. This is an important part of our plan. If we increase our numbers, it will be unlikely we will lose this war. Also, I need June to act as my bridge with the resistance regarding a particular thing. I promised the resistance to supply brain crystal rifles to them. So, the first thing June needs to do is to head back to Liberty watch and explain the situation, then manage the supply chain. About that, Van Dyke told me he is going to prepare something that would allow us to give them what they need without trouble. The Red Palace is going to build a tunnel to make this possible."

June nodded. "Consider it done, master."

Erik turned to Emily. "Once we have a plan for dealing with the Blackguards, the resistance will assist us in breaking your father out of prison. I don't know how much it will take, but the sooner we act, the higher are the resistance chances to find something about Richard. About that, I need you to work with them. They will tell you what they need from you."

Emily smiled, hope returning to her eyes. "Thank you, Erik. I knew coming to you for help was the right decision."

Erik returned her smile. "We're in this together. Richard will be free soon; I promise you that." He looked at each of his companions in turn. frёewebnoѵē

"Where do you plan to start searching for this Blackguard team?" Amber asked.

Erik pondered the question.

"I was actually thinking about infiltrating the army, but I will need to select my target carefully, so, a trip to the town hall is mandatory."

"The town hall has plenty of guards and patrols surrounding it," Amber said.

"Wouldn't it be better to assassinate Volkov if you have to go there?" Mira asked.

Erik shook his head.

"Assassinating Volkov would likely be the simplest way to deal a blow to the Blackguards, and

I would get my revenge," Erik said.

"However, his forces would still search for someone to blame. It is likely they would execute Richard and other prisoners to show retribution."

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Emily shuddered. Erik glanced at her. "Gathering intelligence on the Blackguards and neutralizing them reduces Richard's risk. We must make this look like as we are not involved

in all of this."

Erik turned back to Mira and Amber. "Once we free Richard, taking care of Volkov will become much easier, since we will be able to move freely."