Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 1843 Sharing

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Chapter 1843 Sharing

?Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 11:19

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Caves gate dungeon, Seed World, VR Universe

[Cuth Diya,

Stall the human sacrifice as long as possible without raising the suspicion of devil merchant Handsome Fox.


Demon Merchant

Ezra Foolhar]

Wyatt replied to Cuth Diya ordering him to continue stalling. However, Cuth Diya could not be blatant about it because if Gideon gets even a hint of suspicion, Wyatt would not put it beyond him to kill the townspeople and leave regardless of his deal with devil merchant Muth Diya.

"Fuck it," Wyatt shouted in frustration knowing that there was no longer time to think but barely enough to take action. Just when his mind was about to fill with sheer helplessness he remembered the wise words of Colleen, 'Don't try to solve all the problems by yourself.'

"I will trust them this once," Wyatt muttered to himself but in his heart he knew he had no choice but to trust them. Them being everyone he knew with the power and authority to save those townspeople from the hands of Gideon Grim.

Just as Wyatt was about to rush out of the dungeon seal and share the information with all the people who could help in this scenario, he received a text from Cuth Diya.

[Master Ezra,

I can't stall any longer with my father present here. I wanted to stall saying I suffered a backlash while practicing my new abilities but my father is well versed about 'Hell of Contamination' so he will instantly know that I am lying. If it was just devil merchant Handsome Fox, I could make up such silly reasons to stall since he has no idea about my demonic ability. My father is starting to get suspicious, I guess. Should I just kill myself?

Yours truly

Demon Merchant

Cuth Diya]

"This…" Going through Cuth Diya's text Wyatt was not surprised that he was willing to kill himself to complete his orders. He was also not surprised that in front of a seasoned devil merchant, the tricks of a mere demon merchant were not working, not to forget they were related. All the tricks Cuth Diya had up his sleeves were learned from Muth Diya.

[Cuth Diya,

I will handle your father. You stall Handsome Fox as planned and as long as possible, I am sending reinforcement soon. I have no idea when they will be there but once they arrive do not hesitate to use the devil merchant code to leave this realm.


Demon Merchant

Ezra Foolhar]

Writing that text to Cuth Diya, Wyatt then started to write the information of the situation and coordinates of the town to the Field Marshal Heatsend, Demigod Norley, Ex-Field Marshal Henricks, and Asong. The Southern Royal family, One of the Founders, Freedom Fighters, and a struggling politician were all the people in Wyatt's network. Though tiny Wyatt's network was full of capable and powerful figures .


I have gotten information that the world's most wanted Gideon Grim and his devil friend along with a few dozen hypnotized demigods are performing a human sacrifice of over a hundred thousand innocent souls at this town in the remote part of the Northern Region in preparation for the second demon invasion right now. This human sacrifice is happening as I write this text to you. Do not judge the legitimacy of the information I am willing to stake my reputation for it. Please save the townspeople, I will owe you a favor.


Yours sincerely

Dalton Wyatt]

After arriving outside, Wyatt sent this text to all through both the Grimoire network and VR Universe. Actually, Wyatt could just recruit the help of the Freedom Fighters, considering their motto 'for the people' and Henrick's origin card they were the perfect choice but Wyatt was not sure if they would be able to see and respond to his text in time. After all, Wyatt could only contact them through the VR universe since they were in Yellow Plains. Wyatt did not want to take any chances since this involved the lives of more than a hundred thousand people.

Having sent the text Wyatt was not done he asked Hive to keep checking his VR Universe account inbox for any text from Freedom Fighters while he used his demon codex preparing to contact Muth Diya. For this plan to work he had to get Muth Diya off Cuth Diya's back.

Just as he was about to call Muth Diya, the Field Marshal's voice in his mind, "How serious is the situation?"

"Very dire, please get someone to send reinforcement to that place as soon as possible," Knowing that the Field Marshal could not enter the Northern region even if it was to save lives Wyatt pleaded with her to use her contacts in the Northern Region to send reinforcement to that town.

"Don't worry, I have already contacted my counterpart in the Northern region. Thanks to Gideon Grim being added to the most wanted list earlier, they are taking this situation very seriously and assured me that they will move on it immediately. Now we can only hope they are not late," Field Marshal conveyed, assuring Wyatt that she had done everything from her side.

"Thank you, please keep me updated."

"Um, sure."

Ending his mental conversation with Field Marshal, Wyatt did not bother to put up an isolation barrier and contacted Muth Diya, knowing that with Field Marshal's prowess, a mere space isolation barrier would not stop her from eavesdropping on his conversion. But this did not matter to Wyatt, not because he was willing to reveal his secret to save the hundred thousand lives but because he was planning to speak to Muth Diya using one of the dark languages he knew.

Usually, the devil merchant code's translator made sure that all the devil/demon merchants understood each other. But to maintain the secrecy of his conversation with Muth Diya, this time Wyatt planned to speak in a dark language.