Chrysalis-Chapter 600 Royal High Tea pt 1

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Chapter 600 Royal High Tea pt 1

Enid once again checked her appearance in the polished brass mirror that the Colony had provided for her room. It normally wasn't something she would bother with, but today's appointment was something special, after all. She knew the Queen, first of her kind amongst the Colony, wasn't exactly royalty in the technical sense, but the giant ant did possess a certain aura that demanded respect and Enid refused to give less than the proper dues as the mayor of Renewal.

The refugees who made their home above were dependent on the Colony in more ways than one. No longer did they rely on the ants for labour or materials, they had grown to the point where they could provide such things for themselves, most of the time, but their ongoing survival still rested in the mandibles of these creatures. Should Anthony and his kind ever turn on them, the town, and everyone in it, would be swept away in an instant.

The elder woman shook her head to dismiss such depressing thoughts from her head. There had been no sign that the ants would ever commit such an action and deep down, Enid herself believed the Dungeon would cease spawning monsters before Anthony turned on the people he had decided to save. Beyn might be crazy in the truest sense of the word, but he was right about one thing: Anthony was a saviour to the people she now looked after and that was unlikely to ever change.

Preparations complete, she gathered her tea pot, tray and small selection of home baked biscuits and moved out of her apartment, closing the newly installed door behind her. The door itself was an impressive piece of work, intricately carved with leaves and scrolls of ivy that framed her name placed right in the centre. A pair of smaller ants had come and placed it only yesterday, using their strangely mobile front claws to nail on the hinges to the wooden frame they glued onto the smooth stone. It didn't have a lock, the ants didn't seem to see the need for locks amongst their private chambers. She idly wondered if thieving was ever an issue amongst the members of the Colony, but quickly dismissed the thought. What would they even steal from each other? As far as she could tell, they didn't have possessions!

Fully equipped, Enid made her way through the tunnels of the Colony, many of which now featured narrow stairs for the human visitors to use. At every stretch, alert soldiers stood at attention, their antennae waving slowly as they kept watch for the ever spawning monsters of the wave. It was remarkable how well the Colony had been able to hold against the unending enemies that came with a wave, their massive numbers helping a great deal on that front, but eventually they would be hard pressed to maintain their defensive posture when the creatures of the lower strata came knocking.

Though she had little doubt they would meet that challenge. She had heard that Anthony had already begun his evolution to the sixth tier, a huge milestone for any monster. How powerful would he be when he emerged? He was likely already the strongest first strata born ant to have ever existed, with the possible exception of his mother, of course.

Enid was undisturbed as she made her way into the very heart of the nest, save for a few guards giving her the once over with their antennae before waving her through. After a short walk, she had entered the most heavily guarded chambers and tunnels the Colony possessed, the brood chambers. All around she could see the brood tenders carrying and caring for their charges, fat grubs the size of small dogs, each one only a few weeks away from emerging as a full grown hatchling, ready to take on the world alongside their siblings.

The grubs themselves were kind of cute, once you got used to them. Even so, the tenders would never allow any but themselves and a select few ants to touch them. Nothing within the nest was defended more zealously than the future generations of the Colony.

With her platter held at the ready, Enid descended into the location of her appointment, the very centre of the nest itself: the egg-laying chamber.

Their work for the day already completed, the three Queens rested in comfort, a guard detachment present even though the offending mana veins had been banished from the walls. She nodded politely to the three massive ants and received a respectful dip of the antennae in response before she sat at the prepared human sized chair and table, placed her tray in front of her and waited.

It wasn't long before a rather harried looking Coolant burst into the chamber, the normally reserved and calm mage in an uncharacteristic fluster as she ran through the entrance. Enid examined the ant mage as she apparently conversed with her mother, the elder Queen's antennae twitching reflexively as Coolant explained herself. There was something a little different about her, in fact, about Antionette and Victoriant as well. What was it?

Her eyes weren't what they used to be so she had to squint a little in the dim light of the chamber but eventually she realised what it was. They were practically gleaming. Their carapace had an unusually healthy shine, with not a speck of dust or dirt to be seen. When they moved, the light shifted and shimmered on the chitin as if it had been polished to a mirror shine. Enid had seen merchant princes who would pay a fortune to achieve this level polish on their furniture! How had they done it?

After a few short minutes, she felt the touch of Coolant's mind on her own.

[Welcome, friend Enid,] the mage said, [I trust you have been well?]

[Hard not to be,] she smiled, [you take such good care of us down here.]

[That is well. Your trip to the surface was without incident?]

In order to stave off mana sickness, it was necessary that she and every other human who visited the nest make regular trips to the surface in order to regulate their mana saturation. Enid herself had a mountain of work to do every time she went back, administering to the seemingly endless developments on the surface. It was almost a relief to declare the need for a diplomatic mission and return to the nest.

[It was. I hope you have also been well, Coolant. You are looking practically radiant today.]

She intended it as a compliment, but the mage practically flinched at her words.

[Yes,] she muttered, [I have… rested… recently.]

Enid laughed.

[Usually we would consider that a good thing,] she said, [yet for some reason you don't appear all too happy to feel so refreshed.]

[The issue of resting is… complicated, within the Colony. Enough of me, I will facilitate the bridge between Mother and yourself.]

A few short moments and then she felt the powerful, brooding mind of the Queen touch against her own. 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝙣𝙤𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝙣𝙚𝙩

[Greetings, friend Enid,] the Queen once again dipped her head in welcome, [I have been looking forward to your visit. I must apologise for my daughter,] Coolant shivered a little, [for being late. Managing themselves does not appear to be a strong point amongst some of my children.]

[You are the one who created Anthony, after all,] Enid chuckled.

The Queen's antennae wavered dangerously at the mention of the 'troublesome one' and Coolant took a discreet step backwards, putting herself out of range.

[That one has been able to achieve much,] the Queen admitted, [when not frittering about and wasting time.]

The giant ant leaned forward to inspect the things that Enid had brought with her.

[What is this you have carried here, friend Enid? I do not recall seeing such things before.]

She gestured to each item in turn.

[I have a tea pot, full of freshly brewed tea, a few biscuits that I baked on the surface before coming back down and a few cups.]

The queen poked at the crockery with one leg.

[And what is this … tea?]

[I'm surprised you don't know, since it was your children who provided the leaves. It's a drink that humans and other races greatly enjoy, made by pouring boiling water over the dried leaves of certain plants. Sometimes it is combined with milk, though I don't much care for the stuff in my old age.]

She reached out and lifted the pot toward the giant monster.

[Would you care for a cup?]