Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1784 Guests Arrive, Devil Gol Kin

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Chapter 1784 Guests Arrive, Devil Gol Kin

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- –:–

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Cave, Seed World, Inter-Realm City, Sector DS0909, Infinity Library

"We are guests of Ezra Foolhar, supposed to meet him in the Exec. VVIP Members Lounge," A humanoid devil with tiny amber feathers for hair and a small hooked beak for a nose informed his designated book guide pixie of the two pixies. The other was his boss's designated pixie, he did not dare to order around his boss's pixie.

"Let me check," the Pixie said with utmost professionalism knowing that his client liked less talk and more efficiency. After doing his due diligence the pixie reported, "I see a box booked under the name Ezra Foolar. It seems he is expecting you. Let me guide to the box."

"Alright," the amber-feathered devil nodded. Soon, the devils and their designated pixies arrived at their destination and were received by an emerald green pixie, "Please come in, my client is waiting for you."

The devils nodded and headed into the box, to find a dwarf enjoying a large jug of spirit beer. Noticing the half-filled jug, they guessed the dwarf had been waiting long. The feathered devil frowned seeing that the demon master realm dwarf did not get up to greet him and his boss when they entered the room and commented, "Guess, the rumors about chaos dwarf having no manners were true."

The dwarf did not spare a glance at the feathered devil or his companion instead reached the bottom of his spirit beer jug in a single gulp and slammed the jug on the tabletop startling the devils and their pixies. Then he yelled, "Refill!"

"Right away," JiJi said cheerfully and with a snap of her finger the large Jug was once again filled with cold spirit beer to the brim.

During the wait, JiJi finally loosened up by getting to know Wyatt and his pseudonym Ezra. All pixies were a race of gossipmongers but the Infinity Library had a strict privacy policy so Wyatt was not worried about letting JiJi in on his secret.

Currently, Wyatt was playing the part of an arrogant chaos dwarf, Ezra. He decided to play out the most common but true stereotype about chaos dwarfs among the other dark races that he could find on the inter-realm network since the Infinity Library did not have a book on this particular topic.

Wyatt felt that this was necessary since whoever the Blight Brood Club would send this time to negotiate would not be an idiot like the manager of the Blight Brood Club Mak Tul who did not stop to think that a Chaos Dwarf might dare to target and scam their club for all they got so he should be careful while singing the contract.

If Mak Tul was caught off guard in a moment of ignorance, whoever would come to represent Blight Club now would not make the same mistake, they would be fully prepared to do anything to destroy Ezra's appeal against them.

Taking a sip of his refilled spirit beer jug, while whipping the beer from of his mouth he said, "Manners? Isn't it bad manners for guests to not introduce themselves and instead complain about their host? You two better use your true names I do not have the patience to play games with guys."

"You—" the amber-feathered devil was about to explode swearing at the arrogant chaos dwarf but calmed down seeing his boss signaling him to stop.

"Speaking of true names, what is your true name Master Ezra?" the other humanoid devil with cow horns and dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and red vest asked.

The chaos dwarf finally stopped indulging in his spirit beer and took a glance at the two devils then proceeded to call them by their true names, " Devil Gol Kin and Belphegor, it seems that your faction is as dumb as the streets say. I am Ezra Foolhar."

Seeing that the Chaos Dwarf knew their true name, Devil Gol Kin's expression froze for a second but it returned to normal immediately. As for Belphegor, he was not surprised that the chaos dwarf knew him and his subordinate as he believed that the chaos dwarf was targeting him, as for Blight Brood Club it was just his tool to get to him.

As soon as the seven founders became aware of the incident, seeing the name Ezra Foolhar signed on the contract, all of them immediately guessed that the Chaos Dwarf's target was Belphegor as Ezra was his most commonly used pseudonym. Now that a chaos dwarf has used the same pseudonym to get back at them, even a five-year-old could guess that the chaos dwarf was after Belphegor.

Though Belphegor had figured out that the Chaos Dwarf's target was him for the life of him he could not remember when he offended a Chaos Dwarf. Belphegor was arrogant and ambitious but knew not to mess with the Pseudo-Ruler class race like the Chaos Dwarfs, who to their grudges very seriously. Just remembering what happened to the dark races that wanted to enslave the Chaos Dwarf race, Belphegor felt a chill on his bones. When he felt so deeply about Chaos Dwarfs, how did end up offending one?

"There is no Foolhar tribe in chaos dwarf race," Belphegor stressed his words.

"Aren't I right in front of you?" Ezra claimed that he was the proof that there exists a Foolhar tribe in chaos dwarf race.

The law about using a pseudonym to sign a contract in the devil merchant code was very loose, one might even say non-existent since all demon/devil merchants use it to trick the natives of the realms they visit. The only way to protect against this was to be alert while signing the contract. Every demon/devil merchant never expects this to happen to him until they slip up and it does. This was why Wyatt purposefully used Belphegor's most popular pseudonym and was not scared of him figuring it out.