Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch-Chapter 451 - 434: Critical Turning Point!

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Chapter 451: Chapter 434: Critical Turning Point!

Translator: 549690339

Although the proposal to build dozens of Ming Wheel ships was postponed, the[King of the Ocean]was still reluctant to continue making rafts.

With his shipbuilding skills, if it were a dragon-slaying technique, it wouldn’t be a problem. But now, it was clearly time to showcase his talents. How could he possibly bear it?

Using his craftsmanship for making rafts would be such a waste!

Finally, the Sea King changed his approach and decided to take a step back: “If I can’t make a fifty-meter long ship, can I at least make an eight-meter long boat?”

But the process took far longer than he had imagined.

The main problem was the issue of tools and materials.

He had no choice but to assemble the hull using mortise and tenon joints.

─ It wasn’t because he couldn’t bring nails; it was because he thought nails were not strong enough.

He couldn’t bring the engine without widening the caves. His original idea was to go back to the amusement park, dismantle a smaller shuttle bus, and see if he could find a smaller engine.

But in the live broadcast room, a boss suddenly asked in the comments: “Why not directly dismantle the engine of an off-road vehicle?”

“Ah?” The Sea King was stunned, “Even if I dismantle it, I won’t be able to move it.”

The boss then said, “I mean, dismantle the engine!”

The Sea King’s face read, “Can you do that?”

He hesitated for a while before continuing, “The problem is, I don’t know how to do that.”

As a result, that boss instantly got excited: “I know how! I specialize in dismantling and cleaning engines!”

In this way, the boss joined the Sea King’s team, found professional tools and toolboxes in the Metropolis, and demonstrated in front of the Sea King and his teammates how to dismantle the off-road vehicle engine into individual parts.

Even when he was halfway through the dismantling, he would continue further if the Sea King hadn’t stopped him, saying that the engine could already pass through the cave…

And so, the engine problem was solved.

Last but not least, weapons. He was originally fond of traditional “ram” designs.

Considering the boat was not big enough, less than ten meters long, using a blunt weapon would undoubtedly lose against ocean behemoths more than a dozen meters long.

Finally, he remembered the giant blade on Lincoln’s heavy truck and immediately decided to replicate it.

However, the processing time of the giant blade far exceeded his expectations!

Using welding tools and angle grinders, he put a lot of effort into finally completing this rough “giant blade”.

But the rough appearance did not affect its power!

It might not be able to compete with Lincoln’s “technology-enhanced” giant blade, which cuts steel like tofu, but it would be absolutely sufficient for cutting through flesh and blood!

Although the giant blade had delayed the Sea King, it was worth the time spent now that it was finally completed and could join the battlefield.

As soon as it approached the “frontline”, the surrounding battles immediately became more intense. The Sea King targeted a Helicoprion nibbling on a raft, and charged straight at it!

The Helicoprion was almost the same size as the Sea King’s boat, but the Sea King’s “armed speedboat” rushed over the shark’s body without any hindrance!

The well-prepared crew had already secured themselves in advance, and they were not shaken by the impact.

Looking back, the ferocious Helicoprion was almost cut in half by the giant blade right through the middle of its body!

Blood was everywhere!

It died on the spot!

The players on the rescued raft waved their arms and cheered at the Sea King’s speedboat: “Awesome!”

The audience who saw this scene also exclaimed:



“Translator, translate! What is the power of technology!”

“You use a 21st-century blade to slay my Paleozoic fish?!”

“Shark: Mom! He’s cheating!!”

As the one who personally accomplished all this, the Sea King was even more excited and turned the joystick immediately. The speedboat changed its course and headed straight for the nearest Helicoprion without rushing forward!

“Call me the chivalrous young man in a hurry!”

“Little shark babies! I’m coming! Hahaha!”

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As the Sea King laughed maniacally, he darted left and right on the sea, heading wherever there were Helicoprions.

With his ultra-fast speed, agile maneuvering, and a solid and sharp giant blade in the bow, he was invincible for the time being!

Even behemoths couldn’t keep up with him!

And whenever he passed by a Helicoprion, he would leave a huge wound on its body. Even if they didn’t die from the injury, the threat they posed would be significantly reduced, and they immediately tried to swim away.

But how could the enraged players let them go?

Players wielding dual axes, or even single axes, jumped into the water and immediately tried to shred the sharks!

They were utterly fierce!

The only problem with the Sea King’s armed speedboat was that it was not very effective against ocean behemoths.

— These super creatures wouldn’t die from a single cut, and it’s uncertain whether it would even seriously harm them.

Even if it could, losing one behemoth would have little impact on the ocean’s surface, but if the Sea King’s speedboat were gone, the effect would be completely different.

So, the Sea King chose to avoid battles, focusing all his energy on rescuing other players and attacking Helicoprions.

All rescued players on the rafts were extremely fierce, seizing every opportunity to kill the sharks that attacked them.

This effectively relieved the collective pressure, and the loss rate of player rafts finally began to decrease.

However, the threat of ocean behemoths remained.

Worse still, the rafts on the front line had already reached the 50-meter line.

The coast seemed to be within reach, and the Pterosaur army had joined the battlefield!

