Chaos Effect-Chapter 102 -
Chapter 102: Chapter 102
Welcome back to the Chaos Effect Halloween Special! I am your host, NONE, the Chaos of Earth 181, welcoming you to-
We're from Earth 151.
...no we aren't.
Yeah, we are. Its like how there are 151 Pokemon.
But there are over 1000 Pokemon.
Well, now, but listen Edwin thought it was cute-
Why is EDWIN allowed to name our Earth? I am older than him by millions of years! In fact shouldn't we have Earth-1 as our title? And damn it we wasted our intro again!
"Like, you can go first, man!" Shaggy proclaimed.
"Very well." The Pharaoh drew his hand, looking over his cards. "I will start by playing the field spell Magician's Salvation!" The sky suddenly turned to a beautiful swirling blackness, portals appearing all over that gave views to many different magical lands. "And when I activate this card I am able to set directly from my deck the trap card Eternal Soul!" The card flashed on the field. "And finally I will set Magician's Robes in defense mode."
The robes of the Dark Magician suddenly appeared on the field, standing on their own before shifting into a kneeling position.
"I think ya might want to lay off the starch there, Pharaoh! Those robes are looking a bit stiff!"
"Don't underestimate him, Shaggy!" Velma called out. "The Pharaoh is a very skilled duelist, after all!"
"Don't worry, I am ready to take him on!" Shaggy drew his own hand and looked it over. "Well, if you are going to set up a field spell I might as well do the same! So I'm gonna activate Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table"!"
On Shaggy's side of the field a fine river-side French restaurant appeared. It was several stories tall, looking more like a manor than a place to eat, and had boats coming up to it with hungry patrons. The Pharaoh and Shaggy, along with everyone watching, found themselves on the terrace, tables surrounding them and a wait staff made up of strange fantastical beings all ready to see to their needs.
"Now, when I activate this card I'm able to add one Recipe card from my deck to my hand." He pulled out his deck and looked over it before selecting a card, nodding to himself before adding it to his hand. "Next, I can place one Ritual Monster in my hand on the bottom of my deck to draw one card."
"A ritual monster?" The Pharaoh said, surprised. "Those are powerful cards... if one is able to summon them properly!"
"Like don't I know it!" Shaggy said with a grin. "And now to introduce your dining companion for the evening: Manju of Ten Thousand Hands!"
On Shaggy's side of the field the strange being that looked to be made up of only hands and arms appeared, swirling their limbs about... before calmly settling down at a table. Much to Tea's surprise the Magician's Robe's also took a seat at the table, politely tucking a napkin into the neckhole of... well... itself.
"When this card is summoned to the field I get to select one Ritual Card, be it monster or spell, and add it to my hand." Shaggy once more looked over his deck before selecting his card. "And now I think its time we served up the first course, man! And I'm thinking will start with Recette de Poisson (Fish Recipe)!"
The waiter, which was a small demon that was rather cute in Tea's opinion, appeared before them, presenting a fish stew that it ladled out into bowls for the two monsters.
"Now, because I was able to properly order that dish I am able to add another recipe card from my deck to my hand, so long as it isn't a Fish Recipe." This time he didn't need to go through his deck, as his duel disc just automatically shot the card out for him. "Alright man, let's get eating!" Shaggy cheered. But his good mood became a bit more... determined... after a moment. "Because this dish works best when paired with something else I can now look at the top five cards of my deck and select one Nouvelles or Recipe card and add it to my hand, then shuffle my deck." He looked over his five cards, considering them carefully, and then added one before placing the rest in his duel disc.
"I hope they are able to make room at the table because my Magician's Robes has a guest!" the Pharaoh declared. "By discarding this spell card I can summon directly from my deck, thanks to my Magician's Robes, the Dark Magician!" There was a burst of light and the Dark Magician appeared... and waved at one of the waiters, who quickly placed another chair at the table and allowed him to sit down.
"I was not ready for today," Edwin commented.
"Remember why dueling was about floating castles?" PaniK asked wistfully.
"Like, we can totally accommodate him, man!" Shaggy proclaimed. "But the next course is already being served. I activate Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe), which allows me to tribute another ritual monster from my hand in order to summon my Confiras de Nouvelles!"
