Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch-Chapter 391 - 377: What Kind of Absurd Cult Is This?!

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Chapter 391: Chapter 377: What Kind of Absurd Cult Is This?!

Translator: 549690339

Of course, a war of words will not result in anything.

So many players changed their minds and began to relentlessly tag Lincoln and Cloud Dream online, hoping that the official side could announce the result.

“Master, should we announce it?” Mavis looked up at Lincoln and asked.

“Absolutely not!” Lincoln decisively shook his head.

Let them argue, it’s not a bad thing.

The fiercer the players from Daxia and Izumo argue, the better. Preferably, they should argue until the end of the game, and then directly have an online face-off and start a fight.

The fiercer the fight, the better!

It’s better for players from the two countries to fight fiercely than to unite and turn their guns at Lincoln, right?

Thinking about the “surprises” he’s buried in the game, Lincoln felt a bit guilty.

From his perspective, it would be better if the players weren’t too united…

Ignoring the noise and calls online, Lincoln went through his usual routine of washing up, eating, and going to work.

Today’s main task is the game design concept for “Battlefield”.

Although he could delay it until next week to assemble a team and assign tasks, he didn’t want to wait until Friday when NetDragon would release the DLC, especially since he needed to rest over the weekend.

So he decided to take advantage of the downtime and sort things out.

Lincoln went to work, but the noise online didn’t stop.

As more and more players and netizens woke up, the posts questioning and arguing across countries only multiplied.

Of course, those who could argue online were those who had to go to work or school, and couldn’t play the game.

“Speed Chase” was only released a few days ago, and everyone was at their most eager.

But since they couldn’t play the game, they could only obsessively refresh forums and browse all related topics.

Moreover, with the combination of factors such as cross-country competition and the mysterious ranking first, this speedrun competition gained its current level of discussion.

Real players who had the opportunity to play the game didn’t have the mood to argue with people online!

The most they would do is take a quick look before logging on, knowing what’s happening, and then turn their focus to playing the game.

At this point, the progress of the players has already been divided into several obvious groups.

Firstly, there were the players who had to work or study and could only play all day on Saturdays and Sundays – and some might not even have the luxury to play the entire day over the weekend, only able to play a few hours in the evening on weekdays.

Their progress was obviously the farthest behind.

The furthest ahead were those hardcore players who were online for 16 hours a day, dedicated to quickly completing the game.

Their speed may not be as fast as those top-level experts who were aiming for the quickest completion, but they generally reached the last one or two critical mission levels.

The players in the middle were also divided into two groups, and one of them can be said to be entirely led by Camille Victoria…

The critical junction was after Milkshake was killed by the villain.

A group of players, fueled by rage, began to seek revenge by following the normal main storyline.

Another group of players, taking a page from Camille Victoria’s playbook, restarted the game trying to counter-kill the moment Yousuf led his followers in an attack.

Then they entered a different storyline – skipping the son and directly targeting the enraged father.

The players who restarted the game, naturally lagged behind in progress.

Killing Yousuf on the spot would not omit the quest line and combat levels involving chasing after Yousuf.

How could Cloud Dream waste resources like that!

The name and description of the quest would change, but the crucial combat levels would all be utilized.

Yi, Yelang, Super Tomato and others, all followed the normal quest line.

After Milkshake was killed by the villain, they immediately pursued the villain without a word, trying to avenge the Little Milkshake.

First, they eliminated a group of heavily armed villains sent by Vigo at home, then proceeded to the Continental Hotel for information, advanced to the Red Circle Club, and killed Yousuf’s followers.

They returned to the Continental Hotel again to be seduced and assassinated by a female killer.

Subsequently, they subdued the female killer, obtained further information, went to Vigo’s secret base, and encountered the Church battle.

This level is extremely difficult, numerous players got stuck here, repeatedly failing, waiting for the Dynamic Difficulty System to lower the difficulty.

Otherwise, they had to take on some expansion quests or the Continental Hotel’s assassination quest line to improve their character level and skill level, and attempt the church challenge again once their combat power had increased.

After completing the Church battle, they took the money that Vigo kept in the place, then set fire to the information that Vigo used to blackmail important figures in Night City.

Then they laid in wait outside, and struck again when Vigo’s forces came to support.

This is another branching storyline here.

If you can’t win, you will be captured and get to meet Vigo once.

After Vigo leaves, the player’s friend from his wife’s funeral – “Marcus” will come and rescue the player.

Later, you get Yousuf’s clues from the small boss at the scene.

If you can win the sniper battle outside the church directly – extremely difficult – you will directly get Yousuf’s address from the leader’s mouth.

At this step, players in the normal storyline could finally take out Yousuf.

Then, of course, Marcus, the good friend, is killed by Vigo, and the Continental Hotel revenges Vigo for instructing Perkins to kill people in the hotel, voluntarily providing Vigo’s clues to the player.

This clue will guide players to the dock for the final rainy night battle.

Of course, at this point in time, there are very few players who have completed all the main missions.

Most hardcore players have reached the stage of a major battle at Yousuf’s hiding place.

Super Tomato, Yi and other anchors’ progress are mostly at the sniper battle outside the church.

