Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 433: The System Blowing Zeras Away: An Entity More Crafty Than A Fox.

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Chapter 433: The System Blowing Zeras Away: An Entity More Crafty Than A Fox.

Chapter 433: The System Blowing Zeras Away: An Entity More Crafty Than A Fox.

Updat𝓮d from frёewebnoѵē

“Really?” Zeras asked in shock as he looked at Jim who stated it out with conviction in him.

“Of course. The Prodigy’s War is the only way for us to improve our clan’s grade and move on to a better level in the Upper realms. Moving up in the ranking would mean more security, more cultivation resources to improve the strength of the young ones, and more cultivators that would ensure our prosperity…”

“That seems very good. And how exactly those the Prodigies War gives you an Undying realm expert that would make you level up and make all that accomplishable…” Zeras probed even ore trying to use the alien’s drunkenness to his advantages.

“It’s really simple. The prodigy’s war is organized by the families that are even higher up the rankings. It is organized by the God’s children rankers of the upper realms. A Collection of some of the three most powerful sect in the upper realm. The Divine Battle Sect. The Divine Aether Sect, and the Thousand Transformation sects. Those three sects are one of the highest sects of the upper realm.

And the prodigy’s war is organized by them. The event is an entry event towards their sects…”

“Oh? You mean something like an examination to enter their schools?” Zeras asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Exactly. The sect boasts of its capability to turn every one of its students into an Undying Realm expert in less than 500 years! If one of our own could enter into the sect. Then in less than 500 years, we would have an Undying realm expert of our own race and we would be able to rank up in the upper realm…” Jim explained as Zera’s eyes flashed.

Now he had understood completely. The reason why the Giarans come here to invade earth.

“But first we need to fulfill the requirements for whoever we are signing up to be one with a 70% bloodline purity.

“So, the truth is, we didn’t all come here for a bloody war? We came here to find a genius that could fulfill the capability of the Prodigies War and therefore rank us up?” Zeras asked in shock eliciting a nod form Jim who downed in another cup.

“Yeah, that is why we’re currently stranded on here, fighting a stupid war. We didn’t come here for war. We came here to improve our clan’s grades. But there must be no mistake. The Geniuses that we must pick up must be someone who truly has everything in heart to our clan. Who greatly respects and believe in the clan, not a vengeful one that blames for taking her away from her race that is why we mut get rid of all these aliens and then remove her memory. Or it might end up backfiring on us once her strength growths bound our limit and she cast her gaze on us instead. Then we’ll be screwed.” Jim said as they both smoked their cigarettes, the smoke puffing around the room.

“Hmmm, I think I have a better idea to rank up our race. One with no bloodshed and no more headache…” Zeras said as he looked at the man before him with a grin.

“Oh yeah? And what is that?”

“Why don’t we just find another person with a 70% Bloodline purity?” Zeras asked as he watched Jim stopped in his track before turning to place down his cup and giving Zeras a look that says ‘are you stupid?’

“Right. Find another person that has a 70% bloodline purity. Do you think we already haven’t tried to find that person? Our race possesses more than a million geniuses yet none of them have a bloodline purity reaching 55% talk less of 70%. If there was such a person, you think he’ll be walking around with no family behind him, and if impossibly he has no family behind him, you think another family wouldn’t having captured him already and nurture him into their own? Where do we suppose we find one?” Jim asked looking at him with a helpless expression on his face when suddenly the alarm rang out from his device as he stood up from his eat.

“Oops, duty calls one again. Nice to meet you, bro. See you around soon…” Jim said a she walked towards the waitress and paid for the drink and even the cigarettes that he smokes before waving to Zeras who waved back and he look at the man completely exit the bar and disappear down the streets.

“This…I never thought this is why the Giarans ae truly here. They are here for Gaia because she possesses a bloodline of 70% purity? And are waging this war to stop Gaia from having to worry about the Humans and instead focus on her cultivation in the prodigies’ war events?!” Zeras mused out to himself as thousand emotions flashed in his eyes but his attention was re-focused when the golden notification panel appeared in front of him.

[Why doesn’t the Host try the Prodigies War?]

“WHAT! You mean I should go for it instead of Gaia?” Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow.

[Yes. The host is a true Chaos Devourer. Your bloodline purity is definitely more than 70%. That means you meet the requirement. Besides, the Giarans don’t know you’re attached with the humans. So, you don’t need to have your memories wiped out by them at all. Well, if that is possible for a person like you in the fist place.

You can use the Giarans as a transport to take you to the Upper realm, while you use the prodigies war events to get into one of the higher sects of the upper realms and crazily improve your strength. Something that should be the next priority for you right now.

And the only thing you pay back to the Giarans is being afflicted to them and you will be able to give the what they want. By reaching the Undying realm and ranking them up. That’s all you have to do for the Giarans in return. No matter how it goes, it’s a Win-win for you.]

The system said as Zera’s jaws dropped onto the ground.

The thought had not even flashed at all in his head and the system already planned out everything. To submit to the Giarans and let them take him instead. And he would use that as an opportunity to get back to his true origin while also being able to find away to secure his growth. It was a crafty plan!