Birth of the Demonic Sword-Chapter 1181 - 1181. Trap

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Chapter 1181 - 1181. Trap

Noah didn't reveal the specifics behind his plan. The Elders of the alliance could guess what those two opportunities were. Faith and Daniel's presence was enough to explain that.

The two of them still had the divine items from Shandal's separate dimension. They could stop King Elbas' offensive, giving the powerhouses enough time for a counterattack.

Of course, Noah didn't dream that the powerhouses' joint offensive could pierce the defenses of King Elbas' technique. Yet, that would make him deplete more higher energy, bringing him closer to exhaustion.

That was the last strategy that Noah could think of. Everything else had already failed. He would order a full retreat if that plan didn't lead to anything either.

Daniel and Faith couldn't step into the battlefield. They were only peak rank 5 cultivators. The simple shockwaves released during the fight among powerhouses would kill them.

However, the new continent was the Hive's home. Flying Demon had built countless doors on the surface so that the weaker troops could make use of their spells without risking their lives.

Faith and Daniel could do the same, even if their role were far more dangerous. They needed to appear on the battlefield right before King Elbas' attacks landed on the powerhouses.

Noah didn't make any motivational speech. Those in the hall knew their roles. They only had to join the fight now.

There was no need for sentimental speeches either. The powerhouses had already gone through those in the separate reality, so there was nothing left to say.

The group waited inside the hall for days. A large screen showed them images of the battlefield, and different emotions appeared on their expressions as they watched King Elbas' destruction.

The Royal burned every formation that he found. His aura scorched the regions and transformed them into fuming wastelands.

Almost all the central regions became nothing more than destroyed lands as that trend continued. The eastern coast suffered from the same fate before King Elbas set his eyes on the southern coast.

Noah moved at that point, and the others followed right after him. They walked toward a teleportation matrix that led to the territory east of the lava lake.

The group of powerhouses teleported on the surface and moved their gazes toward the battlefield. King Elbas was still destroying every inscription that he found while the Copying Technique and platoons assaulted him.

The arrival of Noah's group on the surface claimed the Royal's attention, and he stopped his precise destruction to focus on them. His smile shone together with his technique at the sight of his enemies.

"You finally decided to appear," King Elbas said, and his words echoed through the new continent as they reached for the group. "It seems that your defenses don't have anything left."

King Elbas flew through the regions at high speed while the weaker cultivators, hybrids, and rank 6 copies assaulted him. Their attacks barely managed to pierce his scorching aura, and a slight movement of his spear was enough to take care of the abilities that came close to him.

Noah and the others didn't move. They were aware of King Elbas' character, so they knew that he would come toward them without deactivating his technique.

The Royal was proving that he could triumph over that challenge. The group of powerhouses was nothing more than a stepping stone in his eyes.

The powerhouses showed ugly expressions at the sight of King Elbas' confident face. They liked that he didn't deactivate his technique, but their determination began to falter when they saw that the Royal didn't show any sign of exhaustion.

His skin had continued to become paler as the battle continued, but he still radiated the same power as before. Killing the Ape God had even increased the intensity of his aura.

Traps activated as King Elbas continued to fly. Storms of saber-shaped runes and tides of toxic liquids fell on his figure, but his robe and crown burned everything. Nothing could touch him.

Noah deployed his dark world when King Elbas was about to reach him. Snore appeared behind his figure, the Demonic Sword flew in his palm, and Night came out of the space-ring to fuse with the darkness.

The powerhouses let the dark matter engulf them as they wielded their weapons. The scene resembled the battle inside the separate reality, but the sides' power difference was far different now.

King Elbas had never been stronger. Instead, Noah and the others lacked Chasing Demon and his divine titan.

The powerhouses' joint power wasn't enough to replace the divine item, but they had to try anyway. They still had a few cards to play, so they weren't ready to give up on the new continent just yet.

King Elbas barged inside the dark cloud without any hesitation. The dark matter tried to suppress his fiery technique, but the intensity of his individuality blocked it.

The dark matter burned as King Elbas flew toward the center of the dark world. Noah's higher energy couldn't withstand the scorching pressure released by the Royal.

Noah kept his cold eyes on his target. He was the only one capable of pinpointing King Elbas' exact position inside the dark world, so it was his role to start the offensive.

A golden halo eventually seeped out of the dark matter right in front of the group. King Elbas was about to reach them, so Noah gave the signal that the other powerhouses were waiting for.

Noah raised the Demonic Sword above his head, and dark matter flowed inside its shape before he slashed forward.

Dreaming Demon and Flying Demon worked together to create a storm that followed Noah's slash. They had already tested that technique on the Royal, so they didn't mind deploying it again.

Great Elder Diana and True Speed launched lightning bolts enhanced with their abilities. The Matriarch had her black lenses, and the half-hybrid of the Empire had his legs pushed to their limits.

God's Left Hand unleashed a series of hurricanes, and Elder Regina created an army of beast-like puppets that flew through the dark matter to converge in King Elbas' position.

Elder Laura shot a series of arrows that transformed into massive azure dragons. Elder Julia wasn't on the scene, but she supported the group by deploying many copies of the rank 6 guardians inside the dark world.

The powerhouses of the world had launched their best attacks. That offensive would be able to fend off most threats in any lower plane, but their opponent was the strongest monster in the world.

Blinding golden light filled their vision before their attacks could land on King Elbas. A dangerous sensation surged inside the powerhouses' minds, and countless disposable items came out of their space-rings as they tried to stop what was about to land on them.

Noah knew what was about to arrive. His dark world sent every piece of information inside his mind, so he could see King Elbas bending forward to launch his spear.

'He is aiming at me,' Noah thought as a smirk appeared on his face.

The mighty King Elbas wanted to take care of Noah first. It seemed that even the resourceful Royal was worried that Noah could have other troublesome strategies.

King Elbas was right, but he didn't imagine that Noah had already activated his first strategy. The Royal launched his spear, but a pure white light suddenly shone under him and engulfed his figure.

The attack vanished, and part of the fiery items fell apart under that divine light. King Elbas quickly tried to summon more golden flames, but the powerhouses' offensive landed on him before he could activate his technique again.