On the field another little cute demon waiter/cook appeared, bringing plates of duck that had been slow cooked in only mildly warm oil, setting three plates out upon the table.
"Now, because it takes so long for this dish to cook the restaurant demands you pay upfront, just so you don't dine and dash. And I think you'll be treating me tonight so with this I can destroy one spell or trap card on your side of the field as payment!"
"No!" the Pharaoh declared as the waiter destroyed the Eternal Soul Tablet. "With that gone every monster on my side of the field is destroyed!"
Tea tilted her head as, rather than shatter, the Dark Magician suddenly began to check his pockets before looking to his spare robes. The garment gave a helpless shrug and she realized both were admitting they didn't have their wallets... and thus ran off, leaving the restaurant behind.
"Well, we have to do something with this food, man!" Manju picked up the abandoned dishes on the Dark Magician's side of the table and hurled them at the Pharaoh, causing him to skid back as he was struck. (Yugi-1400)
"Hang in dere, Yug!" Joey called out. "You can still turn this around!"
"Sorry man, but I'm not quite done yet!" Shaggy stated. "See, at the end of each turn the waiters come to clean up the mess. So I take two cards from my graveyard, one of them having to be a recipe card, and place them on the bottom of my deck. I then get to draw a card." He did just that. "Now we're ready for the next course!"
"And it will be one that you will find quite filling!" The Pharaoh declared as he drew. "I start by send my this card to the graveyard to Special Summon the Apprentice Illusion Magician to the field!" The Egyptian Magic Girl appeared with a smile, moving towards the table. "But!" the Pharaoh said, causing her to freeze, "She isn't quite dressed for such a fine establishment so I will tribute her to summon the Dark Magician Girl!" The Pharaoh winced when the Apprentice Illusion Magician glared at him before stomping away, getting on a boat to head off... somewhere... and the Dark Magician Girl appearing in her place. "And this reservation is for two! I use Magician's Salvation to bring back my Dark Magician!"
The Dark Magician appeared on the field, smiling sheepishly and holding up a little golden wallet with the Eye of Horus upon it.
"And now I think I will tackle your meals... and your lifepoints! Dark Magician, attack and destroy Shaggy's Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles!"
The Dark Magician raised his staff... and then handed it to the coat check girl, sliding into his seat and eagerly eating up his fish stew. Everyone watching just tilted their heads in confusion, silently letting him finish.
"Now then... what?!" The Pharaoh gasped as the Dark Magician began to groan.
"Like, I forgot to tell you that my Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles has a special effect! If its targeted by a spell or trap, or if it is targeted for an attack, I can then tribute it and one attack position monster on either field to summon another one of my ritual monsters to the field, so long as it is a level 2 or 3 one, as well as draw a card. So I tribute your Dark Magician and my Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles to summon from my deck Poeltis de Nouvelles!"
The Dark Magician began to cough, gagging before he fell to the ground. Another waiter/chef, a pale blue skinned demoness with purple hair, came over and gave him the Heimlich before motioning for other waiters to remove him... before she set several plates of pan fried beef and potatoes upon the table.
"My Dark Magician... you may have removed him but I can still attack with my Dark Magician Girl! And to prevent you from using your monsters to harm her I will attack your Manju of Ten Thousand Hands! Dark Magic Burning!"
But Shaggy waved his finger. "Like, sorry Pharaoh, but you can't be setting fires in this restaurant unless you're trained to do so! My Poeltis de Nouvelles is able to activate her affect if ANY monster on my side of the field is targeted, allowing me to tribute Manju and your Dark Magician Girl in order to summon a level 5 or 6 Nouvelles monster! So I'll summon Baelgrill de Nouvelles!"
A heavy set purple demon waiter/chef appeared with his dishes, steak grilled alongside small white onions in a beef sauce. But the Dark Magician Girl's stomach gurgled and with wide eyes she leapt from the table, rushing over to the bathroom before some very disgusting sounds issued from it.
The Pharaoh was utterly quiet.
"I have nothing in my hand that can help me now... I can see that the duel is done." He placed his cards on top of his deck. "I surrender Shaggy... you win."
"...what?" Tea said flatly, Edwin and Mai just as thunderstruck.
