Chemistry-Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

Weekly Chemistry(2)

Jeong-woo was focused on the poster shoot in the studio, where hot lights were shining down.

Can you tilt your head slightly to the right?

Like this?

The photographer manipulated the reflector to emphasize the contours of Jeong-woos face and said.

Pull in your chin. Keep your gaze forward~ Perfect!

Click. Click.

Each time the flash went off, there was a subtle tension. However, Jeong-woo had to hold himself as if he were a model, as the photographers demeanor changed drastically when he had a stiff expression.

Ugh, its awkward.

Thanks to the tailored tuxedo to enhance my appearance, it was difficult to breathe. Why was the bow tie so uncomfortable? It couldnt be more awkward, even though it was already awkward.

Now, change the pose. This time, try a slightly arrogant gaze. Imagine the Chaffrins bottle in your hand as a deadly weapon. Shooting stance. Like James Bond, you know?

Like this?

Striving for the best photo was somewhat equivalent to experimenting for the best result.

One hour was spent on facial makeup. While expecting to tidy up eyebrows or highlight the skin color, he never dreamed that there would be a separate perm for managing eyelashes.

Click. Click.

Lets tidy up and go again!

As soon as the photographers command came down, makeup staff rushed in, tidied up his hair, wiped away the sweat on his forehead, and even combed and trimmed his eyebrows before disappearing.

Time passed without knowing how things were going. When he had heard the shutter sound hundreds of times, the photographer lowered the camera and said.

OK! Thats enough. Change the set color, and call Yoon Yi-seol in 10 minutes.

Finally, the shoot was over, and with relief, he stepped out of the lights. However, when he looked at the monitor, the photos taken just now were displayed.

Looking closely, Jeong-woo was startled.

Who is this?

A man standing proudly. No matter how you looked at it, it wasnt himself.

Perhaps magic wasnt exclusive to chemistry after all.

Heading towards the waiting room, Jeong-woo encountered Yoon Yi-seol in a dress, accompanied by the staff in the hallway.


Faced with her commanding presence, Jeong-woo had to suppress a sigh.

The celebrity makeup, which he thought was ordinary, had a power that made him mistake whether he was handsome.

Thus, he could clearly feel how beautiful someone could become when already looking beautiful without it.

You go first. I have something to discuss with my manager.


The hallway cleared as the staff disappeared. Yoon Yi-seol, with sparkling eyes like jewels, directed her attention towards Jeong-woo.

Hey. Han Jeong-woo, who rejects confessions but kisses freely according to his own heart.

Yoon Yi-seols sudden direct hit brought a flash of memories from not long ago. As she approached and stared intently, Jeong-woo involuntarily averted his eyes.

Why cant you look me in the eye when you say youre so shaken and confident that youll give me an answer after 9 months?

Because of her mentioning the most difficult thing to address, Jeong-woo, in a state of being taken aback, started with a polite greeting.

Did you sleep well? Is everything okay with your body?

Well, every day exhausting because of someone.

Yoon Yi-seol, who used to be so nice, didnt let a single word pass smoothly. Jeong-woo recalled the ominous words that Manager Ji had given him.

The shoot today. Will it end safely?

Why are you asking me that?

Because Yi-seol keeps looking at me with those eyes.

What eyes?

Like youre scheming something.

With a meaningful expression, Yoon Yi-seol only looked at Jeong-woo without saying a word.

If you have something to say, just say it. Let me prepare mentally.

Tsk. Even if you dress up, its not like youll reciprocate. Why is your tie crooked?

Yoon Yi-seol approached and fixed Jeong-woos bow tie.

Do you know that the makeup artist also gave me waves like yours? Its a couple concept today.

Yoon Yi-seol, who transformed her long straight hair into voluminous curls, smiled brightly. Jeong-woos guard melted away at her affectionate gestures and smile.

Yeah. Shes Yoon Yi-seol. Theres no reason for her to create a difficult situation for me.

Jeong-woo spoke softly to Yoon Yi-seol.

Manager Cha mentioned that if the shoot goes smoothly, it might end by tonight. Since the showcase is tomorrow evening, try to finish early and get some rest. Even though filming is not familiar to me, Ill do my best to cooperate.

With a hum, Yoon Yi-seol lowered her head, forming an expression that made it clear that it would never happen.

Are you telling me to kick away the chance to be together 24/7?

Its because Im worried. If the schedule is tight, Yi-seols condition deteriorates, and if theres a mistake during the showcase

What mistake? Like this?

