Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 184

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Chapter 184

On the day King Sejong granted his approval, all the officials from the Ministry of Rites left work punctually.

While some rushed to the pleasure quarters in small groups to celebrate their timely departure, most officials headed straight home.

My dear, what brings you home so early today?

Tired, the official replied to his wifes question.

I was able to come home early because the project Ive been working on has successfully passed the initial stage. Work will pile up again from tomorrow, so I decided to come home early today.

Is that so? Then, for dinner

Ive already eaten at a restaurant. Ill go to bed first.

The wife sighed deeply as she watched her husband disappear into their private room.

Ah, to think were still newlyweds Its as if Im living the life of a widow without being one

With a face full of discontent, the wife gazed towards the private room.

* * *

Not long after their wedding, her husband passed the civil service examination. Both families were overjoyed with the double celebration, as passing the exam was considered a great honor.

However, the joy ended there. Since her husband started his career as a bureaucrat at the royal court instead of a local official, it became difficult to even see his face.

Leaving at dawn and returning late at night became his routine, and overnight stays away from home were frequent.

Even when he was home on holidays, he spent most of his time sleeping.

At first, the wife suspected he was spending time with courtesans or having an affair, but she eventually realized his absence was due to the overwhelming amount of work. Unsure whether to laugh or cry about the situation, she was torn between feelings.

Could it be said that when it rains, it pours? Not only her in-laws but also her own parents started to mention the topic of having children more frequently.

Eventually, the wife confided in her mother about her situation, lamenting,

Even though I have a husband, Im living like a widow. What should I do about this situation!

Her mother also looked troubled upon hearing her daughters words. Her husband, too, was a government official and had been burdened with heavy duties for several years.

Maybe some tonic

Dont even mention tonics! Just bringing it up causes him to have a fit! What am I supposed to do!

At her daughters response, the mother remained silent. Her husband also reacted strongly whenever the topic of tonics was mentioned.

In the end, the women from both families came together to brainstorm, but since both the in-laws and her own family were involved in government service, they all shared a sense of empathy for each others situation and were looking for solutions to the same problem.

Eventually, they decided to seek advice from Madame Jeonggyeong, a woman of respect and acquaintance. After hearing their complaints, Madame Jeonggyeong also sighed deeply.

Do you think your husbands are the only ones like this? Our man is the same Sigh.

Then, is there no solution?

Madame Jeonggyeong shook her head in response to the question.

You must insist on them taking tonics. Thats the best solution. Force it if you have to, and make sure to be together on holidays, no matter if its morning or night. And perhaps dress a bit more lightly.

Wouldnt that be somewhat improper?

The wives looked embarrassed at Madame Jeonggyeongs suggestion, but her expression remained serious.

Do you prefer to end your lineage then?

Her words made the faces of the wives turn serious as well. Madame Jeonggyeong pointed out the harsh reality.

Remember, even if you feed him tonics like fodder to a cow, the strenuous duties of serving the nation drain all his energy. Your only option is to press on with sheer numbers.


Thanks to this, ever since the initiation of the health regime, the medical clinics in Hanyang were always thriving. And the trading companies supplying herbs to these clinics actively engaged in cultivating medicinal herbs to meet the demand.

The ultimate recipients of these tonics, the officials, complained to their colleagues.

My wife keeps brewing these tonics for me, but somehow, I feel they are not meant for my benefit

You too?

Ive started to dread weekends

* * *

Nevertheless, with King Sejongs approval granted, the officials of the Ministry of Rites were busily in motion.

To check the condition of the Confucian schools, especially those in the southern provinces, and to find suitable locations for new schools, they requested the cooperation of the Ministry of Public Works.

Seeing the officials from the Ministry of Public Works setting off on their missions, the officials from the Ministry of Rites could not hide their envy.

We should be the ones going

As they busied themselves with solving the location issues, the Ministry of Rites was deeply engaged in curriculum development.

Theres no disagreement that the Thousand Character Classic should be the first thing taught, but how is the progress on the mathematics textbook?

At the Minister of Ritess inquiry, the Assistant Minister promptly responded.

Yes, its currently undergoing final review at the research institute.

The Minister of Rites frowned slightly at the Assistant Ministers response.

At the research institute? Isnt that place filled with math geniuses? I hope its not too complex.

I assured them that its for children to learn, so dont worry

Despite the Assistant Ministers reassurance, the Minister of Ritess concern seemed to trail off with uncertainty.

* * *

With the initiation of the reform, Hyangs research institute, which opened concurrently, showed remarkable growth as time progressed.

Especially notable was its achievement in the field of mathematics.

During the early Joseon Dynasty, those who applied for the miscellaneous exams were required to take the arithmetic test without exception. As a result, many studied arithmetic using methods like the Chinese-imported Commercial Arithmetic, Yang Huis Arithmetic, and the Enlightenment of Arithmetic.

While the Commercial Arithmetic taught the most basic mathematical concepts based on the four fundamental operations, Yang Huis Arithmetic and the Enlightenment of Arithmetic were of a higher level. Particularly, the Enlightenment of Arithmetic covered topics as advanced as higher-order equations.

However, among the mathematical texts introduced from China, many had issues. A significant number of these imported books recorded only problems and solutions without any explanation of the solving process.