"Well done, Shaggy," the Pharaoh declared, deactivating his duel disc and bowing his head. "The Heart of the Cards was truly with you this day. If I had to lose the title of King of Games to anyone I am glad it was to you."
"Like hey man, ya did well yourself!" Shaggy said, turning off his own duel disc and walking over to shake the Pharaoh's hand. "And I bet if you keep practicing eventually you'll be as good of a duelist as me!"
"I don't know if I will ever reach those heights, Shaggy, but I thank you for your kind words."
Tea just stared blankly at the Pharaoh as he shook hands with Shaggy.
"...the fuck!?"
"Filler Arc," Edwin told her. "I am... 99% sure this won't count."
He frowned.
"Maybe 83%."
Ishizu, who had been watching the entire time, let out a sigh and began to walk away. 'Even my Millennium Necklace could never predict the likes of Shaggy...' She sadly kicked a can as she trudged off.
"Well, that was a really wonderful duel!" an old man said as he approached the group, wiping his hands on a towel. While he looked like a normal Japanese man he was dressed like a southern farmer and spoke with the same folksy twang as one. "Wish there had been more people to see it but what with the ghost that's been haunting us these last few days folks have been avoiding us." He held out his hand to Fred. "Bill Shadowview, owner of Shadowview Mill and Orchard."
"Fred Jones. And these are my friends Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby Doo. As well as our new friends Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Joey, Duke, Koyo, Mai, Renard, Yuri, Edwin and... uh..."
PaniK waved him off. "I'm the hired help."
"Uh, hold up a moment there, pal," Joey said, raising a hand. "Did ya just say dat ya had a ghost runnin' around?"
"Fraid so," the farmer told us. He pulled out a hankie and wiped his brow with it. "Applehead Jin."
"Applehead Jin?" Shaggy said with a laugh. "That sounds like some sour candy you'd get from the airport, man!"
"Reah, rapple ravor!" Scooby added.
But the farmer wasn't laughing. "It isn't a joking manner, sonny." He motioned for all of us to come over to one of the picnic tables that was set up near the house that served as the welcoming stop for the Orchard. "Applehead Jin was once a farmhand here at Shadowview, back in the days of my grandfather. I barely remember him, I was far too little, but that was around the time my grandfather had decided to allow people to visit our orchard. Jin didn't like that, as he felt that the orchard was, well, a special place and only those that respected apples should be allowed to walk amongst the branches. He fought with my grandfather, trying to get him to change his mind and close off the orchard but he never did.
"Because of his dislike of the tourists Jin was naturally surly to anyone that came around the orchard. He would refuse to pose for pictures, wouldn't answer their questions, and would glare at people if they got to close. But rather than drive people away this made folks want to interact with him more. People would come to Shadowview desperate to take pictures with him or get him to insult him. They took to calling him Applehead Jin."
"Because his head was apple-shaped?" Tristan asked.
"No... because it was completely normal. Like the rest of him. But it was a good name so they went with it. Anyway, it got to the point that Jin couldn't take it anymore and he-"
"Killed himself?" Koyo asked breathlessly.
"What?" Bill said. "Shucks no! He just quit. Grandpa gave him a good pension too and a letter of recommendation. I hear he moved up north, got a job at another orchard, married and had some kids..." He let out a sigh. "But it still bothered Jin to leave. This place was his home, after all. He claimed that after he died he would return here and drive away every tourist so that the apples could be left in peace."
"And now... he has?" The Pharaoh asked.
Bill shrugged helplessly. "That's what they say. People the last few days have shown up only to run away in terror, saying that the ghost of Applehead Jin wanted them gone. Only now... he actually DID have an apple for a head!"
The farmer stared at us.
"Anyway, did you buy your tickets in advance?"
"Yeah," I said slowly when no one else spoke up. "Under Chaos. And pay for these four and their... well, does the dog need a ticket?"
"Not at all!" Bill said before walking up to Joey and scratching him on the head. "That's a good boy. Good boy."
"Uh, Joey?" Tristan said as Joey just leaned into the man's touch.
"Let him have this one," Duke said even as Koyo glared at the old farmer.
"I'll get your tickets then. Welcome to Shadowview Mill and Orchards. I hope you don't die!" Bill waved at us before hurrying into the ticket office to gets our stuff.