They didn’t attack the rafts, but they attacked the players on the rafts directly!

The player death rate escalated again!

“Air Force Dare To Die Squad!” William shouted in the [Air Force channel]: “First Squadron! Take off!”

“Remember: height! speed! Keep your eyes wide open, look at your target! Don’t be afraid of dying! Don’t be afraid of crashing!”

Following William’s yell, the Air Force team members leaped off the cliff, spread their arms, and embraced the sky!

William switched to the [Combat Group Chat], sending a short message: “The first squadron of the Air Force Dare To Die Squad is already on the way! They will arrive at the battlefield soon! Hurry up!”

Looking at the distant sky, William couldn’t help but purse his lips, but he couldn’t take off yet.

Nor could the subsequent teams rush into action.

To a certain extent, the departure of the first squadron also aimed to test the effectiveness of the diversionary tactics.

After all, the rafts and players on the front lines were clearly fewer in number, so it wasn’t worthwhile to risk everything at this point.

Just then, Super Tomato’s “Eight-unit Raft Battleship” finally arrived at the most intense battlefield with a leisurely pace!

The Spear Team officially set off!

Their first opponent was the Dragon King Whale that rammed into them.

A massive tail swung violently from underwater, slamming hard into the raft battleship.

All the audiences watching this scene thought that the raft would surely shatter upon impact.

Unexpectedly, however, though debris flew about, the raft wasn’t smashed into a hole! Instead, it revealed another layer of wooden panels!

Super Tomato’s eyelids twitched, but his hands didn’t hesitate at all: “Take action!”

The eight players surrounding him simultaneously stabbed their four-meter-long spears into the Dragon King Whale’s tail.

They firmly pinned down the Dragon King Whale’s body.

In pain, the Dragon King Whale couldn’t help but reveal its head above the water, trying to ram the raft and struggle free.

What awaited it, though, were six more spears!

“Plunge,” “plunge,” “plunge”…

With barely noticeable sounds, all the spears were deeply pierced into the Dragon King Whale’s body.

The Dragon King Whale suddenly thrashed violently, breaking several spears.

But Super Tomato didn’t panic: “Swap spears! Continue!”

The team members immediately threw away the broken handles, picked up new spears, and continued stabbing!

After struggling and convulsing for a moment, the enormous Dragon King Whale finally lost all its strength, sank into the sea, and stopped moving.

The music played, and the light gathered!

Everyone realized that this was – a brand-new achievement!

But before they could feel excited, the spear in their hands suddenly shook, almost slipping out.

The few spears that pinned the tail to the raft also trembled incessantly.

The next moment, an even more intense tremor struck!

Since the achievement notification had already appeared, it clearly wasn’t a Dragon King Whale resurgence.

Super Tomato quickly blinked, thinking of another possibility: something else was biting the Dragon King Whale beneath them.

“Pull them all out! Let it sink!”

Everyone hastily withdrew their spears, and the Dragon King Whale was pulled down from the raft. Almost immediately, huge amounts of blood gushed up from the depths of the water.

–The wounds inflicted by the spears were small holes, and this bleeding was obviously not caused by the spears.

Super Tomato suddenly straightened up, no longer focusing on the players and sea monsters engaged in the chaotic battle but looking at the dead sharks floating on the sea surface.

Originally, the shark corpses floating belly-up on the water were soon surrounded by more sharks that tore and devoured them!

Even behemoths would emerge, attacking and biting the dead and alive sharks together while swallowing them!

Super Tomato once again shifted his focus back to the players and the Spiral-toothed Sharks in the chaotic battle.

With a guess in his heart, it wasn’t hard for him to find more clues.

He soon noticed that even if they weren’t dead but instead injured and bleeding, as long as the wound was big enough and the bleeding excessive, sharks would be attacked by their own kind!

Considering the dead Dragon King Whale and the huge tearing force underwater, this rule apparently applied to top-level predators as well!

Moreover, this wasn’t just an issue with the attack pattern; it also indicated that these sea monsters truly needed to feed!

And the act of feeding itself had extraordinary significance.

Super Tomato’s eyes gleamed, as he thought he had discovered the key.

However, it still needed to be verified.

Out of caution, he didn’t jump to conclusions and didn’t directly send his conjectures to the [Combat Group Chat]; instead, he loudly commanded the team and started adjusting their tactics:

“Adjust our course, target – the behemoth! It’s okay if we can’t kill it; try to inflict as many wounds as possible!”

“On the way, don’t let any shark pass by! Kill as many as you can, but if you can’t, at least bleed them!”

While commanding his team, Super Tomato couldn’t help but feel surging excitement.

–If the situation was as he thought, then this might become the most critical turning point in this operation!

As Super Tomato’s “Raft Battleship” began to show its power, at a location close to the front line,

Looking at the nearly reachable 50m line and the Pterosaur swarm covering the sky,

Five players on a raft put on sunglasses, stuffed earplugs, and wore noise-canceling earmuffs.

Only after they felt fully prepared did they finally open the panel and materialize a series of [Bathing Lady Statues].

They also felt that they would become the most critical turning point of this operation!