As a result, many who studied arithmetic had to research the solving process on their own. It was natural that progress in this field was slow.

However, with the establishment of the Hyang Research Institute and its active operations, the level of arithmetic in Joseon improved dramatically.

One of the first steps was the introduction of Arabic numerals, named Cheonchuk numbers in Joseon, and the active recruitment of Islam residents in Joseon who were proficient in arithmetic. Additionally, envoys to the Ming Dynasty were used to bring back and translate mathematical texts from the Roman Empire that had spread to the West, distributing them to the researchers at the institute.

As a result, Hyangs proficiency in Latin reached an expert level, which was an added bonus.

Furthermore, by discreetly integrating the mathematical knowledge that was basic in the 21st century, the arithmetic skills of the institutes researchers surged.

Though it may sound like self-praise in this era, there might be no one across all nations who surpasses the mathematical skills of the institutes researchers.

Hyangs self-praise was by no means an exaggeration.

The reason was that Hyang had sprinkled the ultimate MSG on the researchers at the research institute.

The MSG Hyang sprinkled was none other than symbols representing arithmetic operations. Until then, replacing what was written in characters, regardless of East or West, with simple symbols led to an explosive growth in the researchers abilities.

It was as if Hyang had pulled forward the history that began in 1489 when the German Widmann first used the + and symbols by nearly 60 years.

Thanks to the MSG Hyang sprinkled, talented researchers like Lee Soon-ji had advanced to the level of solving 10th-degree equations. Especially in the case of Lee Soon-ji, he was even delving into the concept of calculus, albeit at a rudimentary level.

What a good thing! Do not spare your support!

Yes, Your Highness!

Having received the report about Lee Soon-ji through the official document, Hyang outwardly rejoiced but was inwardly crying.

Calculus! How much I suffered because of calculus and probability and statistics!

In the 21st century, when Hyang took the Grade 5 civil service exam, especially for the finance position, economics was a compulsory subject, and optional subjects included accounting, business administration, etc. All these subjects required not only calculus but also probability and statistics.


Thus, with the research institutes researchers unmatched mathematical abilities, there was concern when it was heard that they were assigned to write the math textbook.

However, this was almost a groundless fear for Minister of Rites.

Because Hyang was there.

Upon seeing the math textbook created by the ordered researchers, Hyang immediately rejected it.

Are you planning to teach running to a child who cant even walk properly yet? Make it again! Make it very easy!


Rejected by Hyang, Jeong-Cho turned to Jeong Inji.

This should be easy enough?


While the two were grumbling, Hyang was voicing his dissatisfaction.

They say a frog does not remember its tadpole days Are we creating a situation akin to teaching the theory of relativity to kids just learning numbers?

After rejecting it three more times, Hyang participated in the textbook creation himself.

Recalling his elementary school days, Hyang significantly revised the content of the textbook.

Of course, he added MSG as usual. The MSG added to the textbook was the multiplication table.

And when learning mathematics, lets also teach how to use the abacus.


Thus, the math textbook created satisfied not only the Minister of Rites but also Sejong.


However, the Minister of Rites also faced rejection from Sejong regarding the textbook issue.

The textbook that the Minister of Rites was rejected for was about conduct.

When initially planning the Four Social Classes School, Sejong had subtly broached the subject.

How about educating on proper posture and lifestyle from a young age?

Upon hearing Sejongs suggestion, the ministers welcomed it with open arms.

Truly wise words!

We are in awe of Your Majestys insight!

For them, being Confucian scholars, educating the populace was a must-do task, so there was no room for objection.

However, in the initially planned curriculum, this part was not mandatory but an elective course. That is, it was decided to be taught not through dedicated class time but through moral stories.

Sejong was slightly dissatisfied with this but did not object.

It was due to staffing issues.

However, an event that shook the era occurred in the 10th year of Sejongs reign when a man named Kim Hwa from Jinju murdered his own father.

Enraged, Sejong sentenced Kim Hwa to death.

It is due to my lack of virtue!

Seeing Sejong blame himself, Byeon Gye-Ryang suggested creating and distributing a book of filial piety, which Sejong accepted.

But when the Giyu Rebellion broke out the following year, Sejong commanded that loyalty and filial piety be formally included in the curriculum of the Four Social Classes School.

Teach and learn about loyalty and filial piety properly to ensure such incidents never happen again!

We shall obey the command!

Thus, the Minister of Rites created the textbook based on the book of filial piety.

However, upon receiving the first draft of the textbook, Sejong immediately rejected it.

What use is a book filled with characters to children who cant even read yet? Make it again!

Thus, the Minister of Rites had to create the textbook once again. Pondering over the issue, the Minister of Rites sought advice from Hyang. Upon the Minister of Ritess request, Hyang responded immediately.

When I used to teach my younger siblings, I found that incorporating illustrations helped them learn more easily. Why not include pictures related to the content?

Ah! What a solution!

Armed with Hyangs advice, the Minister of Rites created a revised draft of the textbook and submitted it to Sejong.

And it was rejected again.

Do we not have filial sons, loyal officials, and virtuous women in our own Haedong? Why is it filled with figures from Ming?

My thought was shortsighted! Please forgive my offense!

Make it properly once again.

And so, after three attempts, the textbook was created.

It was the birth of the (Illustrated Conduct of the Three Bonds).

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