Yoon Yi-seol, who had just kissed Jeong-woos cheek. Jeong-woo caught off guard froze in embarrassment.

Stepping back again, Yoon Yi-seol grinned and opened her mouth.

I have a lot of time next week.


You should understand without pretending. Its about going on a date.

A date

Oh. Ill just hold hands, so dont worry about your condition, Jeong-woo.

Casually grabbing Jeong-woos absent-minded hand, Yoon Yi-seol, as a staff appeared on the other side of the hallway, said.

If you reject, youll have to endure my numerous mistakes today.

What kind of threat was this? Even though Jeong-woos heart was pounding, he couldnt take his eyes off her sunny smile.

It seemed like this would happen.

He felt like he would shake uncontrollably as soon as he saw her.

However, the more he was attracted to her, the more clearly he realized there was a line that must be drawn.

Just one year, enjoying chemistry and spending time together was satisfying for Jeong-woo. Still, she kept making him think about life after that.

Im sorry.

Genes transformed by consuming protein complexes. An opaque future after the contract ends.

Even if all of this was temporary, Jeong-woo still wasnt sure.

As uncertain as he was about how problems arising from him might cause her harm, these days were full of unpredictability.

Yi-seol, I am someone with everything uncertain.

Yoon Yi-seols eyebrows twitched at Jeong-woos serious expression.

The side effects of the drug are just part of it. Were still researching

So, youre rejecting the date because of that?

Yoon Yi-seol immediately cut off Jeong-woos words. Jeong-woo shook his head.

Its not about the date.

Thats the only problem I have!

Yoon Yi-seol raised her voice and shot Jeong-woo a challenging look.

Im not asking for much. Just meet next week on my day off, see each other, enjoy the cherry blossoms, have a meal, and maybe get a confession or a kiss. Its not that difficult.

Despite speaking out of anger, she added something without realizing it. Yoon Yi-seol felt it, too, and quickly continued.

Anyway! Jeong-woo, if youre confused, Ill clarify it for you. Whos talking about marriage? Just like me a bit. Dont feel burdened.

Being with her made him follow emotions rather than logic. Jeong-woo tried to keep himself from making the same mistake as last time, leading her to the doctor. He tried to speak calmly. However, Yoon Yi-seols response was quicker, reading Jeong-woos expression.

I knew it would come to this, so I prepared everything.

Yoon Yi-seol firmly grasped Jeong-woos wrist and put something on. When Jeong-woo looked down at his wrist in confusion, he saw it was a smartwatch used for exercise.

I understand everything. You keep hiding your true feelings. Today, Ill properly check.

Pressing the button on the smartwatch, Yoon Yi-seol pointed at the LED screen displaying heart rate.

[120 BPM]

The heart rate was definitely not within the normal range.

Hey, hey. Why is your heart pounding like that? Are you mad at me?

[120 123 125.]

The numbers kept rising. Yoon Yi-seol stared piercingly at Jeong-woo, sending a beautiful and provocative glance in the midst of it.

Ill give you a pass for once or twice by calling it a coincidence. But. If it goes over 140 three times before the end of the shoot, its a clear signal for a date next week. If it goes over 150

Yi-seol, the shoot is starting!

A staff member shouted from the end of the hallway. Yoon Yi-seol raised her hand in acknowledgment and, as she passed by Jeong-woo, whispered.

Cant help it. Even if you say no with your brain, it seems your heart is not that good. Well have to date.


[130 135]

Confirming the reality of what Yoon Yi-seol was preparing, Jeong-woo was left dumbfounded.

The full-scale CF shoot began at the KG Chemical headquarters.

Jeong-woo sat in the fragrance centers perfume room, watching the staff set up the shooting equipment. Having experience participating in cooking variety shows, being surrounded by multiple cameras, sound cables, and lights in a studio felt familiar.

Rehearsal in 15 minutes!

At FDs announcement, the hands of the staff became even busier.

While reviewing the script and the storyboard on the table once again, Jeong-woo couldnt help but sigh. The TV commercials of 15 and 30 seconds, focusing on scenes of product usage, and the 1-minute and 1-minute 30-second internet ads embellished with consumer interviews posed no problem.

However, a 3-minute video with a complete story arc was different. Although Yoon Yi-seol was the main model, Jeong-woo had a substantial amount of screen time. It wasnt a simple ad with a bright smile, saying, Chaffrin works well~.

Surely, theres some intimacy involved.

When his gaze lingered on the planned hugging scene script for the evening, Jeong-woo lowered his head. Even if it was a different situation, the BPM was expected to soar to the sky here.