"So... what do you want to do first, gang?" Fred asked.
"I want to turn around and leave right now!" Shaggy said, spinning on his heels.
"Knock if off, you two!" Velma exclaimed, grabbing Shaggy by the back of his shirt and Scooby by the collar, preventing them from leaving. "There is no need to be afraid. There is no such thing as ghosts."
"Rut... Rapple-read Rin!" Scooby exclaimed nervously.
I rolled my eyes. "There is no ghost named Applehead Jin. Just some madman in a mask terrorizing people and I just realized that might actually be worse. PaniK! Get the women and let's go!" Mai and Tea let out squeaks as PaniK picked the two up, placing one on each of his shoulders before turning to leave.
"PaniK, stay!" the Pharaoh commanded.
"no!" I shouted, wiggling in my baby bjorn. "Move damn it!"
"You know I have to admit it is rather comfy up here," Tea said.
"I know, right? And a great view." Mai smiled as she looked about.
"Edwin, there are no such things as ghosts," the Pharaoh declared.
I stared at him darkly. "Pharaoh... who are you?"
"Humor me."
"Fine. I am the spirit of a Pharaoh."
"Spirit," the Pharaoh countered, "completely different."
"I don't know, Pharaoh," Joey said, rubbing his chin in thought, leaning in close to look at the Pharaoh's face, "sounds like a ghost ta me."
"It isn't Joey. I assure you of that."
"But you're dead, right?" Joey said, slowly walking around the Pharaoh now. "I mean ya died thousands of years ago?"
"Well... I suppose I did. I don't have any memory of that."
Renard shot the Pharaoh a cool look. "Are you trying to argue that you may not be dead because you can't remember it?"
For his part the Pharaoh took a long breath, eyes steely as he raised his head in a dignified manner. Of course it lost a little of his power due to Renard having a good foot on him in height; more if one removed his hair from the equation.
"We can not be sure of anything, thanks to my lack of memories. I might not even be the Pharaoh... it was Ishizu who told us that, after all."
I let out a groan at that. "I hate that he's kind of right when it comes to that."
"See! So we can not know if I am dead or alive, and thus a ghost, because I have no memory of it."
"Don't use that as an excuse," Duke complained. "You always claim that because you don't have your memories you can't confirm anything or you can't give us a straight answer."
The Pharaoh pressed his lips into a fine line. "I never do that."
Joey narrowed his eyes. "Remember last week when I asked ya where ya wanted ta eat and you said 'I don't know, Joey, I can't say as I don't have any memories so I might have had a bad experience with tacos'?"
"We can't be sure I didn't," the Pharaoh pointed out. "Come now... I will prove that I can give a firm answer. Ask me anything."
Duke stepped forward. "Okay then, so tell me the truth: what do you think of Dungeon Dice Monsters?"
The Pharaoh's eyes went wide at that.
"Oh, he's gonna get mind crushed," PaniK said nervously.
"Its okay, we won't let him hurt you," Tea said, patting PaniK on the head.
"Thank you," he said meekly.
"I... that is to say Duke... there are many factors that must be considered when it comes to determining just how good Dungeon Dice Monsters is. There is... well... the fact that you used Duel Monster monsters for your game-"
"Just for the beta testing, as I assured Pegasus."
"Well then... there is... the nature of dice."
"...I must go now!" the Pharaoh said in a spooky voice. "I feel myself being pulled from this plane of existence... but not in a ghost way but a spirit way! Ooooo!"
"Don't you dare!" Duke declared but already Yugi was back in control.
"...so I've been possessed all this time?" Yugi said, looking down at the puzzle.
"Yeah but we've accepted that," I said just as Old Farmer Bill walked up to us with our wrist bands.
"Well, since you are our only visitors I decided to upgrade you to Gold level for your day here," He said with a smile, pashing out the paper bands. "These will let you go on all the attractions as much as you wish! Also show these to each get a free sandwich; all extras you'll have to pay for."
"Like, thanks man!" Shaggy said, accepting the wrist band; the promise of free food had made him forget all about his fear of ghosts.
