Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1809 Plans

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Chapter 1809 Plans

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 03:41

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Park

"Yes, ma'am. I hear you and I need your help with it."

Listening to the Field Marshal advise him that he should focus on his growth rather than pursuing clowns like Gideon Grim or the dark faction behind him, Wyatt laughed in his mind.

Gideon Grim and Belphegor's faction were not anything like the demon and devil worshipers that the Field Marshal was used to dealing with they were the real deal. Defeating them would not be as easy as handling the ragtag group of demon/devil worshipers which was now partially being controlled by the Central Government. Wyatt did not bother to point this out to the Field Marshal because even if he were to warn the Field Marshal she would not take his warning seriously. Not that she was overconfident but the demon/devil worshipers have not lived up to their name the recent years. So instead of starting a debate with the Field Marshal, he decided to use this opportunity to put forth his agenda. When it comes to card creation, the card world's institutions were unmatched in the myriad realms, including the Infinity Library. Knowledge in Infinity Library was stolen knowledge, their progress in a specific field was not possible unless someone donates the updated knowledge to them in exchange for merits. So one cannot claim that the Infinity Library was leading in any field let alone card creation. However, that is not true for the intuitions of the card world. They spend a lot of resources and manpower to make progress in the card creation field. As a result, they continue to make small or large progress in the card creation field. Making them the leaders in the card creation.

This was especially true for the Top Ten universities of the card world. This was why Wyatt was so stubborn about attending Morningstar University in the central academic city at the risk of his life and the disapproval of the southern royal family. However, Morningstar University has time and again proven itself unworthy of being called a prestigious institution of knowledge so Wyatt has decided to invest in the next best thing and elevate them to the top, snatching the spot from these snobbish institutions that were no longer placed of higher learning but a breeding ground of greed. The next best thing after the universities in the central academic city were definitely not the universities in the Southern academic city but since Wyatt knew the people who owned it, he decided to settle for it. Wyatt had an outlandish plan mapped out in his head and he needed the full cooperation of the Southern Royal family. "Out with it, Southern Royal family is prepared to help you by any means necessary." Field Marshal Heatsend was pleased to see Wyatt not only take his advice seriously but ask for her help. She has heard her husband complain that Wyatt was stubborn and did not listen to reason. But seeing Wyatt be so obedient Field Marshal felt that her headstrong husband and his temper did not know how to talk to a quirky genius like Wyatt. Field Marshal was a little proud of herself a this moment, why wouldn't she be proud, Wyatt's reputation of being an obstinate person was well known to the higher-ups in the Southern Capital. The Southern Capital Incident was an example of his stubbornness. However, nobody dared to complain about Wyatt and his whims because they knew that Wyatt's value to the South outweighed his quirks. Not only were they willing to overlook his whimsy but found it a delight i.e. until Wyatt continued to be the valuable stock they all were investing in. "Since you put it that way, I will be direct. I want to take over the Southern academic city and all the institutions in it," Wyatt spoke his mind, confident that he would be able to convince the Field Marshal. "What, boy, are you out of your mind?" The Field Marshal exclaimed in disbelief. She was expecting Wyatt would ask her to help him find some study material or a good teacher to help him with his knowledge of card creation and array mastery but to her surprise, he was asking her to hand him an entire city. Not just any city but the South's hub of knowledge. The Southern academic city had not made any notable contribution to any field but it was still able to meet the talent requirement of the entire Southern region. Especially considering that the talents of the other four regions would prefer to be unemployed over moving to the Southern Region.

"Please, calm down and listen to what I have to say. I think you are going to like what have in mind," Wyatt was not surprised to see such a reaction from the Field Marshal. He was grateful had she did not burst into laughter. Even he felt that asking to be in charge of the Southern academic city and all the institutions in it was a bit much. The Southern academic city was the backbone of the Southern region. So Wyatt asking the control of the Southern academic city was like asking for the future of the Southern region. "You better have a damn good reason for this otherwise, I will leave," the Field Marshal knew that Wyatt would not make such a demand if he did not have a plan so she decided to hear him out before ignoring him. She could not bring herself to punish him so she could only choose such a method to show that Wyatt had lost his credibility in her eyes. "It might be obvious to you that the way the current Southern academic city is developing, it is not showing any signs of catching up with the other academic cities in another thousand years let alone overtaking them in another thousand years. It has come to the point where the talented and hard-working students of our Southern Region are applying for scholarships in other academic cities. I can understand our students going to the Central and Eastern academic cities for higher education but the Northern and Western academic cities, since when did the Southern academic city fall behind those cities sixty years ago the students from the Northern and Western regions used to come to the Southern academic city. But for the situation to fall to this point, clearly the current management of the Southern academic city has dropped the ball. I don't want to point fingers—" "Wyatt, I know the situation of the Southern academic city better than you. I know a lot of people are to be blamed for the current situation but at least they are still able to produce quality graduates to meet the demand of the Southern region. If you have a better alternative get to it before I lose my patience," Field Marshal interrupted Wyatt midway through his speech. The royal court debated on how the Southern academic region had dropped the ball, the Field Marshal did not want to listen to another word about it unless they had a better alternative. She had enough of complaining. She wanted a promising initiative that she could support and not useless debates. The Field Marshal was prepared for the change but nobody has been able to come up with a change that would be able to outperform the current management of the Southern academic region. There were many reasons for that such as not enough budget for promising research work and talents to lead those research. Wyatt did not take the Field Marshal's interruption personally as he could hear the frustration in her voice when she spoke about the Southern academic city. Especially considering that she was an alumnus of the southern academic city. Nobody cared more about the Southern academic city's prosperity than her. Now that Wyatt knew he had the Field Marshal's complete attention he began to speak his plan, "I plan to integrate the VR-Universe into the syllabus of our universities. Except for the knowledge of card creation, the VR universe is not lacking in any way rather it has more knowledge on many fields that you cannot find in the card world. Especially the Martial arts, Occult, Magic, Forging, Array formation, Herbology, and Technology, They are just a few fields that come off the top of my head. You might have already heard how few card apprentices are already adopting the knowledge they learned in the VR universe in the card world. I can do the same with our universities." "Your idea is not bad, but I have heard that the core knowledge on these fields is strongly guarded by natives of the VR universe. They only share their knowledge with their descendants and think twice before even considering sharing it with outsiders let alone the card apprentices. I have read about the card apprentices going to great lengths to prove themselves to natives of the VR universe only to get basic knowledge in their respective fields. How are you going to solve that?" VR universe was the next big thing in the card world so it was not surprising that the Field Marshal would keep up with the current news about the VR universe. "Have you forgotten I am the one who created the VR universe?" Wyatt reminded Field Marshal smugly. "Wyatt, my husband, and his junior brother have already figured out how the VR Universe has so much otherworldly knowledge in it. We know that you have no control over what goes on in the VR Universe. Otherwise, why do you think the five regions are willing to invest so much in the VR universe?" Field Marshal revealed to Wyatt but she did not go into the details just to slowly savour the shock on Wyatt's face.