Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1831 Loyal Laura

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Chapter 1831 Loyal Laura

?1831 Loyal Laura

Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 08:32

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Caves gate dungeon, Seed World, VR Universe

"I created this virtual reality so it was not hard to find you guys," Wyatt bragged. Many had contemplated that as its creator Wyatt might have more authority in the VR universe compared to the rest of them. So Wyatt was not afraid of showing off.

"How the heck is you creating the VR universe related to you finding us on this mountain?" Aba asked, unable to take a hint that Wyatt used his authority to track her here.

At first, when Wyatt gave Aba a VR slime card from the very first batch of VR slime cards, she began to enjoy the VR universe as it was a place where nobody knew her because of her father's accomplishments. But as time went on the VR Universe became crowded with players, to the point where she had an awkward run-in with her classmates in the martial arts sect where she was polishing her sword arts, as such one of the main things she enjoyed about the VR Universe was lost.

However, since Aba did not have to be afraid of assassination or being kidnapped in the VR universe she began to explore its secluded parts while practicing her martial arts. Finding a new way to enjoy VR Universe, that was until Asong joined them. Still, she wondered how Wyatt found her when she purposefully asked her native guide to take her to a location where human presence and activity were nil.

"Sigh, you sure you were born to the great demigod Windsor and not adopted by him?" Wyatt rarely bragged but to see Aba ruin it with her dumb questions, he understood why he did not inform her of his well-being after returning from the Yellow Plains.

"Wyatt, are you picking a fight with me? I am my father's flesh and blood and no longer as weak as before. Here eat my supreme kong fist," Aba yelled while pouncing on Wyatt with her hands balled into fists, only to be stuck in mid-air.

"I heard you slayed a devil. Is that what gives you the confidence to speak my liege's name and talk derogatorily to his daughter?" Agatha got up and headed toward Wyatt summoning her grimoire, only to find that she could not summon her grimoire. Frustrated, she gave up on summoning grimoire and decided to teach Wyatt a lesson street style yelling, "Screw it. Nobody disrespects my liege and princess."

Threatening to teach her future venture partner a lesson to protect the honor of her current liege and princess, Agatha found she could not move a single muscle in her body, only to find that she was bound by the surrounding space. Proving that the VR universe was not a fair place for high-level card apprentices.

"In here, I am the strongest. How dumb are you guys not to realize that yet?" Wyatt asked glancing condescending at the dumb self-proclaimed princess and her dumb bodyguard.

"Show off your fake bravado in front of the naive natives. I have read the report submitted by the top ten universities and other renowned researchers," Agatha was pissed seeing that she could not do anything against Wyatt in the VR Universe so chose to hurt him using words.

"You can read, good for you," Wyatt replied sarcastically. Then turned to look at the native guide who was looking at him in caution with her right hand on the sword tied to her waist. Only to hear Laura, hurriedly explain to her, "Miss Miko, stand down. Master Wyatt is a friend. This is how they like to greet each other."

Laura then turned to Wyatt and asked, "Master Wyatt, do you prefer your monster meat medium rear?" Laura wanted to help Asong to fan the charcoal but somehow she ended up in charge of grilling.

"Yes, thank you," Wyatt responded politely.

"Wyatt, is this necessary? That dumb girl doesn't know better but you did start it, how about you be the bigger person and end it? After all, she kept saying that you were her best friend and rival," Asong chimed in, asking Wyatt to let go of Aba and Agatha.

Seeing that, inside the VR universe, Wyatt was capable of restraining the consciousness of a semi-demigod with a mere thought, Asong thought that all the reports made by the top universities and renowned researchers needed to be double-

checked. After all, the authority Wyatt displayed inside the VR universe, from finding them in the secluded mountain range to defeating Agatha with a thought, was god-like.

"Madam Asong, how is my origin card treating you? Did you conquer the central capital already?" Wyatt released the bind on Agatha and Aba, then headed toward Asong believing that as one of the shrewd politicians of her time, she should know about the item card 'World Decree.'

