Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1822 Extreme Path

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Chapter 1822 Extreme Path

?1822 Extreme Path

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 06:58

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Park

"Anna, use your obsession as a means to get what you want instead of letting it consume you," The Field Marshal instructed Anna. However, her words fell on a deaf ear. In her current state, Anna's obsession gave her tunnel vision. All she could see right now was the mystic seal before her, the obstacle stopping her from her true obsession, Dalton Wyatt.

The Field Marshal wanted Anna to use her will and its obsessive attribute as tools like grimoire and cards. Anna did not awaken her will through her own understanding but her insane level of obsession for Wyatt which had reached its breaking point because of her solitary training in the mystic dimension.

The solitary training that the Field Marshal had planned for Anna, was so that Anna could train without any disturbance.

One has to know the Field Marshal did not plan Anna's training on a whim, even though Anna was chosen as heiress of the South and the Field Marshal was assigned to train the next Ruler of the South, the training would be moot if Anna did not understand the importance of it. There were two criteria the Field Marshal had set to start Anna's training, Anna's willingness to undergo vigorous training was the first, and her reaching her limit in the card emperor realm was the second.

The first category was met when Anna approached her after losing to Agent Forger. Anna was so moved by Wyatt's reckless regard for his life to save her, that it motivated her to become stronger for him. Hence she sought the strongest persons she could find to help her train.

As for the second category, all the elders believed that Anna had achieved her limit in the card emperor realm. Even that turned out to be false, back then the Field Marshal did not know this so when Anna approached her she readily agreed.

Anna was looking for a few pointers on how to improve her strength quickly, but she never agreed to solitary training confined in a lonely dimension. However, the Field Marshal who liked to do things perfectly had many things planned for Anna. Regardless of Anna's protests and pleas, she was thrown into the mystic dimension.

At first, Anna was a good sport about it, after all, she wanted to increase her strength so she could protect Wyatt just like he protected her. No, even better, she did not want Wyatt risking his life for hers. It was romantic and all but she did not want to see Wyatt in that position ever again. So with the Field Marshal's coaxing, Anna began to take the training seriously.

It did not take long for Anna's feelings for Wyatt to morph from her motivation to continue the solitary training into her despair. She longed to see Wyatt, feel his warmth, and sniff his adductive body odor. She wanted to see the helpless look on his face each time she forcefully kissed him. She wanted to hear him complain as she grabbed his firm ass.

Anna missed Wyatt and every little thing about him. Especially the feeling where she felt like prey in his presence even though she was stronger than him. In his presence, every that happened, happening, or was about to happen seemed to be within his calculations. So, the frown that formed on his forehead whenever she had her way with him, left her satisfied.

Days into the solitary training, Anna's loneliness grew to another level she was starting to forget why she had agreed to such harsh training in the first place. The Field Marshal's reminders and instruction at regular intervals did not help reduce the loneliness Anna felt instead they only fanned it, fanning a flame.

The Field Marshal had noticed what the solitary training was doing to Anna, but she knew that there was no easier way for Anna to grab the concept of her Will and learn to ignite it for her use. She needed Anna to be at her lowest yet not lose her determination and conviction, only this way she could see her will, understand her will, and command her will. Only someone with strong convictions and determination could travel the path of will.

But what the Field Marshal failed to see was that in her attempt to bring Anna to the lowest without Anna losing her convictions and determination, she was losing Anna. Not that the Field Marshal had not considered this before starting her training, she did but something like this did not happen before because of the Mystic dimension's ideal training conditions and its mystic rejuvenation blessing. So the Field Marshal trusted that the mystic rejuvenation blessing would be more than enough to solve any hidden traumas in Anna's psyche.

However, the Field Marshal had underestimated Anna's obsession with Wyatt. One had to know Anna had changed her entire lifestyle just for Wyatt, that was even before Wyatt showed any feelings for her. The change was hard, changing oneself entirely was harder. Only the most determined, strong-

minded but desperate people could achieve something like that. Yet Anna had changed entirely for Wyatt, that too unconditionally.

So imagine Anna's surprise to see Wyatt disregard his life to save hers and succeed. That act of Wyatt was a game changer, Anna could never be the same again. For her to seek the Field Marshal to train, that was evidence enough.

All the craziness that went unchecked in Anna's head burst out when she failed to say a proper goodbye to Wyatt. It was her obsession with Wyatt that ignited her Will. So when the Field Marshal gave Anna a choice between meetingWyatt right away and meeting Wyatt after completing her training, it was not a surprise that Anna would ignore the Field Marshal's words of reason and also be willing to give up on her spot as the heiress to the South just to meet Wyatt right away and tell him that,

'Wyatt, I missed you.'

As such it was not surprising that Anna was pissed and lost herself completely to her obsession when she found that the Field Marshal was lying. She was mad, her rage was such that she wanted to destroy and burn everything that stood between her and Wyatt.

"Anna, don't forget your convictions and determination. Don't let your obsession consume you," the Field Marshal repeated herself hoping that there was some part of Anna that was not yet consumed by her obsession.

The Field Marshal was not taking action to stop Anna from traveling the wrong path in the path of Will because she wanted Anna to learn from her errors and find the correct path herself. By doing this Anna would be able to go further in the path of will. But this was not without the risk, Anna could end up traveling in the wrong path to the point of no return.

Anna may have been born with the royal spoon in her mouth, but the hardship she had seen though different from those from common origin face, was not something to be underestimated. Anna has managed to survive all of them, and as such she was not to be underestimated.

So far Anna's performance in the solitary training has been an eye-opener in terms of her potential but disappointing in terms of her priorities. It seemed nothing in the world could take more priority in her eyes than Wyatt. Though the Field Marshal was worried that the future ruler of the south would prioritize her crush over her land, she also knew that Anna's obsession for Wyatt would not let her travel the wrong path for too, as she too would soon realize the obvious that there was no shortcut for her to be with Wyatt.

Once Anna realizes this no matter how deep she had traveled the wrong path consumed by her obsession for Wyatt, the very same obsession for Wyatt would lead her out of the point of no return and guide her along the correct path in the path of Will.

This solitary training was a doorway for the Field Marshal into Anna's psyche. She observed every action of Anna under the microscope and came to realize the correct way to train Anna. She discovered that Anna was perfect for the Extreme Path. A path that pursued extreme. From Anna's obsession with Wyatt to her desperation to be with Wyatt to everything about Anna pointed out that she was the perfect candidate to take the extreme path.

The extreme path was not satisfied with the norms it pursued extreme. Only those who were obsessed and truly desperate were able to or willing to go to extremes to achieve their desire. They were not the people who left their lives to fate and destiny, these were the people who did not like to hear that you cannot have this or that even if the ones telling them this was their fate and destiny. Those who traveled the extreme path did not have the word no in their dictionary. There was nothing their obsession and desperation could not help them achieve as long as it did not consume them. The question was if they were obsessive or desperate enough.