Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 276 - 119: Death Duel, Destiny Coin Gluttony Secret Skill 3

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Chapter 276: Chapter 119: Death Duel, Destiny Coin Gluttony Secret Skill 3

Translator: 549690339

The chaos hasn’t completely erupted yet, mainly because the nobles in the Federal Parliament are still at odds over the division of interests in the Old Continent.

Those who have arrived are just some businessmen, hunters, and mercenaries. The real aristocratic legions are not allowed to enter Sinless City.

The Lionheart Family’s army being able to stay is purely an accident. Also, the two biggest gangs in Sinless City, the Flood Gang and the Brotherhood, have operated for decades with deep roots and have not shown any signs of surrendering yet.

However, the situation of the two major gangs has not been good recently, and they are quite busy fighting each other.

Leonard Churchill just listened to these pieces of information.

What he was more curious about was Abel, the “Fist King”, the seventh hall master of the Brotherhood.

After all, the Breathing Method was first propagated by him.

He asked the information merchant, but nobody knew what the secret method was all about.

Some said it was obtained from ancient ruins, some said it was passed on as a heritage in their family or taught by their teacher… various versions…

Leonard Churchill did not get the result he wanted.

But it was also strange.

You have to know that any Breathing Method will definitely have some heritage lineage, especially high-quality ones like Golden, Legend, they give people the feeling as if they were the secret techniques of a martial arts school. Even if no one has practiced it, outsiders must have heard of it.

But this incomplete method of respiration seemed to have emerged out of thin air.

Mysterious and unique in the city, its origin could only be traced back to Abel. This was what Leonard Churchill found to be amazing.

He increasingly felt that this Breathing Method could have a big background. After all, he had really practiced it, and deeply understood the formidable essence of this secret method.

With just six verses, he acquired a Curse Power Value far exceeding other card masters of the Same Tier.

On the other hand, others’ understanding of this secret method was very shallow, simply thinking it was a breathing method that could expel and absorb a variety of elements.

They thought that Abel’s degree of mastery was already the limit.

But Churchill knew deep in his heart that it absolutely was not!

Therefore, Leonard Churchill suspected that this was not a Golden Fragment, and perhaps not even a Legend.

He planned to find Abel to see the situation himself.

He definitely couldn’t go to the door and ask directly.

The other party was a genuine Second Tier Air Skill Master, and also the legendary “First Underground Fist King” of Sinless City, so the strength was not to be underestimated.

What was more important was that he was the hall master of the Brotherhood and had a large number of people with him at all times.

The information merchants all said that he was brutal and mean, definitely not easy to deal with.

But Leonard Churchill didn’t have any contacts to help him inquire.

He could only consider going first to see the situation.

Abel liked gambling, especially betting on fist-fights.

Leonard Churchill planned to try his luck.

Midnight was the busiest time on Downing Street.

The “Old Ship Gambling Den” was at No. 95 Downing Street.

It was the most famous underground boxing gambling house in Sinless City. Gambling businesses were even more profitable than brothels and were almost the most important source of income for ail the gangs in Sinless City. This was also one of the few remaining cash cows for the Brotherhood.

Leonard Churchill changed into a gambler’s outfit, arrived half an hour in advance, and entered the bustling casino.

Upon entering, one would pass a betting point surrounded by wire mesh, and a group of burly gangsters in spike-embellished leather helmets, covered in tattoos, scanning the room with a menacing look.

These human-shaped scanners would look to see if any members of rival gangs had infiltrated the crowd of gamblers.

Like other gamblers, Leonard Churchill checked the bout arrangements and placed a bet of several tens of thousands.

Upon entering, he was immediately greeted by the uproar, and the strong smell of alcohol and sweat hit him.

inside the boxing club was a tube building, like a square deep well going down dozens of floors underground.

The lighting in the stands was dim, but the fighting ring in the center was brightly lit.

The Gladiator Arena was right in the center of the lower floor, and gamblers could watch the fights from the railings on every floor.

“Damn bad luck, I lost another thirty thousand. Iron Fist Senna has won three times in a row. I thought he could keep winning, but he was killed by a newcomer.”

“Hey, I also lost twenty thousand.”

“Hahaha, this new guy is not bad. I told you guys early on, he’s a War Slave banished from Upper Town, but you didn’t believe me.”

Those who won laughed heartily, while those who lost cursed their luck.

The gamblers really enjoyed these boxing matches.

Because they were battles to the death.

This was the Extraordinary World, where all other gambling games bred endless tricks and frauds.

But Death Fistfight had little trickery.

Because the losing party would invariably be killed by the opponent, no one dared to fake a fight.

Bloody, stimulating, and real.

Thus, not only hunters wishing to strike it rich overnight were present in the casino, even many wealthy businessmen and distinguished guests were there.

Leonard Churchill was not in a hurry to watch the match, but strolled around and observed the entire casino situation under the pretext of selecting a viewing position.

He eventually chose a corner in the sixth floor with a good view.

He bought a beer and began to watch.

After the janitor cleaned up the blood in the fighting cage, the sexy card-holding girl once again raised the scoreboard.

Two bare-chested contestants entered the field.

The customers filled every floor, holding their tickets in hand and starting to yell and shout.

The bell rang, and another death match began.

This match was a high-profile fight involving two professional card masters.

One was a Spades 4 – Beast Walker who could transform into a black bear, who was fighting a Spade 8 – Demon Warrior who had the power of elements. ’ Demon Warrior was a rare professional sequence in the society of lower class capable of withstanding damage and outputting attack power, a dual practitioner of physical skills and magic arts.

But getting the professional sequence materials and imprints was not easy.

Clearly, this gladiator was not from Sinless City.

This kind of Death Fistfight was not only the revelry of individual customers but also a gambling duel among various prominent outsiders..

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