Bro, I'm not an Undead!-Chapter 451 Unexpected Baggage

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The light of morning came with vigour, becoming a glare that annoyed the freak out of Yuyui who squinted.r

She lay sprawled on the bed with a heavy sensation of weakness crippling her usually vibrant and energetic self.r

“Urghhh…” she moaned, feeling terrible through everything that made her up – flesh, bone and a gaping gullet.r

“Good morning,” Skullius’ voice drilled into her ear, giving her a sharp jolt of adrenaline that allowed her to heave herself from the bed.r

“I’m up!” the lime haired girl yelled with a groggy face, the fatigue she was experiencing being ungodly to say the least.r

She would never forget the rough eight hours of being used as a test subject for Skullius’ experiments. She had passed out after a while and now, her being sprawled on the bed had probably been Skullius’ doing.r

While that could be seen as a sweet gesture, Yuyui saw it as no more than Skullius treating her like a undying pet.r

Then again, she couldn’t really complain when that was what she signed up for.r

“Come on,” the figure of the Hybrid Luman said while donning his hood and leather/hide pants. “I have an important test today and I think I’m already late.”r

Yuyui sighed. r

She was already dressed in her clothes which were also just as unkillable (technically) as she was so they were good to go but…r

As Skullius saw Yuyui yawning endlessly as she moved up with heavy steps, his brow twitched.r

“If you’re that tired, you can stay here and sleep. I don’t really need you there anyway,” the Hybrid Luman strangely said, turning his back to Yuyui who was zapped by his words, her cheeks puffing up as she felt emotion.r

“Wait!” the lime haired girl yelled.r

Skullius stopped and turned wondering what she wanted.r


“Oh, uhmm… since I’m getting more time to sleep, can I sleep in Fortune?”r

This request surprised Skullius, who frowned. r


“Uhmm… master, you promised me food today remember?”r

A throbbing vein popped on Skullius’ temple.r

Seriously? He never said it had to be today!r

He thought he was being charitable here but this undying food hole was thinking ahead… in terms of food!r

She wanted to stay on his person so that she could annoy him for something to it when she woke up!r

Skullius breathed out a hot breath chock full negative emotions.r

“Fine,” he said as he whipped out the Elimparidis Stone Staff, zapped Yuyui into it and returned it into his spatial storage ring.r

The Hybrid Luman then wordlessly shook his head before exiting the room and following the path he had been taken by Daggs yesterday back to the lounge.r

Upon entering, he saw a short figure with pigtails being attended to by several maidservants who brushed her hair and served her biscuits while she sipped on a cup of tea.r

Skullius’ entry caused everyone to turn their heads, with the girl, Terese giving the Hybrid Luman an indifferent glance.r

“Finally decided to show up, have you?” Terese asked with a mocking tone.r

Skullius wasn’t provoked so easily, especially when he had employed a green haired parasite to do so unknowingly. He was on his way to cultivating the Super Dao of Anti-tolerance to Cliché Young Mistresses from Yuyui’s nagging at this point.r

He was growing invincible!r

“Did you need something?” Skullius asked.r

Terese frowned deeply, her brows furrowing.r

She pushed aside the maidservants tending to her hair and stood up.r

“Are you serious? I’ve been waiting for you!” r

“For me? Why?”r

Terese fumed at this.r

This bastard was acting all casual when she had the patience to frustratingly wait around calmly for his ass?!r

“What else? Your evaluation, you idiot!” the girl yelled.r

Skullius nodded in acknowledgement, an ‘Ah, I see’ expression written all over his face.r

“No one told me you would be coming with me. Why do you care?” he asked with a straight face.r

A few minutes ago, Daggs had informed him that he needed to get to the Guilds Association as soon as possible but he hadn’t mentioned this detail about a pigtailed piggy backing spectator.r

In all truth, Skullius thought that this test would be taking place earlier than this time.r

If he hadn’t bumped into the terrified attendant in the corridor, he wondered if he would mustered the courage to come tell him this at all!r

Terese narrowed her eyes. r

This guy wasn’t easy to see through. He didn’t respond the way she wanted. He behaved as if he was talking to a tree.r

Terese clicked her tongue before indulging Skullius’ question.r

“My sister chose you because she has faith in your… talents, which may very well be extraordinary or because you were the last averagely talented fighter she could find before coming to Genhuis City. Whichever it is, I want to see if there’s any worth in entertaining you at all.”r

“Oh…” Skullius said as he rubbed his chin.r

He hadn’t thought about this quite as deeply as he thought but he was willing to wager that Stylla didn’t have any other choice.r

Perhaps Silrat even slipped in a word for him to advance his own fortune, which was currently working wonders.r

“If you aren’t at least half as strong as the man my older brother employed, I’ll have you hanged,” Terese said with a fierce expression.r

Given the reactions of the maidservants who were waiting quietly behind Terese, Skullius imagined that this little girl was serious.r

A smile came up on his face as he said with relaxed eyes, “As you say.”r

Using [Elevated Mana Manipulation] to hide any leaks in his strength was working just as he wanted. r 𝙛r𝚎𝐞𝑤𝚎𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝚕.𝒄𝐨𝓂

This was why Silrat and the others couldn’t tell much about him aside from a vague…unease.r

Terese scoffed and stomped back to her seat.r

She had heard that this man was blind from Daggs which made her opinion of him plummet even more. r

It wasn’t that she was discriminant towards blind people but…r

What a waste?r

Why not use all the resources they had to just appeal to any of the Houses for help with their father’s condition?r

It was highly unlikely that even all their fortune was enough for this but… what else could they do?r

No organisation did things for free and those that were cheap didn’t have the means to cure the curse.r

Terese felt frustrated.r

Their only hope seemed to be to invite strangers into the Family and hope they did well enough in the Premium Age Royale. The lack of powerful allies finally showed detriment for the Family.r


Daggs walked into the room with an exaggerated smile, giving a light bow to Terese and a nod to Skullius.r

“Master Silrat will be waiting at the Guilds Association. I have been charged with escorting you there before noon. Please, let us make our way there,” the attendant said to which Skullius smiled.r

He was starting to look forward to this.r