I should have refused, saying I cant do it.

Once he started to be swayed, there was no time to think.

Jeong-woo pressed a button and checked his heart rate. A normal range fluctuating between 68 and 70. Even considering the sensors margin of error, it seemed fine.

If this keeps going over 140 and she checks it, even if I dont confess it will be obvious that I falled for her.

Stay calm. Cant I control my own heart?

Continuing deep breaths, the BPM dropped from 68 to 65. A very stable value.


Turning his head at someones call, Jeong-woo saw Manager Cha Jin-seong approaching.

Manager Cha glanced Jeong-woo up and down, then opened his mouth.

Look at how cool you look.

I spent an hour on makeup.

Jeong-woo smiled modestly.

I saw the news.

Manager Cha placed his hand on Jeong-woos shoulder and, with an admiring expression, said.

Jeong-woo, you really did something amazing. Im surprised every time I see it. Thanks to you, the CF synergy seems to be good. I dont even know how to thank you.

No problem.

Although the mornings real-time search rankings had dropped considerably, it was still at 7th place.

Meanwhile, friends messages kept coming, and he had to turn off his phone to avoid phone calls.

Next week is a new assignment, right? Center directors are going to be in an uproar.

Even without that, Director Jang is

Jeong-woo showed Manager Cha the message Jang Tae-seon sent. [Jeong-woo! How much? How much to have you!] he read aloud. Manager Cha smirked.

If you officially join in July, it should be interesting.

I might take a break by then.

Ill leave you now. Do well with the shoot. If you need anything, call me anytime. Ill be on standby until tomorrow.

Yes, Manager.

A little later, Yoon Yi-seol and the director entered the fragrance room.

I didnt know Yi-seol had such passion for acting.

Ill trust and follow Director Jeong.

Ill capture a great picture too.

With a light laugh and a conversation with the director, Yoon Yi-seol walked over to Jeong-woos side.

Are you ready to shake things up?

Im prepared.

If you surrender now, Im willing to finish it on our next date.

I have to try being a man at least since Im born as one.

Yoon Yi-seol, with a fist pump and a playful smile, looked at Jeong-woos wrist.

You know its synced to my phone, right? If you really want to date me that badly, I wont stop you.

Lets speak straight. This is Yoon Yi-seols unilateral announcement

Oh, did I make a big mistake here?

In this crowded place where CF staff and company researchers gathered to watch the shoot, Jeong-woo remained silent in response to her determination.

Win first. Then think.

Before making a decision, Jeong-woos determined breath continued.

Director Jeong Bom sat in the directors chair and spoke into the microphone.


Chaffrin 3-Minute CF 1-1 Fragrance scandal

-Mr. Han Jeong-woo, just follow the rehearsal. Dont be nervous.

Jeong-woo couldnt admit to the director that his tension was not due to the shoot but solely because of Yoon Yi-seol.

-Ready~ action!

A beaker labeled Experiment 1 focused on Jeong-woo, who was mixing chemicals.

Right now, Jeong-woo was portraying the chemist who created Chaffrin. The behavior of holding a bottle with transparent paint to exaggerate the color was a routine experiment, so acting was not difficult.


The door to the fragrance room opened, and Yoon Yi-seol, wearing a white gown, entered. A mobile camera approached her face.

Hello, Im Yoon Yi-seol, a new researcher.

The sweet fragrance story of Jeong-woo, who became a KG Life Health researcher, and his assistant Yoon Yi-seol. That was the content of the 3-minute story.

Jeong-woo, focused on the experiment, didnt hear her words and continued pretending to mix the chemicals.

With curiosity, Yoon Yi-seol approached Jeong-woo. Her gaze felt on his neck, and Jeong-woo felt a slight shiver.

Um, what are you doing right?

In the middle of this dialogue, he turned with the beaker in his hand, rehearsing the scene where they collided.

Jeong-woo turned as promised.


And, following the rehearsal distance, he turned a bit closer, meeting eyes with Yoon Yi-seol.

[120 122]

Even without looking at his wrist, he could tell that his heart rate was rising. Their eyes met, and the beaker containing Chaffrin fell, creating a gentle fragrance.

Her surprised expression, enjoying the pleasant scent.

Wow, whats this?


Its nice, the fragrance.

Smiling with a face full of joy, she looked at Jeong-woo with affectionate eyes.

The first scene ended here.

The ad text in the storyboard flashed in Jeong-woos mind.

-Yoon Yi-seols exciting fragrance scandal begins.

As soon as the director called cut, he checked his wrist.

[135 141]


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