Blessed by Night-Chapter 243: The Hotspring Chapter!

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Aisha and Malachi stood side-by-side on the edge of a beautiful body of crystal blue water that was steaming hot.

They shifted from foot-to-foot on the smooth stone beneath their feet like antsy children who were having a difficult time holding their pee.

"It's a cultural thing, so we should do it right." Aisha finally decided.

"I don't know… it feels like we should atleast get towels or something."

"Sure, sure… You want a pair of panties too, you pansy?"

Immediately, a vein bulged in Malachi's head as he tried to stop himself from biting his oldest friend.

"You make me sick."

"Yea, yea."

Almost as if it was agreed upon beforehand, Malachi pulled off his swim trunks and Aisha began to untie her swimsuit.

Once the two of them were completely naked, they unflinchingly stared each other down to see who would blink first.

"…No wonder the girls are always walking funny. I just thought you liked pigeon-toed hoes."

"My sister's feeding you a lot, huh? You're growing a cute little muffin top."



This intense staredown persisted for a few more seconds before they both laughed and lowered their bodies into the spring.


Unanimous exhales of relief escaped the mouths of both friends as the hotspring bliss permeated all of their enhanced muscles and bones.

Through fuzzy eyes, Aisha looked up at the domed ceiling that was currently showing a projection of the dark sky outside.

Her curiosity peaked and she dragged her gaze over the entire created surroundings.

Somehow, the little metal box that was at first no bigger than a rubix cube had created something like this.

A literal onsen in the middle of Wyoming, created by pulling together pieces of the nearby environment and synthesizing them together to form all of this in exactly thirty minutes.

Isolated pools surrounded by black rocks and bamboo, culturally accurate lodgings, and to top it all off, there was even soft biwa music being played from somewhere! freёweɓ

It was more relaxing than watching a Bob Ross video on a full stomach!

The two of them could fall asleep in here if they weren't careful.

"Ah, I'm so excited!"

Suddenly Sei and Aubrey stepped into view and drew the attention of the hot spring's inhabitants.

Both women were only wearing towels, covering up their bodies that the two best friends were intimately familiar with.

"…" Silently, the two of them exchanged a fist bump underneath the boiling waters.

Sei prepared to jump into the pool right atop Malachi, when she suddenly saw his and Aisha's clothes resting just outside the spring.

Her usually gentle and always tender expression cracked as her eyebrow began to twitch.

Just before she could say anything, a small ruckus drew away everyone's attention.

Anna: "Mom, cut it out..!"

Joanne: "Just come here, you still have barbecue sauce on your cheeks!"

Anna: "I-I can get it myself, I don't need your help!"

Joanne: "I know you don't, but just let me do this anyway, huh? …There, you're my pretty girl again."

Anna: "…I'm too big for that… besides, you have chicken grease on your face too."

Joanne: "Shit!"

Bianca: "Ya know, I find it funny how Cami has better table manners than both of you."

Joanne / Anna: ""S-Shut up!""

When the three girls stepped into view, Malachi's mouth practically fell open and overflowed the hot spring with drool.

All three were wearing simple white towels and their hair didn't even look all that stylish, but there was something about effortless beauty that was significantly more impactful than normal.

He would have kept staring in wonder for an eternity, had the girls not noticed the fact that he was completely naked and dangerously close to Aisha; who was also naked.

They conveniently chose this moment to forget that she was practically his sister and did not like penises.


Anna and Bianca reacted first, and the two of them tackled Malachi with full force and knocked him under the water.

Aubrey decided that it was best to get her girlfriend out of this particular body of water before she got attacked next and held out her hand to pull her away.

"Come on, babe. Let's go find another spring."

"J-Just the two of us?"

"Just the two of us."

Aubrey's wink nearly gave Aisha a nosebleed, and she quickly climbed out of the hotspring to carry her towards whichever one was free.

Once they were gone, Malachi emerged from the water with Anna holding him in a headlock from behind while Bianca pummeled his chest with her fists.

Bianca: "What is wrong with you, why're you so damn friendly?!"

Anna: "I don't care if the two of you took baths together as kids, we're the only ones who get to be naked with you now!"

""Die bastard, die!!""

If Malachi had any discomfort at the flagrant domestic abuse that he was experiencing, he certainly didn't show it.