"No, thank you!" Bill said with a smile. "We welcome everyone who wishes to visit Shadowview, especially during these uncertain times." His smile fell a bit at that but he quickly perked back up as he gestured behind him. "But don't worry, we are fully staffed here and ready to make this a day to remember. This is my wife, Jenna-"
I tilted my head as I stared a surly-looking old woman who was standing in a door way, smacking a rolling pin against her palm.
"-she runs the bakery for us. Always dreamed of moving to the city and opening a bake shop there but she knows that unless we have a horrible season where everyone is scared away from visiting this Orchard will need us. Then there is my brother, Jimmy." He pointed to the second story window of the ticket house where a reedy man was watching us with his beady eyes and pursed-together mouth. "He is always here even though he doesn't have a full job. I think its because he's mad that I inherited Shadowview instead of him but so long as I remain on these lands they will never be his."
"Who is that?" Daphne said, pointing to a man in a black suit that was leaning against the only other car in the parking lot.
"Hmmm. Donaldson," Bill said, annoyed. "He's a land developer who has his eye on our Orchard, wanting to turn it into condominiums. But don't worry, I'm sure he would never do anything extreme like dress up in a costume to scare away all my business and thus force me to sell." He shrugged before pointing to-
"JESUS CHRIST!" I exclaimed as I took in the hulking 7 foot tall man dressed in ratty jeans and a flannel shirt, his slopping brow and dark eyes making him look like some caveman from a world long lost. He had a massive buck knife in his hand which he was using to carve an apple with.
"Nah, that's just Jin Appelheed, our farmhand. We found him wandering the orchard a few weeks back wearing a tattered prison jumpsuit and with manacles on his wrists... well, we got him entirely squared away and now he helps out." Jin held out the apple, which had been carved to resemble Scooby's head, and crushed the apple into pulp. "Well, have fun!" Bill said.
"We're going to die here," Tea said slowly.
"Probably," I muttered.
"Aw, don't be so pessimistic Edwin!" Yugi declared. "I'm sure it will be just fine! Come on, lets walk around a bit before we decide what to do first!" He motioned for us all to follow.
"Well... I hope whatever teenager 5000 years from now that finds the Key with my soul in it doesn't mind me haunting them," I grumbled as PaniK carried me inside.
Unbeknownst to the gang a figure wearing a brown long jacket with a large apple head with leafy green hair on top watched from the trees, cackling to themselves as the gang innocently went about their business.
"So we're all in agreement?" Fred said. "Everyone BUT Shaggy and Scooby can check out the bakery first. They have the wait till the rest of us have gone in."
"Like, how is that fair, man?" Shaggy complained.
"Reah!" Scooby added.
Velma merely smirked as she answered for Fred, "Because if you go first you two will never leave and will eat everything before we get a chance!"
"Well, I guess when you put it that way..." Shaggy said, not bothering to deny the accusations.
"How is it that we're finally around people our own age," Yuri whispered to Renard, "and I still feel like we're the only adults in the room." She looked over at her employer who was still hanging from a baby bjorn. "Admittedly that isn't helping matters all that much..."
"THEN MAYBE LET ME OUT!" Edwin shouted.
"Are you still crazy?" Yuri asked sweetly.
"Something a crazy person would say!" Tristan said with a grin.
"I am going to make you pay! All pay!" He wiggled his arms, but they were held tight against his chest. "I was trying to throw my hands upwards in a show of mad glee."
Daphne merely smiled though and patting him on the shoulder. "Its okay, Edwin, sometimes I wish I could have a big strong man carry me around." PaniK blushed at that while Fred looked a bit annoyed.
"Well, while you guys all discuss that Scoob and I are gonna get some grub!"
"Reah, ron't rait rup!" Scooby said with a snicker only for Velma to grab onto the two of them.
"Oh no you don't!" she warned them. "You are last remember?"
"Aw, come on Velma!" Shaggy whined. "I'm a growing boy."
"As in out and out," she said, poking at his belly. "If you two keep eating like you do you won't fit in the Mystery Machine!"
"Meh, the treats can't wait," Joey said, slinging an arm around Shaggy's shoulders. "Let's go check out dat ax throwin'. That sounds like a hoot."
"Heheh, yeah it does!" Shaggy said as he, Scooby, Joey, and Koyo broke away from the group.
"Somewhere Seto feels the burning urge to mock Joey and he doesn't know why," Edwin said.
