Bro, I'm not an Undead!-Chapter 466 Dispersion!

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Two seconds.

It took two seconds.

As the Hybrid Luman was unceremoniously replaced with the Penetrator, the VergeRider's first set catering for the dramatic change in size and shape, Skullius both expressed and swallowed his shock!

The ice blue iris and dark pupil that gazed at him firmly, releasing a surge of wind-like force that only he could feel barrelling against his figure was definitely the cause of this!

[High Cosmetic Body] was still a few hours from its time out and the sensation that he felt, a reaction from [Epiphany] as a result of this phenomenon that bore down against him, prompted him to realise that the unique ability of this eye was utterly ridiculous!

The fact that it could forcibly cancel out [High Cosmetic Body] which was a Supreme skill, spoke volumes about its power!

The only time this had ever happened was with the man known as Remos, back in the Labyrinth of the Yoke!

Another anomaly, Skullius was sure.

Skullius didn't have too much time to speculate as in the two seconds it took for him to make out what the flesh was happening and sense that escaping this gaze was probably the solution, he flashed behind Yuyui, denying this dark eye a victory.

Surely, as soon as Skullius got out of the eye's line of sight, the gust which blew against him vanished and his skin was reforged, his body returning to normal!

The Hybrid Luman's <CURSED HEART> beat pretty fast as many horrendous ideas passed through his brain but he cast them away.

Fortunately, the fact that he had been in a situation like this before helped him react accordingly as he knew...

"Dear Quintess! What...what was that?!"

"Eeek! I could have sworn...!"


Several people in the established exclaimed, grew pale or fell from their seats!

Even if it had only been for two seconds, Skullius knew that he was bound to have been seen.

Yuyui didn't put all this happening around her in her sights as she continued to weep while wincing slightly from the pain the eye on her forehead caused.

It started to bleed profusely as it moved rapidly, as if searching for Skullius, but there was no other extraordinary phenomenon for it to DISPERSE.

Skullius quickly struck the back of Yuyui's neck, the girl being knocked out.

With his speed, he grabbed the girl and exited the establishment faster than anyone there could blink, his figure in addition to the mule's appearing in a corner of a shop full of people.

It seemed like some sort of hardware shop for vehicle parts and horse accessories.

Skullius' swift appearance didn't alert anyone and the moment he stopped moving, he whipped out the Elimparidis Stone Staff and sent Yuyui back to Fortune.

As soon as this was done, he focused his senses on the outside, trying to figure out if there were any changes.

Not in the establishment he had just left, but in the sky.

Changes in the second son!

'Could something like that have been noticed?' he thought.

It was hard to tell how this sun worked.

How powerful did the individual who created it have to be to see every single thing happening in the city, if he ever could?

Surely he didn't notice something as minute as this, right?

It seemed so.

After a few minutes, Skullius didn't notice anything strange.

Nothing at all.

"No change," he said as he stepped out of the shop and started to walk slowly through the street while exercising caution.

'What the hell happened to Yuyui? She unlocked another eye just by crying, or...perhaps she just remember something important?' Skullius thought. 𝐟𝙧ℯ𝑒𝒘𝐞𝒃𝗻𝒐ѵ𝘦𝑙.com

This sure seemed like a stroke of fortune, but that could have ended badly if he was slow to act.

He didn't know how this eye worked. For all he knew, it could permanently cancel out [High Cosmetic Body] for the rest of the day!

That would be... disastrous.

'Hmm... I should probably take her with me. I'll find out what this is all about when I'm out of the city,' Skullius said as he calmed himself down.

Part of his newly established mind-set was to accept misfortunes as they came to forge ahead when and if he was still breathing after any mishap.

Since he successfully escaped much suspicion, as not everyone had seen the glimpse of his true self, there was no way this incident would develop the same way as the one at the College of the Esteemed did.

(A/N: Refer to Ch.168-170).

'Well... I'll leave it up to Direction or whatever when it comes to meeting that person. Whatever is drawing me to them... will eventually lead me where it wants ,' Skullius thought as he rushed towards the gates to Genhuis City.


Within Fortune, Yuyui's regained focus to her surroundings.

For now, she had digested the grief and pain, ploughing it into something she could handle.

She saw that she was back in Fortune, which didn't surprise her as while she didn't know what exactly happened, she could feel that something bad had occurred.

On her forehead, something felt cool as it was lightly beaten by the wind.

It winked, its vertically placed mass looking around.

The ice blue iris and the black that surrounded it took in all that was around - forest, sea and mountain range - without ceasing to dart to and fro, this rapid movement tickling Yuyui, but she didn't laugh.

Something else took the bulk of focus.

Her flesh shifted uncomfortably, as if maggots were squirming under her skin, yet the result of this was astounding.

Her skin grew rich and her wilted body grew fuller, her limbs growing to look healthy as overall, her stature no longer looking pitiful.

Her normal eye turned vibrant, as if an additional spark of life was added to her body and reflected through it.

Yuyui felt stronger.

Physically and even mentally.

She took in a deep breath and mana started to slowly bleed out from her body as it rose.

Even this was changing.


Bryne Residence, Genhuis City.

Stylla entered the mansion while escorted by her guards along with a Capital Knight decked in silver armour, a cape following after him.

He wore a strict face that showed his determination to duty, even though he hadn't slept for two days while catering for Stylla's trips to some rather unsafe places in the city.

The redhead looked tuckered out as a lot was fed to her within the span of a day and a half.

She sat down on the comfortable seat while massaging her temples and shortly, the figure of Daggs briskly appearing to greet her.

"Where is everyone? Did Festos arrive?" Stylla asked with a dull visage that featured bags under her eyes.

"Yes, Master Festos safely arrived but he has left the city, according to Master Silrat. He has taken up missions from the Association," Daggs explained.

"I take it that means his Evaluation Test went well then?" Stylla asked.

"Yes, Lady Stylla. It went... very well..." Daggs said while thinking back to the dreadful power he had witnessed.

"Good then. I won't count on anyone to keep me company. Frankly I'd rather be alone right now," Stylla said while dismissing Daggs with her hand.


"Uhmm....Lady Stylla..." Daggs began, but he couldn't find the words to express himself well enough.

"What is it?"

The attendant intended on warning Stylla... but how could he do it tactfully?

"Don't bother hiding it, Daggs old pal. It's no mystery that there's bad, bad blood between me and my sister now is it?" a voice came from the stairs as another redhead scaled down.

Stylla's forehead wrinkled.

She really didn't want this right now.

"It seems big ol' sister has been running around the city trying to make a few final touches for Premium Age Royale. How cute," the man to appear said with a smirk on his face as he sauntered over to Stylla.

The look on Stylla's face as she turned her sharp eyes to him spoke volumes of her feelings.

There was no sibling bond between these two.

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