Yelang is a bit slower, still struggling at the church. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

Camille Victoria isn’t as hardcore, she doesn’t play anywhere near 16 hours a day, plus her pursuit of perfection, her progress is just about the same as Yelang’s.

The difference was that Camille Victoria had a car and a dog, none of which were missing.

Whereas Yelang had nothing.

However, when the two of them arrived at the church in full gear, the treatment they received was the same.

When Camille Victoria entered the church, the first thing she saw was a solemn and sacred worship.

The priest, holding a thick bible and dressed in a black robe, was lovingly preaching to the believers.

The devout believers, sitting quietly below the stage, listened attentively.

Camille Victoria, considering this base as a disguise set up by Vigo, concluded that the priest was most likely suspicious.

But surely not all the almost full room of believers could be suspicious, could they?

Camille Victoria didn’t want to harm the innocent, so she found an empty seat beside the aisle of the fourth row, planning to wait until the end of the worship, then subdue the priest and have him lead her to find where Vigo hid the money and important documents.

She was patient, even somewhat interested in listening to the priest’s sermon.

But whether it was an illusion, she always felt like the priest sneaked a few peeks at her.

Just as she was wondering if her cover had been blown and whether she should make the first move, the priest opened the thick bible in his hand and then—

Pulled out a gun! Without a word, he aimed directly at her and started shooting!

Camille Victoria was on the defensive—mainly because she didn’t expect that the priest could actually pull a gun out of the bible!

Fortunately, her bulletproof vest saved her life.

Camille Victoria no longer hid, she lifted her coat, about to draw out the rifle hidden inside, and show this ‘priest’ what firepower suppression was all about!

But the next second, a hand pressed on her arm.

Then another hand on her shoulder.

Then her head, waist, back, leg, arm… even the gun in her arms!

In just a blink, the believers surrounding Camille Victoria’s seat, from all sides, stood up and swarmed over, fiercely trying to snatch the weapon from Camille Victoria’s hand!

Those out of reach simply started punching and hitting Camille Victoria!

Camille Victoria felt like she was drowning in the pile of people in an instant, almost suffocating.

Most importantly, the NPC’s face, which was so close, their fierce and clenched-teeth expressions, as if they wanted to tear her apart and eat her, really scared Camille Victoria.

Her heart was pounding, her mind was almost blank, even before she could pull out the gun, she turned off the safety and started pulling the trigger!

“Rapid gunfire——”

Intensive gunfire rang out, bullets penetrated Camille Victoria’s coat and the enemies who were tearing her clothes apart!

After piercing the chest of one person, the bullet still had some force left, after piercing the bodies of two more enemies, it finally lost its power.

After firing, Camille Victoria no longer hesitated, she did everything in her power to point the gun muzzle at the enemies by her side.

“Rapid gunfire——”

The sound of gunfire was continuous, one enemy after another fell.

But immediately, the gun in her hand was pressed down by several hands at the same time, even trying to snatch it from her.

Camille Victoria grabbed the gun tightly, but the enemies were surprisingly smart, an old lady actually disassembled her magazine!

Camille Victoria kept tugging at the rifle, her thoughts were very simple – it’s better to use it as a weapon to beat people than to fight with bare hands!

But soon, she noticed these NPCs started pulling on her tactical belt, the magazine, pistol, smoke bombs were all removed from the belt in an instant.

Camille Victoria was shocked, she quickly released her hands, drew out the last pistol from her belt first, and fired three shots at the person who grabbed the gun-

“Bang Bang Bang!”


The enemy fell as expected, but Camille Victoria’s knees were hit hard, she lost her balance and was pushed down.

She quickly adjusted her posture, “Bang Bang Bang!” and fired another three shots!

The enemies that pounced at the same time were shot dead by bullets while she fell.

Camille Victoria pushed off the enemies that were already dead, kept firing at the frenzied crowd hitting her-

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang…”

Her finger didn’t stop pulling the trigger, the muzzle of the gun circled a full circle until the bullets were completely empty.

The circle of enemies attacking Camille Victoria almost simultaneously fell dead!

But Camille Victoria didn’t have the slightest room to catch her breath, a flying knee hit an old NPC uncle who was picking up a gun, picked up the gun and directly shot the NPC’s head with two “bangs”.

Followed by emptying the magazine at record speed!

There was no time to hesitate, not even time to aim, the enemies seemed endless and fearless, they crazily surged forward non-stop!

After emptying the magazine, she had no time to find the lost spare magazine on the ground, Camille Victoria stubbornly slammed the pistol on the nearest NPC’s head, the next second she was drowned again by the crowd that surged forward.

She tried to pull the dagger hidden in her socks, but her hands and feet were all caught by more than one person, she tried her best, struggling with all her life, but couldn’t break free.

The next moment, Camille Victoria, pressed to the ground, saw a person appear in her line of vision-

The priest in the black robe.

The priest raised his gun and-


Camille Victoria’s sight darkened.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already on the road opposite the church.

Even though she had been resurrected and all her state had been fully restored, Camille Victoria still subconsciously panted a bit, feeling a lingering fear.

With a look of shock, apprehension, and confusion on her face, she asked in disbelief, “What kind of outrageous cult is this?!”

“Or did I get something wrong, and this game actually involves some kind of religion and evil god?”