Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 266 - 117: Kidnapped an Angel (Seeking

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Chapter 266: Chapter 117: Kidnapped an Angel (Seeking

Subscription, Seeking Monthly Ticket) _2

Translator: 549690339

The moment he turned his head, Enlightenment prompted again, “You have exempted from the Soul’s Curse once.”

Leonard Churchill was starting to feel more and more puzzled.

His surroundings were already shrouded in black mist, and logically, he should no longer be able to see the angel.

Yet the angel always lingered in front of him like a lasting image on his retinas, unfading, continuously there.

Three people, each bending over, exchanged glances with each other, creating an indescribable awkward atmosphere.

Seeing the werewolf, the grandfather and grandson also guessed who the newcomer was.

The camp had been covered with arrest warrants recently, so it could only be that person.

Elder Clinton recognized him, pretended not to, and secretly ridiculed him.

When Kane was assassinated, all those who had had contact with the Alternate Dimension were affected.

The grandfather and grandson, besides the two involved, were the only two who survived. Naturally, they were also wanted.

They had managed to hide until now, only to encounter this kind of situation again.

According to Elder Clinton’s years of survival experience, staying away from this sort of “source of trouble” was the best way to stay safe.

However, due to his lack of strength, he dared not speak out, revealing only a resentful and cunning look in his eyes.

After all, they had met once in the Alternate Dimension.

There was even some fondness due to the gift of equipment.

The teenager, thus, did not feel much estrangement. But seeing that Leonard Churchill’s gaze had not shifted, he asked, “Why are you staring over there all the time?”

Seeing the mysterious runes drawn in blood on their faces, Leonard Churchill also suspected that he might be on the right track.

These two probably knew how to get out.

Leonard Churchill felt that this old man might know something. He replied honestly, “I see the Weeping Angel. So I can’t look away…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the boy still didn’t understand what it meant.

Elder Clinton, on the other hand, blurted out with a ghost-like expression, “You saw the Weeping Angel and you’re still alive?”


Leonard Churchill didn’t bother to explain why he wasn’t dead.

But upon a second thought, he grasped some other information from these words.

Did Elder Clinton know that seeing an angel could mean death?

That made sense.

The grandson and grandfather hadn’t died. If it wasn’t good luck that they hadn’t seen it, then they must have known something about the taboo rules of the Weeping Angel in advance.

The old man seemed to have some real knowledge.

He recognized an angel, a creature only present in myths and legends?

Since Leonard Churchill couldn’t solve this problem, he asked directly, “Do you know about the Weeping Angel? Do you know any way to deal with my current situation?”

Knowing that he was dealing with a master, he naturally treated him with respect.

Elder Clinton’s face twitched at the title “elder”. His mournful expression was far from that of a master.

It wasn’t clear if he knew what was going on, but he obviously didn’t want to get involved, “Oh dear, I don’t understand such things…”

Churchill remembered how Reuel Bible had questioned Elder Clinton at the bar. He directly pulled out a wad of cash, “If you can enlighten me, the compensation for the information can be negotiated.”

This move proved effective.

Elder Clinton’s eyes lit up at the sight of the money.

His cunning demeanor certainly didn’t make him seem like a master.

Although he was still struggling, because of the temptation of money, he asked, “How did you survive?”

Churchill replied indifferently, “I have a relic that can exempt me from the curse.”

Upon hearing this, Elder Clinton realized that Churchill was withholding some information. He casually said, “Even if this Weeping Angel is only a remnant spirit, the contamination of the rule isn’t…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he swallowed the last half of it.

What he originally wanted to say was that the object that could exempt from such curses was not a common relic.

But thinking that prying into someone else’s secrets might bring trouble, he quickly held his tongue.

After accepting the money, Elder Clinton didn’t hold back and said, “I read from an ancient book, in such a situation, unless you are so strong that you can resist the contamination, you are almost certain to die.”

He paused, his eyes looking at Leonard Churchill strangely, and then said, “Since you are not dead, as long as you run far enough, you should be able to survive. Before that, you have to keep staring at it, don’t blink, don’t turn corners, don’t let anything obstruct your line of sight… Don’t let it disappear from your field of vision. Otherwise, it will follow you.”


Upon hearing this, Churchill let out a sigh of relief.

He hadn’t held much hope before.

After all, nobody had ever seen an angel, let alone know how to deal with one.

Unexpectedly, an old hunter in the Hunter’s Campsite actually knew how.

No matter if it was useful or not, at least he had a direction to follow.

After saying that, Elder Clinton seemed to be struggling to express “Let’s part ways here”.

Churchill pretended not to understand and still wanted to ask something else.

Just then, the sound of hurried footsteps came again behind him.

The color drained from the faces of Churchill and the grandfather and grandson. The three of them were on high alert.

At this point, those who were still alive were most likely monsters or enemies.

Oddly enough, before the footsteps in the dark mist got any closer, Reuel Bible’s rough voice echoed, “Elder Clinton, it’s us.”

A prudent look flashed across Churchill’s face upon hearing this. He immediately morphed back into human form from the werewolf state.

Although he did not know how these three could still be alive, they were, after all, from the official organization. It was better to keep his “assassinator suspect” identity concealed from them.

In the blink of an eye, Reuel Bible and his crew had arrived.

Seeing the three people bent over and walking in front of them, the newcomers were momentarily frozen, their expressions awkward.

However, Reuel Bible, also seemingly aware of this method, didn’t let his reputation as a master stand in the way. He ducked his head down to his waistline and said with emotion, “Oh, I knew you’d have a way, Elder Clinton..”

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