Though he did not find anything on the item card 'World Decree' in Clown Mask's memories, it did help him gain an understanding of Asong. She was one of the very few politicians who did not support the noble families of the central capital and royal families of the other four regions. She supported upstarts who have proven themselves worthy of the power and wealth they fought for but not inherited, that was someone like Wyatt.

Wyatt believed if it was Asong, despite her background of coming from one of the central capital noble families and being friends with royals such as Anna, she would lean toward him rather than the Southern royal family. Not to forget he had saved her life, so she owed him a big one. Therefore, he felt he made the best choice deciding to visit Aba in the VR universe instead of texting her.

"Thanks to you I can live longer than I expected but as for my ambitions, they have met an unexpected roadblock. Enough about me, didn't you and the Southern royal family hit a jackpot with the World Decree?"

"Wait, how do you know about that?" Wyatt asked Asong in shock as if it was not something she should know about.

"What do you mean? I might be struggling with my career right now but everything that goes on in the central government eventually passes my ear," Asong bragged, which felt unusual even for Asong as she spoke those words.

Asong did not understand why she felt the need to brag to the teenager in front of her when she could maintain a cold face facing many renowned and capable card apprentices, but considering that she was talking to the boy who had achieved so much at such a young age such that he was dubbed as South's Miracle Maker she thought subconsciously she felt inferior to the teenager hence she felt the need to brag.

"That's great. I do not know what happened and was looking for someone to help me piece together the information I am missing. Madam Asong, if it is not troublesome please enlighten me," Wyatt said truthfully because, from his understanding of Asong, he felt that she was a trustworthy person and a good place to expand his networking. Being caught lying to her, will only worsen his already excellent relationship with her.

Listening to Wyatt, not just Asong, Laura, Aba, and Agatha were all dumbfounded because a second ago he acted as if he knew what Asong was talking about but the very next second he claimed that he knew nothing. They did not know what to believe, did he know or did he not? Or was he trying to test that if Asong knew what she was talking about?

Looking at dark expressions on the faces of the surrounding women, Wyatt immediately understood they might have misunderstood him and hurriedly explained, "I swear I do not know about the World Decree incident. For some unknown reason, the Southern Royal family is doing their best to keep me in the dark about it. It would be a great help to me if you tell me what is happening, Madam Asong."

Wyatt decided to use the honest approach towards Asong. She was cunning but she cared about people a lot and her disciple became the hero who saved the world from the three mischiefs in the Clown Mask's alternate future vision so Wyatt felt that he stood to gain more by being honest with Asong. Sometimes simple honesty can achieve a lot than all the devious schemes and tricks in the world.

"Oh, I see what is going on," after hearing Wyatt's explanation Asong sighed understanding what the Southern Royal family was up to. Then she added, "No wonder, Anna's mother has been so active in the other four regions recently."

"What's happening?" the clueless Aba asked.

"What else but the rich and noble trying to rob the honest and hard-working poor and commoners," Agatha replied in disgust as someone who grew up in the toughest parts of the central region she was very familiar with these kinds of scenarios.

"Let us not jump to conclusion," Laura had no idea what the World Degree incident was but the tone of Asong and Agatha did not paint the Southern Royal family in a good picture, as someone who was rescued by the Southern Royal family she wanted to believe there was more than what meets the eye here.

But feeling the gaze of Asong and Agatha, she immediately explained, "Sorry, I know it is not my place but I don't think the Southern Royal family would ever wrong Master Wyatt."

"Wow, the South does have the most fanatic and loyal subjects," Agatha said sarcastically. Among the citizens of the five regions, Southerners were famous for their scary loyalty to the royal family despite it failing time and again. She believed it might be one of the key factors in the South's constant decline.

Listening to Agatha's sarcasm Laura's cheeks turned red but she still did not back down. Instead of arguing with Agatha she turned to Wyatt and said, "Master Wyatt, if something is bothering you please discuss it with the Southern Royal family. I am sure all this is just a misunderstanding."

"Wow," Agatha continued to marvel at Laura's blind devotion to the Southern Royal family. But recalling Laura's past, she respected Laura for her loyalty.