"Well, I want to get some apples for Aunt Gertie. Anyone want to come?"
"I do," PaniK said with a grin. "I have a wonderful recipe for apple muffins that is so much better with fresh picked ones."
"Really?" Daphne said, intrigued. "Tell me all about it!"
"Hey!" Edwin cried out as PaniK began to follow after Daphne. "Don't I get a vote in this?"
Mai shook he head as she watched PaniK just continue ambling away. "I think I should follow them, make sure Edwin doesn't get into trouble."
"I think I'll go too!" Tea said. "Come on Yugi."
"Uh... okay!" Yugi said as his girlfriend grabbed his hand, pulling him away.
"Well, I think I'm going to find out when the next hayride is," Fred said. "We can meet back up in about 20 and then decide who wants to go."
"Or I could text everyone," Renard said as he and Tristan moved to follow after Fred.
"...text?" Fred said, confused.
That left just Velma, Yuri, and Duke standing around.
"What about you?" Duke finally said. "You ladies have something you really want to do?"
"I want to look more into Applehead Jin," Velma stated.
Yuri shot her a look. "Think there is something odd about that as well?"
"It seems odd that the farmer would be so upfront with that story. If I were trying to keep my business aloft I wouldn't be telling everyone about the haunting that was happening."
That made Yuri smirk. It was so nice that the great Velma Dinkly was living up to her reputation. 'Still, she is missing a few key things that might point to an alternative motive...' Outloud Yuri said, "Maybe he wants everyone to think that Shadowview is haunted that way he can use that to save his business."
That caused Velma to frown. "What do you mean?"
Yuri waved her hand about at the decorations that were all about the farm. "Business isn't that great at the moment." While it looked rather nice the lack of people to admire them really was giving the place a sad and eerie feel. Like walking through the home of someone who had moved away and finding the few little pieces of clutter that had been left behind. Yuri felt like she was intruding on something.
Updat𝓮d from frёewebnoѵēl.com.
"Because of the claims of there being someone called Applehead Jin," Velma reminded her. "He's driving away all the visitors. Why though I'm not sure... to make the orchard fail but why would he want it? Does he really care only about the apples?"
But Yuri shook her head. "That's not what I'm getting at."
"What do you mean?"
"When did business begin to slow down for Shadowview?" Yuri asked. "Was it when Applehead Jin first showed up? Or was it before that?"
"Who is to say there even is an Applehead Jin though?" Duke asked, folding his arms over his chest.
"Trust me," Velma said, "before today is done we'll have spotted him. That's how things go for Mystery INC." She glanced back at Yuri. "But what do you mean about business being bad?"
"Let's say they are having a bad year. Business is down, not getting as many reservations to tour the orchard as they might like. They could blame it on bad business practices... or they could blame it on a ghost."
"What... collect insurance money?" Velma asked. "Is that possible?"
"It actually is," Duke stated. "Domino allows business owners to insure their businesses for all sorts of things. Monster attacks, damage from duels, so on. Ghost Insurance is also a thing." He paused. "I should check with my dad to make sure our card shop is ensured for spirits, what with the Pharaoh running around."
Yuri nodded. "Or it might be for them trying to drum up business. There is an entire subculture of fright seekers who want to visit places that are said to be haunted. Hotels that have ghost sightings get bigger business than ones down the road that just have mints on the pillow. Bill spreads rumors about a ghost on his property and suddenly he is getting all sorts of people coming next year."
"But is that illegal?" Duke asked. "I mean, if he's just claiming there is a ghost and no one gets hurt?"
"So long as that is the only thing he is doing," Yuri stated. "But people will take things too far. Needs to up the 'wow' factor so he begins attacking people... and that's assuming that's what he wants to do! It could be for some other reason..."
"Well, looks like we have a mystery on our hands!" Velma declared. "What do you think we should look at first?"
"The ticket office," Yuri said. "I want to look to see if they have a guest book or a record of how many tickets they've sold over the season. See if we can pinpoint just when business began to slow for them."
"That would help determine if it was a gradual thing of a sudden drop off," Duke said. "If we can find out when the rumors about Applehead Jin first popped up we can see if there is a correlation."
"Good thinking, Duke!" Velma said. "Come on gang, let's go!"