Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1815 Relentless

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Chapter 1815 Relentless

?1815 Relentless

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 04:55

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Park

"Thank you. But no, I cannot do that," Wyatt resolutely refused the Field Marshal's offer to represent the Southern royal family in the Morningstar University time vestige in the next academic year. He appreciated her offer but he knew that their many Card Apprentices more deserving of that than him.

The Southern region collectively believed Anna's mother's narrative of Wyatt being their hope, so the Card Apprentice would not mind Wyatt cutting in the like. However, Wyatt did not believe in that narrative. He believed that the South's hope was for its citizens as for him he was just a brighter spark, he could ignite the prosperity of the South but it was up to its citizens to blow it into a brighter fire for generations to come.

An entire region cannot run on one person or one family's shoulder. The Southerners need to fight for the change they want to see. Wyatt could usher in the change but it was up to them to see it through. This was why Wyatt did not choose the easier but the difficult one.

It would be easier for him to enter the time vestige using the limited seats that the Southern royal family got every year but instead, he continued to stubbornly choose to pursue the 'Grand Academia Bowl' not only because he wanted to stick one to the Morningstar university and Central government but also because he wanted to be the spark the Southerns desperately needed.

Though Wyatt was not that active on the grimoire network he was aware of the blind trust of the Southerns in him. They might have been blinded by Anna's mother's false narrative about the Silver Milk Fraud but now they defend him at every turn ever since he defeated Chris Chase defending the Southern region's honor.

They had shown him a lot of love now it was time for him to recipocate it. Silver Milk Powder, VR Slime Card, and VR Universe did not count as they were just a few of his business ventures that rose to fame quickly. The 'Grand Academia Bowl,' was what Wyatt had planned as a gift for the Southern for all their support and love.

Contrary to his character, this time Wyatt planned to share the rich rewards of the 'Grand Academia Bowl' with those who deserved it. If Wyatt did not recognize talent and uphold it how would he usher in the change that the Southerners were desperately looking forward to? Not to mention, this would be the best way for him to show the Morningstar University that he did not need them they needed him. Basically, Wyatt to Morningstar University: Learn your place bitch!

The only thing that bothered Wyatt about this was that Anna's mother was getting what she wanted by spreading the narrative that Wyatt was the hope of the Southern Region. He had not met this woman but somehow, be it the silver milk fraudster or the South's hope, she was dictating his every action from other corners of the five regions. Wyatt did not like this one bit.

"It is unlike you to say no to such an offer, are you really feeling okay?" the Field Marshal asked. The Wyatt now was totally different from the one she heard of, the one that managed to hog the most profit from the silver milk powder.

"I know better than to accept that offer, it may look like free but it comes with a lot of strings attached. I am fine winning my entry to the time vestige. I was planning to brush up my knowledge on card creation anyway, while i am at it I might as well do some extra credit by winning the 'Grand Academia Bowl'," Wyatt shook his head, continuing to reject the Field Marshal's generous offer.

"You are delusional if you think that you can win the 'Grand Academia Bowl.' Besides, why am I entertaining this argument with you? When you can't even enter the competition as you are," the Field Marshal did not want to argue any more for fear of getting dragged into Wyatt's delusion.

"Because somewhere deep down in your heart you believe I can do it," Wyatt spoke narcissistically but since the Field Marshal had a good impression of him it came off as charming.

Listening to Wyatt, the Field Marshal wondered if Wyatt could read her mind. Because she was just contemplating in her mind the same. Deep down in her heart, a tiny spark kept trying to ignite the thought that Wyatt might be able to miraculously win the 'Grand Academia Bowl' just like the other miracles he pulled off. However, the reality of the situation snubbed that spark before it could ignite that thought in her heart.

Since the Field Marshal had not replied for a while now, Wyatt had to understand that what he was asking was just too much for the Field Marshal to decide on so shaking his head he used the ace arrow in his query, even if he did not want to use it, "Fine, I understand. But before you scrap this idea why don't you propose it to Her Highness Southern Princess?"

Field Marshal finally spoke up, "You are relentless, aren't you? Fine, I will ask. But don't worry, even if she rejects your idea I will still give you a university you can implement your plan and test it out there. I believe your idea has a lot of promise."

"Sure, please do," Wyatt said rolling his eyes. Field Marshal kept saying that, her niece and he, were alike, he wanted to see if she was right.

Besides, even if Anna's mother rejected his idea Wyatt did not plan on giving up. Instead, he would keep knocking on other doors till he meets someone who can give him what he wants.

"I just texted your proposal to my niece, since she is busy with Gideon Grim and Handsome Fox stuff it might take awhile for her to reply—" Just as the Field Marshal was explaining that it might take time for Anna's mother to reply to her text, her grimoire notification alerted her that she received a text and to her surprise, it was from her niece.