Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 323

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Episode 323: Hero? New demon? (6)

While big and small commotions were taking place over the issue of staffing the research institute, something big was happening in the East Palace.




The crown prince, Yang Won, and Yang Emperor were screaming from the hastily installed birth room, and royal doctors, court ladies, and court ladies were busily going in and out of the room.

It was the moment when the children who would continue the next generation of Joseon were born.

Hyang was standing in the garden of the East Palace, stamping her feet helplessly, waiting for the birth to end quickly.



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Every time the crown prince, Yang Won, and the Yang emperors screamed, the fragrance flinched and scolded the eunuchs and royal doctors.

“Are the Crown Princess, Yang Won, and Yang Emperor okay?”

“I’m sure you’ll be okay.”

“Is this really okay?”

“Experienced court ladies and royal doctors have joined, so don’t worry.”

Every time the scent was strong, the medical doctors and eunuchs responded that it was okay, but the scent could not hide its anxiety.

“Isn’t the labor going on for too long? “The pain started before the sun rose, and it’s already noon.”

“Sometimes, there are mothers who have long labor.”


Hearing Eui’s words, Hyang let out a long sigh and grumbled.

“This guy’s children are worse than other families’ children, and they are so hostile even to childbirth…? .”

* * *

As Hyang said, the three pregnancies exceeded the average by about a month and a half.

“Isn’t the pregnancy period too long?”

“Sometimes they come out this long.”

After hearing the doctor’s explanation, Hyang immediately asked again.

“Did all three of you have long pregnancies?”

“… The first time comes. However, both mother and fetus are healthy.”

“… I understand. Please do your best.”

“I will do my best.”

Hearing Eui’s answer, Hyang sighed again and muttered.

“Whoa~. It seems like he’s holding on so as not to come out… .”

* * *




The time was now past 5 noon and past 2 o’clock in the afternoon, but the labor pains continued.

The trembling face outside began to change color as the mothers’ voices cracked and their screams grew weaker as they lost all their energy.

“It lasts too long… . Are these kids really holding out so as not to come out? .”

Normally, I would have dismissed it as nonsense, but under these circumstances, it was a scent that I began to seriously consider.

After thinking for a moment, Hyang soon made a decision.

“It’s a judgment call! shell!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Who is the emissary with the best voice?”


* * *

“Ugh… .”

“Please give me strength. “You just have to work a little harder!”

As the mothers, exhausted from the long labor, moaned, the ladies-in-waiting and maids sitting next to them cheered the Crown Princess on.

“Huh… . after… .”

As the Crown Princess, Yang Won, and Emperor Yang were breathing tiredly, holding on to the white cotton cloth draped over the beam, a loud voice was heard from outside.

“I inform you babies! Your Majesty the Crown Prince has ordered this. ‘Your fate has already been decided! ‘Don’t be unfilial anymore and come out now!’”



At the eunuch’s shout, the Crown Princess, Yang Won, and Yang Emperor burst into laughter, forgetting their pain. No, it wasn’t just the mothers. Even the anxious people around him burst into laughter without realizing it.

A loud shout was heard again from outside.

“You commanded me again! ‘If you keep holding on, I will tell His Majesty the Lord and get you a copy of the teaching paper! Will you come out right now and be treated as a noble person, or will you end up in the worst possible position as a sinner who disobeyed the commandments? I’ll count to 30. ‘Come out now!’”

As soon as the shouting ended, the Geumguns around them began to shout loudly, following the gesture of Hyang’s hand.



At that moment, the mothers began to scream in pain once again.


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“I can see the head! Please give me just a little more strength!”

In response to the cries of the ladies who played the role of midwives, the mothers once again exerted all their strength.


“Just a little more, just a little more!”

* * *

“Mite! Mite! “Mite!”

After a while, a loud baby cry came out of the birth room.

As the children’s cries continued for a long time and died down, a medical doctor walked out of the living room.

Eui, with a very tired face, saw the scent and immediately bowed his head and said.

“We are reducing it. “All three babies are boys.”

“What about the mothers?”

“You are very exhausted, but you are in no great danger.”

“Thank goodness. “Please take good care of yourself.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Can I see the mother now?”

To Hyang’s question, Eui-eui answered with a slightly troubled expression.

“Not yet. “Please wait a little longer.”

“I understand.”

Hyang, who had been waiting outside, went straight into the living room as soon as he was allowed to enter.

After disinfecting her hands according to the procedure she created, the fragrance headed towards the mothers who were lying down.

Hyang, who saw the faces of mothers lying down with tired faces, spoke in a soft voice.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“No, sir.”

“As the labor was long, your body will be very tired, so don’t forget to get enough rest.”

“Yes, sir.”

Hyang spoke while holding the hands of the mothers one by one, then looked back at the ladies-in-waiting and the ladies-in-waiting.

“I hope you pay special attention to the mothers’ health.”

“I will do my best.”


“I follow your orders.”

After checking the mothers’ condition, Hyang finally saw the babies. After seeing the babies wrapped in swaddles, Hyang brought her face close to him and muttered.

“This is you guys, right? “I guess you were prepared to pay the price for making your mother suffer?”

The babies’ faces frowned as if they had recognized the scent’s growl, and the scent immediately spoke.

“I will give special attention to the crying boy.”

As soon as the words were finished, the babies’ faces straightened again.

After patting the mothers once again, Hyang tilted her head as she came out.

“I said it because I was angry, but… . “You’re sure you didn’t understand, right?”

* * *

The news that Crown Princess, Yang Won, and Emperor Yang had given birth safely, and that all three babies were boys, was immediately conveyed to Geunjeongjeon.

“We’re giving you a reduction!”

“The birth of a legitimate grandchild is a great blessing for the royal family and the country!”

