Blacksmith of the Apocalypse-Chapter 1188: Backup 5

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Chapter 1188: Backup 5

“How much longer are we going to wait?”

Seeing three legends joining the battlefield, Cromwel couldn't help but ask the black knight. Although he knew that the knight was part of Minas Mar and wouldn't harm him, the deathly aura he kept exuding inadvertently had the immortal shiver in his presence.

The golden knight was valiantly fighting the skeleton dragon, but it was clear who had the upper hand in size and power. The knight was only holding on because of his holly attribute advantage and superior close combat skill.

He did his best to keep the dragon in place, using various joint locks mixed with heavy punches to the head and joints. The impacts were so overwhelming, that they could be heard all across Delta's surroundings and caused avalanches everywhere.

Despite the colossus struggling and the additional three legends that had just appeared, the black knight just shook his head and said stoically:

“It is not time for us to ride, yet.”

---Southeastern wall of Delta----

The chosen of Persephone had arrived on the walls and brought with her her undead army, to defend against Spatia and their Liches. Manning the full length of the wall, were now humanoid, or human-sized undead, firing long-distance spells and skills at the shield of Spatia, or maintaining their own.

Filling the walls were undead she had farmed during her journey with Edward, but also experimental subjects she was “gifted” by the Maestro at the Adventurer Guild's Holy Land. During their journey, some of these undead subjects had grown at an incredible rate, rivaling the stronger undead she got from her journey.

Elemental spells and skills, but also acids and chemicals were fired at the mixed army of the living and the dead. While the barriers blocked the magic and the initial impact of liquids, they couldn't stop the Maestro's and her own concoctions and their resulting vapors from afflicting the army.

With her presence here, the curses and debuffs of the Liches, had no chance of affecting her undead, thanks to various buff skills from her class, as well as the aura of death from her armor. With Evee's intervention, the advance on the walls essentially became a stalemate.

However, the situation kept rapidly changing. A legend appeared in the sky, followed by a bright light that forced her to shield her eyes. It didn't just burn the enemy undead, but also her own. She just thought she was lucky that none of her undead were weak enough to fall to the light when a voice north of her position shook the battlefield.

“You sloppy punks, let me show you how it is done!” the rough voice exclaimed, the next moment a boulder of cursed fire and rock crashed into the various protective enchantments of the wall and the inner district barrier, only for them to dissolve when coming in touch with the flaming boulder.

The massive rock burned through their enchantments and crashed into the physical city wall, which would withstand the tremendous impact. Ripping a breach into the city wall, the boulder kept traveling through the row of undead behind the wall and further into the district itself.

Penetrating the wall meant that the boulder didn't just locally destroy the defensive enchantment, but it would cause the enchantment along the whole section of the wall to fail. Cursing like a sailor, Evee jumped on the back of her mount, a griffin she managed to acquire during their travels, and quickly rushed to the breach in the wall.

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Another legend! She couldn't see the figure itself from the air above the wall, but a legend explained the sudden, mortifying attack that broke their secondary defenses easily. She gulped hard. For just a moment, she worried. Would she be able to face a legend on her own?

“Here's Evee at the southeastern wall, Section 22. A legend appeared and broke through the wall. I could use some help here,” she reported back to headquarters. For a moment she worried about taking down the legend, but then she came back to her senses. There was no reason for her to face this Uz’Roc alone.

“We hear you, Backup 5 is on the way to your location. Can you endure for a few minutes?” Mary's voice answered her promptly. Hearing Backup 5, her heart dropped.

“Does it have to be Backup 5? What about Backup 3 or 6? I take anyone else...No I might just try doing it alone” she asked desperate.

“We needed the other backups.. somewhere else. Just keep your undead close to the wall, if you are that worried. Don't try it alone, Seth wouldn't be okay with any of you risking your lives to fight a legend. ” Mary answered, sternly warning her.

Somewhere else? Where would they be that Mary didn't dare tell her?

“Are you their summoner?! Come down and face me yourself, if you have the gall!” a massive orc with a staff provoked her. She immediately knew that he was the legend in question. As if she wasn't busy enough keeping the Liches at bay, now an enemy legend shamelessly asked her for a duel.

Seeing the orc's ugly mug, Evee could actually feel her knuckles itch. That was quite the beatable visage. Maybe he would have been a chance to really go all out, to a point that she wasn't even able to test during her journey. However, Mary's words still stuck in her mind. Seth was against it and it wasn't a good idea to be out there when Backup 5 arrived.

“Ugh, fine... I will just buy some time.”


“Tsk, wimp,” Uz’Roc clicked his tongue when the enemy didn't respond to his provocation With the kind of pompous entrance she had, riding a griffin and wearing and armor exuding an overwhelming aura of death, he had been looking forward to quickly ending this.

Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be a coward. Then the minions would have to do it. With a sweeping motion, he swung his staff and a crimson light descended on the battlefield. With him at the center, it affected an area of 3 kilometers in diameter enveloping everyone in front and behind the wall.

The troops of Spatia heard the announcement, as they were surrounded by the blood-red light. The opposite and more was happening to the defenders, who would suffer a 20-point penalty to their attributes, 20% lowered defense and a 30% higher chance to be afflicted by bleeding.

“What are you waiting for? Charge the breach!” he commanded the army to invade the city. He was curious how the coward necromancer would react, as Soldiers and Undead strengthened by his spell rushed forward.

“HALT!” the woman suddenly shouted, her voice enforced by mana, allowing it to be heard across the battlefield.

. You have resisted because of your legendary status>

. You have resisted because of your high intelligence.>


. You have resisted because your shackles are heavy.>

For the first time since he became an undead, he felt like throwing up. It was like a kick in the ball and a punch in the stomach at the same time. Looking around, he found the troops in chaos. he had resisted the sudden wave of skills, but he was in the minority.

Before his very eyes, most of the undead on the battlefield had defected and were attacking their former allies! It affected mostly the undead controlled by the Liches and barely anyone above lv.100, but it was more than enough to cause chaos. Especially since the Liches were affected even worse than him, by the aftereffects of the skills, despite resisting their effects.

It was a loss, that they had to kill the undead they brought themselves, but weirdly enough, the opponent did not use the chance to deal a deciding strike. Only the defected undead she controlled fought in front of the walls, while her original summons stayed at the wall, blocking the breach.

Was she this afraid to face him? Of course, the moment she dared enter the battlefield, he would jump on her. But to let go of such a good chance to deal a decisive strike, the woman was more cowardly than he ever thought-

“CAW!” the cry of an eagle could suddenly be heard in the sky above as the cloud rapidly turned darker. He inadvertently looked up and -

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