He was even laughing like he found the whole thing funny.

However, a sound suddenly played that made the whole ordeal come to an end.

The three of them paused immediately as they turned their attention towards the edge of the pond.

Sei was being helped by Joanne and gently lowered into the water, but there were tears running down her beautiful face.

Malachi, Anna, and Bianca were immediately horrified.


"We'll make him suffer, don't cry over him!"

"L-Look what you did, snake boy! Apologize to our sweet Sei!"

In an instant, Sei was surrounded by all of her family, with so little space that even the water around her didn't have room to touch her.

On the bright side, Sei started to laugh at their antics as she wiped her tears away.

"I'm not upset with you, honey. I guess I just felt a little.. homesick. I didn't realize how bad it was until right this moment."

It had been over twenty years since Sei had even set foot in Japan.

With her parents disowning her, she had no life raft and spent practically all of her time working to keep herself and Serana afloat.

They didn't even take vacations, let alone travel to a whole nother country to sightsee or reminisce.

And even if they did, where would they have gone?

Her parents made it clear that they never wanted to see her again, and had even called her a whore.

A part of her had always wanted to go and see her home again, or maybe even try to reconnect with her parents if possible.

Those things were difficult to actually put into practice before now, but with the world in it's current state she didn't even know if her parents were still alive.

Or if they would have changed their minds about her and been willing to apologize.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I shouldn't have worried you all like that."

Malachi wiped away the small tears running from Sei's eyes and pressed his lips against her forehead.

"No, it's alright love. Why didn't you ever tell me that you were feeling homesick?"

"I-I don't know… I guess I tried not to think about it myself."

"Well why don't we plan some sort of visit then? I'm sure Mei would also want to go and see her home." Joanne offered.

"Well… I'm sure it's probably in ruins and we don't exactly have anywhere we could stay. Besides, we have lots of responsibilities now… I think just this little taste of home is enough for me."

Malachi looked like he wanted to say more, but at that moment Sei suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her chest against him.

Since they were alone here, she and Joanne had dispensed with their towels and were currently completely naked in the spring, and were making it harder to think.

"This is the first time I've gotten to see the family I love so much in two whole weeks. I don't want to spend this time being sad over ghosts from the past."

In the end, Malachi's concern was beaten back by Sei's aggressiveness as she forcefully slipped her tongue into his mouth.

He wanted to continue their conversation, and tell her that they would make plans for her to visit her homeland, as a family.

But he was already on edge after things with Joanne earlier!

He wasn't in a position to keep refusing sex back-to-back like this!

'We'll… talk about this later.'

Finally, Mal returned Sei's kiss in kind, and with a burning fervor.

Reaching out without thinking, he grabbed Anna as well and alternated between her lips and Sei's.

He felt both of their hands grab different parts of his member at almost the same time, and he nearly bit the girls too hard out of ecstasy.

Just before he could get too into the reunion and lose himself, he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

Joanne had backed away until her back was against the wall of the hotspring, no doubt trying to give her daughter the space to be 'intimate' with their fiancé.

The relationship the three of them were in was still very new, and they were still figuring out certain aspects of their day to day life.

But they weren't comfortable touching each other at all during sex, which made it impossible for Mal to enjoy the two of them together.

They usually just huddled up in corners like this or even just found some excuse to leave the room entirely.

He was worried that either one of them would start to feel left out or awkward at any given time, and he would typically take steps to avoid it whenever he could.

While his brain was still receiving a little bit of blood flow, he had to think of a new way to keep her feeling relaxed and a little less awkward.

After all, his plan was to happily spend the rest of his life with these women, so putting in the effort needed to ensure their constant comfort was a crucial part of that.

'Think, think…'


On top of a large rock overlooking the isolated spring Malachi and the girls were in, a number of women were poking their heads out just barely enough to be visible.

Serana, Aisha, Aubrey, and more surprisingly, Nyx and Keres.

*whispers* "Should we be watching this…?" Serana asked.

Nyx: "No… but I won't tell my son if you won't, just this once."

Aubrey : "I'm going to check out the rooms… you perverts have fun here."

Aisha : "Babe… look!"

At that moment, a scenario unfolded in the hot tub that made the mouths of all five women fall open from shock.