“We’re giving you a reduction!”

King Sejong responded with a happy face to the congratulations of the ministers and officials.

“Thank you. Thank you very much.”

After answering the ministers’ words, King Sejong looked back at the inner palace and asked.

“I heard the labor was long. “Are the mothers safe?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Tell me in detail.”

Sejong, who was in a good mood after hearing the good news that the next heir to the throne had been born, wanted to hear about the birth process.

At King Sejong’s order, the eunuch spoke in detail about the birth process. Although King Sejong and his ministers already had a lot of experience with childbirth, they all listened with interested expressions.

In particular, King Sejong and the ministers burst into laughter when they said that the scent was restless every time the mothers screamed.

“haha! “It seems that even the Crown Prince can’t do anything about Abby!”

“That’s right!”

The story of the eunuch reaches its climax with Hyang’s threats.


“ha ha ha!”

King Sejong and his ministers, who had only smiled or laughed lightly until then, forgot the time and place and burst into laughter.

“haha! “What a name!”

After laughing so hard, King Sejong looked at the ministers.

“Don’t you think you can see the cotyledons because he is the crown prince’s child?”

Maeng Sa-seong immediately answered King Sejong’s question.

“That’s right. “It’s unusual to see that you understand the gravity of the name even though your eyes haven’t opened properly yet.”

The ministers nodded at Maeng Sa-seong’s words.

King Sejong, who was listening to the ministers’ words and pondering the situation, looked at them with a grin.

“Don’t you think it would be fun to grow? “I’m already worried about who I should entrust my guest care to.”

“Aren’t you going too far ahead?”

Sejong smiled and answered Lee Jik’s question.

“That’s true, but you keep getting impatient. “I can’t believe you’ve already shown such an outstanding performance.”

The ministers muttered to themselves at the words of King Sejong, who appeared to be indifferent.

‘Why do you feel sorry for the babies?’

* * *

As time passed, the story of what happened during the birth became known to the people of Hanseong.

“… So, the crown prince said, ‘If you don’t want to be beaten by Chidogon, come out right away!’ Doesn’t that mean that the babies came out right away?”

At the words of Jang Seobang, a well-known talker in the neighborhood, the men gathered around nodded with expressions of surprise.

“Huh~. Are you saying you already understand what I’m saying? “That’s amazing!”

In response to the male neighbor’s words, Seojang Jang criticized the speaker.

“You man! Whose seed is Agi? Aren’t you the crown prince? Aren’t you the one who creates all kinds of magical objects and solves difficult problems without any problems? “I received the seed of such a noble person, would you be normal?”

Everyone gathered at Seobu Jang’s words nodded. Even among the general public – at least Hanseong residents – the extraordinary quality of the incense was widely known.

“And, didn’t you say it was a famous name? “No matter how little you are, don’t you know the fear of fate?”

Everyone gathered nodded at Seobu Jang’s words.

* * *

One of the things most emphasized when Joseon was founded was the rule of law. When Joseon was founded, the first thing created was a code of law, and judicial processes were not subject to the leader’s discretion. No matter how formal an action was, it had to be based on the law code, and all such actions were written up in a report and sent to the king.

Therefore, most of the actions of the Joseon people had to follow laws, and the most frightening and heavy of these laws was the commandment.

The heaviness of this name also exerted its power on shamanism.

In the simplest example, when the toilets in each of the people’s homes were moved or sold, the people shouted the following to avoid the wrath of the Cheoksin (the god who protects the back yard).

“What a shame!”

In other words, they were telling people not to be angry because the bathroom was being moved or a new one was being built by order of the king. This was the idea that even powerful gods had to follow the king’s orders.

* * *

However, there were always skeptics among people.

“Aye~. Isn’t this too exaggerated? No matter how extraordinary they are, can they understand what you’re saying when they’re bloody babies who haven’t even opened their eyes yet? “It must be a coincidence.”

Seobang Jang became enraged by the criticism of Seobang Kang, a skeptic.

“This person! Have you already forgotten what I said earlier? Whose seed are these babies from? It’s the Crown Prince! Three! This is the man who removed all the Four and Three Pillars at the age of four and flattened the noses of guests before he turned six! “If they look like that, they’re just normal babies, right?”

“No matter how good the seed is, there are human limitations… . You guys are not Buddhas… .”

At Seobang Kang’s counterargument, a tendon rose on Seobang Jang’s forehead.

“Are you saying I was talking nonsense?”

“It’s not that, it’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

“You man! There were more than dozens of people who saw it! “I heard it from someone who works at the palace!”

“Who works at the palace?”

“There’s nothing to know about that!”

“Who are you?”

“I said there was nothing to know!”

Seobang Kang kept asking, but Seobang Jang kept quiet about that part.

The reason why Seobang Jang had no choice but to do so was because the source of the story was the widow Hong, who worked as a military worker at the palace. Seobang Jang and Mr. Hong were dating. The problem was that Seobang Jang was a married man. If the truth were to be discovered, there would be a bloody situation, so Master Jang kept his mouth shut.

In any case, the story about childbirth spread beyond the capital and throughout Joseon.

Many people who heard the story congratulated Hyang on his new son and looked forward to what would happen next.

“Shall we hold a discount event at the resale store again this time?”

* * *


This is Gukppong, who uses Black Enterprise Chosun.

Thanks to everyone’s prayers for her recovery, my sister was moved to a general hospital room. We are still carefully monitoring the situation, and related procedures are scheduled to continue as soon as physical strength is restored. However, consciousness has returned and the situation has improved significantly.

thank you All of this is thanks to the origins of our readers.

Although I still have a lot of worries, I will hold out hope and work harder to repay you.

Gukppong dream.