Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1765 Who Is Better?

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Chapter 1765 Who Is Better?

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 17:11

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Eastern Sector

The reason Wyatt agreed to Demigod Norley's proposal was mostly because of his status. He believed that with someone as influential and powerful as Demigod Norley personally overseeing the distribution of the free VR cards, there would be less resistance and trouble from the central government and the top ten universities who were planning on creating their version of VR-Universe.

Other than this, Wyatt wanted to expand his information network to every corner of the five regions as fast as possible which would be possible with the influence of the Demigod Norley on the universities and colleges in the other four academic cities. Especially the central academic city which was dominated by the top ten universities.

Wyatt's goal was to spread his information network across every corner of the world including the empire before the 'Seven Princes of Hell' faction launched their invasion of the card world. With his information network fully functioning he can respond properly to the demon invasion. Therefore, when Demigod Norley offered to do it for free, Wyatt readily jumped on his offer.

"Haha, good. If you had agreed I was planning to flood the market with a similar product," Demigod Norley was pleased with Wyatt's decision to partner with him without much persuasion. So in a moment of smugness, he revealed the leverage he had prepared in case Wyatt denied the partnership between them trying to show Wyatt that he had everything under his control from the start and was not planning to take a no for an answer.

"Old man, don't kid yourself. You could never create a similar card. A subpar card maybe but it would never be my cards competition," Wyatt found it funny that Demigod Norley believed he could create a card similar to the slime fairy card. If not for his soul pupils coming up with the card recipe for a card like slime fairy card would not have been possible.

"Aren't you full of yourself, Kid?" Demigod Norley was triggered hearing Wyatt's words and added, "Don't forget most of the card creation techniques taught in the universities were developed or modified by me. Let me tell you, there is no part of the card creation history without mentioning my contribution to it. Fuck, when I started learning card creation, your ancestors weren't even born—"

"Dad, leave it, You got what you wanted," Jill interrupted her father midway before he said something that could potentially ruin this partnership. As the greatest beneficiary of this partnership, she felt that she was obligated to protect it.

"Jill, tell him, I can create a better card than him," Demigod Norley asked Jill to vouch for him. Believing that anybody in the card world would agree that he could create better cards than Wyatt.

"What kind of card are we talking here?" Jill asked though she preferred to not get involved but it seemed like neither her father nor Wyatt would back off, someone had to mediate between them before this escalated.

"..." Demigod Norley suddenly went quiet as he did not know how to answer his daughter since the card in question was a vulgar card. But then he thought, that was not the problem here, Jill should have said that he could create a better card than Wyatt without any hesitation instead she asked which card. This could only mean that Jill believed that Wyatt was better at creating some cards compared to him who has been practicing card creation for thousands of years and has many card creation techniques named after him. Demigod Norley suddenly felt betrayed.

"Dad, don't take it personally. I need more details to be the judge here," Jill was not being partial towards Wyatt, she believed that her dad was the greatest card creationist of all time but his contender Wyatt wasn't some nobody he was the guy who create the freaking VR Universe and the first card for soul energy digestion. They both were equally great in their respective fields.

"That's it, the deal is off. It's time for me to show the world my greatness again and show arrogant kids like you the meaning of being humble. Kid, I will not only create a similar card but launch it but also conquer the entire market share even before your little start-up is up and running," Demigod Norley took it personally. His pride would not allow this. He freaking wrote more than half of the books kids these days learn on card creation. He could not believe that a kid who had just become a Card Apprentice was a better Card creationist than him in any given field.

"Dad, what's gotten into you—" Jill panicked listening to her father call off the partnership with Wyatt he was pushing for and swearing to become Wyatt's competitor instead. She could not fathom how things went south so quickly.

"Fine, you do you. Since the deal is off there is nothing else to discuss between us, I will take my leave now," Wyatt turned to leave. Demigod Norley would make a good distribution partner in the other four regions but that was too much power gathered under a single person's whim. It was for the best that Demigod Norley withdrew the deal now. If had done this later the aftermath would have been disastrous all those free VR cards would have been stuck in his hands. Besides, Wyatt did not want to be partners with someone so petty and insecure.

"Boy, mark my words," Demigod Norley yelled wanting to get the last word only to hear his beloved daughter yell at him, "Dad, shut up. Wyatt don't leave. Wait."

"Wyatt, don't go. Wait, please listen to what I have to say," Jill rushed behind Wyatt hurriedly caught up to him, and persuaded him to listen to what she had to say.

"This better be good," Wyatt asked Jill in annoyance noting to ask the southern royal family for a good teleportation card and comprehend space rule when he was free.