Blessed by Night-Chapter 174: Lucifer’s Chosen

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There is a man that the whole world knows of, yet doesn't like to talk about.

When he appeared three years ago, he burst onto the scene as an up and coming member of Ragnarok who had quite a few eyes on him.

But within a month, he was bored of that life and went on an unprecedented spree of destruction.

No one could say why he finally snapped.

Some think it was the pressure from the media to remain good despite the way that they tried to portray him.

Others decided that something like this was to be expected when you considered just whom it was he was blessed by.

However, none could deny that regardless of his public image, he was the most powerful blessed the world had ever seen.

Had he not voluntarily entered into Tartarus, none would even think of Alex Heller or Morgan Creed deserving the title of 'the strongest'.

After all, neither of them could ever hope to beat this man.

Stepping out of the ruined naval base was a tall man of around 6'2.

He looked to be an older gentleman, with salt and pepper hair and a nicely groomed goatee.

Like the one who had blessed him, he wore a dark suit with gold rings adorned on every finger, and had a pair of leather wingtip shoes on his feet.

His eyes were a dull shade of gold, as if they had long lost their luster or perhaps had it forcibly taken away.

He yawned casually and showed a smile full of perfect white teeth that were as blinding as the sun.

Instinctively, Aubrey backed away as she stared at this man with a sense of unbridled fear.

This was Kendrick Gerard, former member of Ragnarok and the man blessed by the devil himself.

Also known as the world's number one criminal.

"Shit, my hand stings a bit… Did I not hit a bug after all?" He muttered.

He noticed a pair of eyes on his figure and turned around to find a young girl in a mask staring at him.

"Hm? Aren't you a little young for civil wars? I swear, parents these days just let their kids run rampant…"

With shaking arms, Aubrey held up her hands as she willed her powers to do something or anything at all.

She felt fatigue like nothing she had ever known before, and a bright green tornado was created from the very air above their heads.

The tornado was about to touchdown right ontop of her opponent when he tilted his head and looked at her like she was a nuisance.

"What are you doing? Stop that."

With a swat of his hand, Kendrick easily dispelled Aubrey's tornado into a harmless gust of wind and proceeded to lecture her as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Look kid, call your parents and get out of here, this isn't the place for you."

Aubrey was fighting to remain upright on her feet after creating a tornado for the first time, and just spat out the first excuse she could think of.

"My mom… she isn't the kind of person I can just call whenever I want..!"

Kendrick seemed to connect with that statement on some level and he nodded his head in understanding.

"I get that… my mom was a deadbeat too."



At that moment, Malachi came flying out of the rubble with his iklwa poised to strike.

As soon as he came within striking distance, Kendrick looked up lazily as he held out two fingers on both hands.

With the greatest of ease, Kendrick stopped all of Malachi's momentum and brought his body to a compliment standstill.

Malachi immediately gritted his teeth in frustration as he tried to push his weapons into his opponent's flesh but failed miserably all the same.

This was Kendrick's ability that had made him so widely feared and the reason he was seen as the strongest.

Absolute force manipulation.

Provided that Kendrick already understands the inner workings of an external force completely; he is free to manipulate that force for any effect he desires.

Like earlier when he dialed back the wind pressure of Aubrey's attack until it was a light breeze or even now where he was siphoning away the kinetic energy that Mal needed for strength and momentum.

There was also a similar occurrence in the past where he tapped the ground with his foot and manipulated the impact waves until they were at the seismic level; setting off an earthquake and killing everything inside the gate within in a few moments.

However, using this ability could be very draining for him as it wasn't a power that mortals were supposed to have.

The more dramatic and complex his feats are, the more tired he becomes as a result.

In addition, using his powers on more than one force at once was also a no-go, as it would give him a terrible headache and cause his nose to bleed severely.

"That's weird… really feel like I've seen you before… Are you a pornstar by chance?" He asked.

Malachi thought up all manner of smart mouthed retorts but he unfortunately couldn't say any of them.

His mind was much too preoccupied on another strange feeling that was taking place within his body.

Or more accurately, the gnawing sense of need that he was accumulating.

Though he wasn't sure exactly what this sense of need was stemming from.

"No…" he muttered.

"So that wasn't you with Sara Jay, Asa Akira, Diamond Jackson and Havana Ginger?"

Malachi's nose crinkled up in disgust. "What are you, in middle school?"

"I'm a grown man with needs and fetishes, and what I do in my free time is my own personal business."

"Do I honestly look like a porn star to you?!"


"…Fucking jackass."

For a brief moment, Kendrick's eyes glowed a bright red before they inevitably changed back to gold.

"That's rude."


Manipulating the sound waves from his own words, Kendrick created a sonic attack that ripped through Mal's armor and phony skin like they were made of toilet tissue.

Lucifer's chosen expected blood and guts to fly freely through the air, but instead there was only a strange black sludge.

"Gross… the hell kind of diet did you have..?" Kendrick muttered.

Suddenly, the black substance started to pool back together, and became a dark galaxy in the shape of a man.

Finally, Kendrick seemed to remember exactly where he knew this man from, and it wasn't Brazzers.

"Oh right… you're the one he told me about. You guys are real tricky things aren't you?"

As his hair floated upwards of its own volition, Malachi clutched his face as he finally realized what that desperate need from earlier was.

'I want to eat him… I want to eat him so fucking bad…!'