Brave Soul of Evil Supremacy-Chapter 215: Queen Bee

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As Urza and I walked through the forest, we were suddenly ambushed by a group of monsters.

"Ei, desu~no!" cried Urza, her voice fierce as she readied her demon club.

With a loud "Bam!", Urza struck the first monster, sending it flying through the air.

"Yaaah, desu~no!" she shouted, her voice filled with adrenaline as she charged at another monster.

"Pow!" went the demon club as it collided with the monster's body, crushing it with ease.

"Tto, desu~no!" Urza grunted, her voice low as she dealt a finishing blow to the last monster.

Despite their ferocity, the monsters were no match for Urza's demon club.

The blows released with an unmotivated voice smash the monsters, crushing them almost without allowing them to resist.

"Goshujin-sama, the monsters in this forest are too weak and boring," Urza complained, her lips twisting in dissatisfaction.

Urza's lips twitch in dissatisfaction at the monster that is so easily defeated.

"It can't be helped," I look around the forest. "This is just an ordinary forest. There's no way there are strong enemies like in a dungeon with a high level of difficulty."

Yes... this is a village next to the village where the game's protagonist, Leon, lives. In other words, this is the place the player visits as soon as the game starts.

The monsters here are even weaker than those in the tutorial dungeon 'The Wise Man's Playground'. There are only Slimes and Semigrande here.

Urza sighed, her voice heavy with disappointment. "Muu... it's too anticlimactic. Urza's Demon (Oni) Club is crying, desu~no. Sniff, sniff."

"Cheer up," I tried to lift her spirits. "Look, pipple berries has grown! You can eat it."

"Nom!" Urza eagerly plucked a pipple, the pink, apple-like fruit, from the tree and shoved it into her mouth.

"Mmm, it's delicious, desu~no. It's sweet, desu~no," she said, her voice muffled as she chewed.

"Good for you. There's more sweet honey waiting for you in there," I pointed to the direction of the beehive.

"Alright, I'm motivated!" Urza declared, her voice determined. "I'll give it my all, desu~no!"

With a resounding "Mun!", Urza pumped herself up and marched deeper into the forest, her hunger for stronger enemies outweighing her disappointment.

Now, by speeding up our march, we reached our destination a little earlier than we had expected.

There, clinging to a large tree, was a giant beehive reigning supreme.

"Wow, it's huge, desu~no!" Urza exclaimed, her eyes widening as she gazed up at the enormous hive.

"A hive of the golden bee 'Gold Queen'... Of course, it looks so big up close," I said matter-of-factly, as if I had seen it all before.

The Gold Queen's hive is even bigger than Leon's house where we stayed yesterday.

This huge hive has a funny habit of changing its location once a day, and the next day it will be in a different place.

In a game, this would have been just "that's the way it's supposed to be", but in reality, I am curious to know how the giant beehive moves around.

"Well... it doesn't matter. As long as we get it done today, it doesn't matter. Urza, thanks for waiting. This is the monster you've been waiting for."

The Gold Queen is the most powerful monster in these forest.

However... for those of us who have already defeated two of the Four Heavenly Kings, she may be a strong foe, but she is not a difficult one.

It is just strong enough for Urza to fight alone.

"I understand, desu~no! Leave this to Urza, desu~no!" Urza declared confidently, determination in her voice.

"Yes, but don't let your guard down. Getting beaten up by a inferior opponent is the most disgraceful thing," I warned with a low and serious tone.

"I know, desu~no. I'll do it, no problem!" Urza replied cheerfully, her voice laced with confidence.

As Urza raised her demon club in a spirited effort, suddenly, she noticed the approaching enemies. A man-sized bee emerges from a hole in the hive.

It was the master of this huge hive. The queen of bee monsters, the Gold Queen.

'Beeeeeeee!' the Gold Queen buzzed annoyingly as she flew up into the air.

She rises to a position where Urza, a warrior without magic abilities, cannot reach her attacks... but Urza holds her demon club in the lower position.

"Ei! Desu~no!" Urza exclaimed, determinedly.

And she throws the club without hesitation.

The spiked metal club rotated as it flew towards the Gold Queen.

'Bzzz!?' the Gold Queen buzzed in surprise.

It must have been an unexpected attack.

Although Queen Bee somehow manages to avoid the demon club in mid-air, she is knocked down and loses her balance slightly.

"This is my chance, desu~no!" Urza yelled, excitedly.

Urza's red eyes sparkle as she leaps from the ground.

A normal jump is not enough to reach the Queen Bee's altitude. So, she kicks a nearby tree and leaps higher, using the bending of the tree trunk.

"Yaaaaaah, desu~no!" Urza shouted as she soared towards the Gold Queen.


Urza leaped high like in a triple jump and grabbed onto Queen Bee.

The huge bee flies right and left, desperately trying to shake off Urza who is clinging to herx back.

"Hmph! Take this!" Urza grunted as she twisted Queen Bee's head with force.


Urza twisted Queen Bee's head with force, and then twisted off her neck.

The headless Queen Bee falls headlong, and Urza falls with her.

"Whoaaa!" Urza exclaimed as she fell.

"Hey, hey... that's dangerous. You should have told me, if you're going to do that," I caught Urza as she fell.

The little demon girl is completely in my arms.

"Ah, this is a very nice turn of events, desu~no. I'm going to be addicted to this, desu~no," Urza said, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling as if she were dreaming.

It seems that she liked the princess-catch. But it hurts when she rubs her horned head against me.

"It is also exciting to be held by Goshujin-sama like this," Urza cooed, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. "I'm going to show off to Aeris-san and the others when I get back home."

"...Give me a break," I grumbled. "My arms will be full if they beg me too."

If Aeris and Nagisa knew about this, they would beg me to do the same.

Depending on the situation, I might end up carrying all my lovers including Levienna in turn.

"Hey, get off already."

"No, I don't want to," Urza protested. "I want to enjoy it a little longer."

"Hey, don't cling on like that! It's making me all sweaty and gross!"

I tried to put Urza down on the ground, but she held on to my neck tightly and would not let go.

Although it was not so much of a burden for the small Urza because of her light weight, it was uncomfortable holding her for a long time. And to tell the truth, I could smell her odor a little, since she was sweating from the walk through the forest.

I try to get her down somehow, but... she clings to me with the strength of a demon in vain.

As Urza strengthens her embrace like a monkey clinging to a tree... suddenly a black blade comes out of my shadow and thrusts itself into Urza's buttocks. "Ow!?" she cried out in pain and jumped out of the way in a panic.

"U-Urza's butt was stabbed!? It's an enemy attack, desu~no!" she exclaimed in panic.


It wasn't me who stabbed Urza's buttocks.

The culprit was a petite girl who appeared from my shadow. She wielded a giant scythe, the Deathscythe.

She is a female demon whom I summoned once and she has stayed in this world. She was Miura Agares, the Grand Duke of Hell.


Miura came out of the shadows for the first time in a few days, snickering at Urza who was fainting in agony with her buttocks clenched, and hugged me as if to say that this was her seat.