Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1793 Land Lease

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Chapter 1793 Land Lease

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- –:–

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Cave, Seed World, Inter-Realm City, Sector DS0909, Infinity Library, Exec. VVIP Members Lounge

"Compensation, I like the sound of it. Give me the heads of those two devil merchants as compensation then I will leave your faction alone," Seeing Belphegor finally bring up compensation Ezra did not immediately reveal what he wanted from him but continued to be stubborn. He too like Belphegor, did not want to break his character of a drunk arrogant chaos dwarf. After all, his target was Belphegor and not some five-year-old kid.

"I have already told you that is not possible. Ask something else. Otherwise, there is no point in this settlement discussion. Let us just have a trial," Belphegor said confidently knowing that the dwarf did not want a trial.

This was the advantage of knowing the opponent's needs and bottom line in a negotiation. The stupid dwarf in his drunk stupor just blabbed everything to him. Belphegor was not a saint and did not mind using it against the dwarf.

"Tch!" Ezra clicked his teeth in annoyance seeing that Belphegor would rather have a trial than give up the two devil merchants.

"If you do not have anything to add then I will take my leave," Belphegor did not hold back and continued to push Ezra to the corner. Right now the entire negotiation was under his control. As long as he did not harm the dwarf's bottom line, he could get the dwarf to dance at his fingertips.

"Are you sure you want to have a trial? You do know that when I win the Blight Brood Club all its members will be banned from using the devil merchant code for a minimum of 3 weeks," Ezra reminded Belhpegor of the consequences of losing the trial seeing that he was not afraid to have trial.

"I know, but I have my principles I cannot give up on my subordinates to escape trouble. I know the reputation of I and my faction is not good but everyone knows that my faction sticks together. We take care of our own," Belphegor said righteously. If someone did not know what Belphegor did to Corey Park, his adoptive daughter, they would think for a bad guy he was okay since cared for his own.

"I guess there is honor among thieves, hahaha," Ezra laughed at Belphegor's hypocritical righteousness. The fight between the 'Seven Princes of Hell' faction and Corey Park was well-known in the dark realm. After all, that was when the Belphegor and his friends established themselves in the dark realm.

Belphegor ignored the dwarf and impatiently looked toward the door of the Exec. VVIP box as part of his act to show the dwarf that he did not mind leaving anytime. He could feel that the dwarf was frustrated finding that the leverage he had prepared was having the effect he desired on him. With this Belphegor knew he had the dwarf cornered and soon the dwarf would not have any choice but to start singing.

"Since you are not willing to give me the heads of those two devil merchants, I want something of equal value otherwise let us just meet in the trial," Ezra said with a stern voice. Making it clear to Belphegor that he was not going to settle for anything less than the value of two devil merchants.

"Finally something I can work with. Since you have proposed this, you might as well tell me what you think is equal to the value of two devil merchants," Belphegor nodded his head agreeing to the dwarf proposal. In his mind, he sneered at the dwarf seeing it knee to his pressure.

"I do indeed have something in mind, the lease of the Blight Brood Clubhouse in the main part of sector DS0909. I think that lease is an equal trade for two devil merchants," Since Belphegor asked him to state his price, Ezra did not hesitate to ask what he felt was a fair exchange for two devil merchants.

"The lease of clubhouse, are you out of your mind or do you think I am a fool? The clubhouse is located in the main part of the sector DS0909 its lease is worth a lot more than two devil merchants. Not happening ask something else," Belphegor looked at the dwarf in disbelief and wondered if the dwarf was not after him but truly the lease of the clubhouse.

Thousands of years ago Belphegor and his friends bought the lease to the land on which the Blight Brood Clubhouse was built at a dirt-cheap rate. They were able to do so because nobody knew that in a few centuries, it would become the main part of the sector DS0909. Since then the rate of the lease of the surrounding land has skyrocketed by a hundred thousand times. They were lucky.

Many have offered and threatened them to exchange for the lease but they rejected it without hesitation. Many were even willing to buy the lease for the current lease rate since the land was at a pristine location and any kind of business would thrive there. But they could not get it because the faction never showed willingness to sell the lease regardless of the threats and riches promised to them in exchange for the lease.

This was why Belphegor reconsidered his assumption about the dwarf's target. After all, it made more sense that the dwarf went through all this trouble for the lease of land on which the Blight Brood Clubhouse was built than him. Especially considering that he and the dwarf had no grievances before.

Realizing this Belphegor felt like he gained clarity but also a sense of urgency grew within him. He wanted to get the dwarf to reach a settlement before the forces behind the dwarf intervened. The confidence and playfulness in Belphegor's mind now vanished and he had his game face on.